Well this weeks double EXP weekend is up and away and this week its team snipers. So, what is you opiniom of this weeks Double EXP weekend? I personally think this is good because as well as training my sniper skills you don't get team snipers that often.
its great but its not a pure sniper list becuz of team splasers, but i still like team splasers and it basically gives the feeling of sniping
All I'm going to say is yay! Team Snipers! I've been waiting for this for a while. I'm glad Bungie chose Team Snipers.
Team spazers is great,its chaotic but it can easily break a stride if your in a losing streak Love team snipers,esp sniper hill cuz it breaks from camping in a spot to pwn
The few games i played were fun, but now that i got TOB and GTA, i dont get the chance to play as much as i did.
Agreed. Yup, there is team splazers, I actually don't like it because the beauty of the lazer is taking down an unsuspecting Ghost/Mongoose/Hog. It's not too fun when everyone has a lazer.
apon hearing it i was really excited, but withen a few games, i was highly dissapointed by the lack of long games, and max score being 25. Get rid of pistol, bungie.
Team snipers is really a good playlist for training, but not the kind of playlist I want in Double EXP weekends. It's not exactly fun when when you're lining up a headshot and suddenly five sniper rounds pierce your abdomen in every direction. When everyone has a sniper rifle, it becomes a contest of who can camp the longest without dying. Lots of spawn kills ensue. Every round of TS is just too damn intense for fun.
Although mercifully they threw in splazers for some comic relief. But im actually quiet good with a sniper when everyone else has one,i think im just good at quick firing while strafing and others need to slow down a bit to catch moving people...although the camping gets on my nerves...i just dont like doing it or being on the end of it. But i have noticed myself heading for the snipers in team slayer these days,and going gung-ho on the other team. Lol i remember one idiot i was against in social slayer,camping sniper and i de-throned him...and he literally kept running directly at me,dying horribly each time.Then when his team killed me he ran in and stole the sniper,only to be killed immediately by a respawning me XD.