Don't wanna sound like a persistent noob but its been a while.. does FH have its own server? And if so could anyone lead me to the IP address?
IMO, destroying that building would not be a bannable offense. I would ban the one who built it there.
IMO, destroying that building is griefing. Perma-ban if I remember correctly. Test me. edit; T.Rex, to my knowledge, FH doesn't have it's own server.
Sandstone occurs naturally now huh. You don't. First I'll ask a moderator whether they'd like it removed, then perform the public service of tearing it down, brick by perfidious brick.
You can host your own, however it runs off of your own ram and bandwidth. More so, personally, they are rather hard to start up if your not sure on what to do. Other then that way, most are paid for VPS's.
You seem to know what you're doing as well, getting banned for like ....what is it, 2 weeks? Smooth. Oh btw. At no point does MSP's structure violate any of those rules. While you're at it share with your Matt your cute little threat to tear down the building yourself.
Wikipedia:Griefing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Oh, really? His structure fits that definition perfectly.
When the town was approved, so were it's rules, which have been around for about as long as the server has been. Whether intentional or unintentional, the structure breaks the rules everyone else living there agreed to, and as unfortunate as it may be, the building needs to be demolished. As Mongoose brought up, griefing doesn't just include killing and destroying. That cobble building is as aesthetically destructive to that area as towering. If the entirety of your argument is that it isn't against the rules, you're wrong.
This. Has anyone tried the ForgeHub seed for the map generator yet? I feel so alone because nobody has replied saying anything about it.