28 Weeks Later

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by BubbleWrapLlama, Feb 21, 2011.

  1. BubbleWrapLlama

    BubbleWrapLlama Forerunner

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    Hey everyone. This is my very first time posting a map on Forgehub! (yeah!!)

    So, one day I was sitting in English class, and the teacher showed us a Zombie movie. It was called 28 Weeks Later. I crapped myself, I was so scared, but it inspired me to make this map.

    It's a house. It's a farm house. It's completely accessible, there's a basement, main floor, second floor, attic, and roof. All accessible. The roof is mainly for the zombies, but humans can get up with a bit of teamwork.
    There's also a barn off to the side, also accessible, and the whole Gulch is accessible, as well.

    In the basement
    is the only place in the map you'll find first aid, which is in a cabinet.
    1st floor has a pistol, 4 windows, 2 doors, and 2 staircases leading up, and down.
    2nd floor has a weapon room, with weapons that never respawn save for one of each type. There is also a sniper rifle in the left room at the end of the hallway. There are 4 windows on the second floor. There is a ladder in the top left corner of this level which leads up to the attic.
    The attic has no weapons. It has a balcony-looking thing that zombies can use to get in, a wide window humans can use for shootin' zombies, and a wall-thing that zombies can get in from by the roof, and the humans can only get up by nade-jumping or head-bouncing.
    The roof is well, a roof. Zombies can use it to get around the different parts f the house quickly.
    The barn has 2 shotguns, and 1 machine-gun turret. It has 2 levels. It has a sneaky-hole zombies can use to get in, 2 wholes in the ceiling, one main door, and 2 windows.

    So yeah, because this is my first time posting on Forgehub, sorry if this thread kind of sucks, please bare with me.

    First time posting pictures, here we go:

    Front of the House

    Little Pond

    Closer view of the Front

    There's a lift-thing the zombies can use to get into the house from the side, and I think you can see, off to the right, the beams they can jump on to get onto the roof.

    This is the med-cabinet in the Basement

    This is a part of the 1st floor

    2nd floor ladder that leads up to the Attic

    Window in the attic that you can shoot bad-guys from

    Better view of the Barn

    Inside the Barn

    Man-cannon that leads up to the Attic

    Zombie Spawn

    Alternate Zombie Respawn Points

    ... and a cow. (yes, that's a cow)

    Well, that's it. My first map on Forgehub. Hope you guys like it, and thanks for taking the time to read all that. Please give me feedback, and again thanks.
    #1 BubbleWrapLlama, Feb 21, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2011
  2. Dinosaur Drugs

    Dinosaur Drugs Forerunner

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    Alex I'm so glad that you finally posted this. For your first map post it's very impressive. I will say to anyone who has never played this map, most infection maps do not even compare to this one. The attention to detail and aesthetics are incredible. There is no wondering what the creator was trying to make, you know that you are on a barn and it's a darn good looking barn to boot.
  3. Ticky

    Ticky Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Hey man the map looks really nice and I would not mind testing it and i hope the game type works well and does not give one side an overwhelming advantage. Some FX would look nice on this, and would certainly give it a creepy feel if it was dark. Great first post!
  4. BubbleWrapLlama

    BubbleWrapLlama Forerunner

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    I had to think long and hard (lol) about adding FX. It looks so freakin' pretty without any, and I was kinda low on Budget as it is, I decided not to add any. I'm not sure if I'll keep it this way, or change it.
  5. Ozkid3232

    Ozkid3232 Forerunner

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    Yes I agree, add FX! It would be awesome too if the zombies couldn't come out untill it is nightime!

    Anyway I LOVE this map, it reminds me of Ranch in a game called AA3.

    I would like to test it and get some action shots! This map might also do well in an Assault or Territories gametype.

    Thanks, Ozkid3232.
  6. Sayber70

    Sayber70 Ancient

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    This map looks awesome :D
    I only hav 1 question, what stops humans from using the zombie mancannons to get to the attic?
  7. monkeybean

    monkeybean Forerunner

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    the map looks amazing for a first post and 28 weeks later is possibly the best zombie film ive seen in a while
  8. Talons013

    Talons013 Forerunner

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    I second this concern. Something like this can ruin games. Im not saying this to hurt your map but just because i've had this happen to me in the past and it sucked :/

    On a side note, this does look like a great map and has so much more potential. I recommend experimenting with havens and placed weapons to give the humans places to constantly move to.
  9. BubbleWrapLlama

    BubbleWrapLlama Forerunner

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    I really don't see the problem with having the humans use the man-cannon. The only way they would be able to get into the attic from if I removed it would be the ladder, and a zombie could easily get there before the humans right when the round starts to just camp them. If one person went up, and died, everyone else would be like "Oh, ****!" and then take the man-cannon up instead.

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