What do you guys think of Homefront? Obviously the game has no real plot whatsoever, since it's "story" involves North Korea conquering the western half of the United States. However, the multiplayer may be successful, could this be the next big multiplayer FPS game like Call of Duty, Halo, Medal of Honor, and Battlefield? Or will it fall through the echelons as a mere footnote in history? Currently the game is slotted to be released in March 2011. Does anyone know what special incentives do people who pre-order at GameStop get? Like do you get a special in-game weapon, or free DLC, or a key-chain, or t-shirt or what? Anyway, here's the game's official website and trailer: HOMEFRONT http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5yyWZ2Z6Ps
looks interesting to say the least. I honestly think there will be a plot the way they have it set up to start. Idk though, I think it'll be fun at least even if it doesnt really have a plot.
this game looks SICK! the story looks epic and borderline controversial, which makes it so good! i have been following this game for awhile over on IGN. but with all that being said...they really F*d up on 'Fuel of War' which had terrible game mechanics. So lets hope for the best...
Yeah this game looks great, it has potential to be a Battle Field or Call of Duty. Plus 32 players will be epic.
I honestly cant wait to play this game when it comes out. The campaign should be decent, espacialy with all the horror in killing people n stuff which i've honestly alwas felt in some games. But then could do so much more for this like... -have the campaign be a invite only co-op and have 4 people in a game. -side missions for the co-op (like spec ops in MW2) -create a class in the MM (just cause i love custamizationz) -A completly optional side adventure that involes a north korean bio hazard weapon used as a last resort at the end of da game that turns people in to reanimmated corpses. You and your freinds n some bots from campagin must fight off the undead and gather guns, ammo and barricading items to survive, along with a completly custamizalble character based on a lvl/skillpoint system. =D i love zombies...
hmmm why is it when promoting a games...the people in the playing the game ****ing suck! this doesnt make me want to buy a game when you play on easy and cant figure out how to move in and out of cover! i swear this happens all the time for any promo videos for any game...lol anybody agree? just watch the vid and decide for yourselves... http://www.ign.com/videos/2011/02/17/homefront-house-to-house-combat-gameplay
This **** looks so boring, generic, and uninspired. I give them props for trying to make a cool narrative for the campaign, but the multiplayer looks like it's trying to hard to follow the leader by copying every single popular FPS on the market that sells. Do not want.
Cod basically has a low number of weapons except different versions. Like an automatic assualt rifle, burst rifle, SMG, LMG, bolt action sniper rifle, rockets, pistols, shotguns, grenades, ect. They are all essentially the same and or serve the same purpouse for it's type. IDK I'm just being optimistic. You just want more of the same guns when I personally am ok with a simplified amount of weapons like in Halo, you dont have a dozen variations of the assault rifle in one game.
there's more than 12 weapons. i have this game. the campaign is fun but so so story wise, kind of dark at times as well. the multiplayer makes this title- to me its like the best of COD with the worst filtered out. The class/perk type system coupled with a variety of vehicles makes for great gameplay. Also, multiplayer has 16v16 on xbl the drones are incredible fun as well, they last forever if you know how to use them.
Multiplayer is the the only reason I play the game, the weapons are nothing we havent seen before but I love the large-scale maps and battles