This map looks awesome, if ya post it in the TRC testers forum, ill be glad to test it when its ready
Great aesthetics, clean and smooth. It even looks great with the big ship you have in the hanger. I thought, when I saw that, that you wouldn't have enough resources to makethe map look as good as it does. I can't wait until this is released.
:'( you beat me to it, I was working on a similair map. it looks very well made anyway, and I <3 the door @ 0:25 in the video. good job, make sure to post the finished version so I can DL this beauty
i only have one question. Are those shafts you went down and up tall enough for say an elite? other than that this looks awesome. I had thought about doing something similar to this a while back but it seemed ridiculous
That's a good point I'll have to test that out, I don't ever use elites. *Update* I just raised the roof of the shafts slightly so they now work fine for elites. Thanks for the suggestion
You did an amazing job of creating a map that doesn't instantly scream that it was done in forge. It has it's own aesthetic style, not forge style. The spaces look like they'll be a lot of fun to move through during gameplay. Great job.
No problem. Its just something that you should probably keep an eye on when you make paths like that.
I love this map, played it with you a couple weeks back, loved the vents. pretty damn fun too, you need to post this, it needs more lovin.
The second my layed upon first pic showing the map, I knew I was going to love it. Watching the video you provided only made want to cry and say, "It's too beautiful!" Yay, it's dramatic. Overall the map looks great and I can't for the release. (Hopefully, before meet up with my friends to play some customs.)
The aesthetics presented in your maps are always impressive, but I cannot help but be concerned about their effect on gameplay. Thankfully, this concern is typically redundant and your maps are only improved by your artistic ability.
Its funny this thread should be be resurrected, I just finished reworking nearly the entire map, I believe I have the layout, lines of sight and lag just right. The hangars are quite different now, and everything is more open. I have only played the map like twice since it has been updated but it was quite fun.
I was going to say despite the extraordinary design and aesthetics, it does seem too cramped for open, flowing gameplay. However if you've addressed that.. then wow, cannot wait for this to be released. You've really outdone yourself on this one cody, great job!
What I did is removed the walls between hangars, economized parts, and made the upper hallways easier to traverse by replacing the sidewinder stairs with simple ramps. Where the hangar walls used to be is a wall with the vent tunnel inside. On top of the wall is a nice vantage point overlooking the central or base hangar. Each base now has a ship lift that creates a nice vantage that has lines of sight all the way to the opposite base lift, but not the ground floor. I believe the map now offers a variety of surfaces and very interesting lines of sight. I will have the map uploaded here tomorrow. Thanks for the support everyone! [br][/br]Edited by merge: Map is now posted, see original post, thanks!