I agree. The first map I ever made, was a stinking piece of ****, but I had fun making it and the people who played it had a lot of fun. I wanted to make it better because I like improving the things that I do. I like getting better and exploring my creativity. That's why I forge. My end result is to have a great time making what I make and being happy that I made it. I've said this before and I'll say it again. If you're end goal with anything that you make is to be famous or gain popularity in some way you're more than likely going to be dissapointed in some way. Anyways, I'm posting this video, because I don't know if it's been posted before, but is' a walk through of Condemned. I gotta say that it looks very impressive in terms of scenery and overall look. Layout wise, it looks pretty random. Especially the ledge where sniper spawns at. Very random indeed. YouTube - Leaked Halo: Reach Mappack - Condemned HD Gameplay Highlands YouTube - Halo: Reach - Highlands HD Gameplay "Defiant Map Pack" [Download Video]
I think it's kinda funny, but both Condemned and Highlands are nearly the same design in terms of flow. They both sport an inverse figure eight flow. It's intriguing to me, because why bother with the asymmetry? Condemned should have been built as a symm, it would have made more sense in terms of balance and with certain aesthetic choices, new players could still have easily learned the layout without sacrificing the balance. Yea so both basically have inverse figure eight flow. I'm not saying it's a bad thing at all and that the maps won't play well. They'll probably play decently well, but I find it funny that the designers are reaching into the design 101 pages of map design. Highlands also offers more degrees of movement, but it's also larger scale and vehicle friendly.
Condemnded seems rather large and confusing, but at the same time looks really fun. We'll see, I guess
It would seem like it is, but it really isn't and actually somewhat intuitive. The map could be taken apart in five sections. There is the center which operates as the connecting point between the two bases, which are the high points in the map, and two sides, which are staging ares for each base. You're naturally guided towards the center. For players like me, I'd get bored of it. It doesn't offer much.
Condemned doesn't really pull me in. The design is okay, and the graphics are okay, but nothing overly sticks out to me. Highlands however, reminds me of everything I miss about Halo. Hopefully it delivers.
Holy crap Highlands looks like it could be the next Valhala! Also Im gonna have fun breaking out of every glass area on Condemned with the turret and/or teleporter merge trick!
Recently Halo: Waypoint hinted at a fourth map in Defiant. Here's the quote: This may also be a lone map like Cold Storage from Halo 3. Anyone think this could be that new forge map that was rumored?
damn it, is that the site where you have to be 21 to join? because there was some reason stopping me from joining it, might be In The Workplace though.
NeoGAF requires a paid-for email addres, like a .edu (no free gmail accounts or yahoo accounts allowed). Also, edited thread title to reflect the news
I was expecting to see the maps released around the 25th to be honest. However I'm glad that it was earlier than I had expected. The maps look great and it's good to see a new firefight map being released. I better mark the 15th on my calender.
Part of me is hoping (but doubting) that Unearth shall be featured in Fire-fight but also be featured as a clone map in multiplayer. I mean the map looks really awesome and I think it would be great to player slayer and CTF on. Also I hope that Highlands features forge capabilities like Forgeworld and Tempest.