Welcome! This map is called Spark! And it is the coolest thing since sliced bread. Great for 1v1 and can even handle 8 v 8 (Preferred 4v4) SPARK! Here is a weapon list 2x Snipers - 120 secs - 2 clips each 1xPlasma launcher - 120sec 1x Shotgun - 120 secs - 12 shots 2x Needle rifles - 3 clips each - 120 secs 1xGrenade launcher (pro Pipe) - 5 shots - 120 secs 1xOvershield - 120 secs 1x spiker - 3 clips - 120 secs 1x gravity Hammer - 180 secs 1x Concussion rifle - 1 clip - 180 secs 2x Dmrs - 45 secs - 2 clips each. 4 Frags - 30 secs 4 Stickies - 30 secs Armor abilities - -armor lock - 60secs -active camo - 60 secs 2x jetpacks - 60 secs Here are pics Center area Overview 1 - overview 2 roofless shot sunroom/hallway Please give me criticizm/feedback/watever! Thanks!
I knew you'd come up with another great map. I like that you got creative with the struts' and made a cool design. The aesthetics are amazing and the overall design of the map looks flaw-less. But, where are the weapons list? could you make one please? Other than that, great work. I look forward to seeing more of your maps
Im not going to lie, the map doesnt look too good. I might be wrong Im just saying what I see. However I do love that centerpiece with the struts and the window-ed walkway. the rest though just doesnt impress me. Maybe take some time to edit this farther into a more interesting layout? But this of course is just my opinion, and I dont want to talk down on your map, it does look very promising. I just feel like it looks like you spent a ton of time on the centerpiece and bridge, yet very little time went in to designing the rest.
I also like the centre piece but feel on the same sort of level of audience... However... mine isn't because of the layout, i think the existing layout could work.. the biggest problem I can see is framerate lag. I'm just expressing, this without downloading the map, that it has some pretty big framerate issues because there's no objects blocking clear lines of sight. You have a 50 strut item centre piece in the centre of the map with a wall of windows, and plenty of other objects that cause immense amount of framerate lag.
Hello, this map looks cool. I really like the central aesthetics...the effect you get from the decrotive pieces and the long block 3 or 5. They look really well placed and give the structure a wow factor. The bridge on the other side also looks good, but I feel it has too good a vantage over the map also seems too open with snipers. Nice forging
Thanks likemike, your always a huge supporter for my maps and i thank you. i will add weapon spots to my roofless shot once my stuped computer gets fixed. Audienceofone, i was going to add more cool designs to my map but i had 0 decorative objects left, and was mostly out of anything useful. Stevo i know what u mean, but i took a LOT more time on the rest of the map aside from the centerpice. The strut design took me honestly 10-15 minutes with 15degree rotation snaps. The lag is not an issue for me at all. i tried 3 custom games with 8-10 people each and no one metioned a thing, and i personally didnt see any lag either. And timmypanic the snipers respawn every 180 secs with 1 exrta clip, so people cant dominate the whole map. Thanks for all your feedback! once i get some more idea ill probably make a v2 with tweaked layout
The center piece really impressed me when I saw the first pictures of the map. it looks really good and seems to function with the map to. but sadly the rest of the map doesnt seem to live up to the asthetics of that centerpiece. the rest just seem a little dull compared to it. but I will DL the map and have a look, maps often looks better when youre playing on it. pretty nice work anyway ^^
Ya i know what u mean by dull, and boring. If only we had blocks that werent ALL GRAY. Tell me what you think of the map after you try it out, let me know about any flaws/cracks in the map.
sure yeah I know, the main parts are actually really boring, hard to do anything about that =/ the map layout doesnt look that bad and all but it is just hard to match up the rest of the map with that centerpiece ^^ but I will return with some feedback after I tested it
Okay thanks man. btw when you are finished that guardian map, do u think i can get in on the testing? It looks extremely good, and i love remakes. Gamertag : SO FREEEEEEEESH (their is 8 e's)
did not get a chance to test it. xbox broke down and are sent away for repairment. . . =/ will test it as soon as I get it back
Holy frame rate bat-man! This map exemplifies the negative stigma that is associated with Forge Hub. Overboard aesthetics, major frame rate lag, clutter and poor balance of play space.
haha ok. very supportive? well thats your problem, because i have absolutley no framrate lag. Whats wrong with aesthetics? Well anyway i dont really care, im working on newer maps. thanks for the "constructive critiscism"
Hey Legit, another lovely map you have here. I especially like the huge pillar made of struts in the middle; not only does it look aesthetically pleasing, but it can also be used to easily orient yourself in the map easily upon spawning. I love the sightlines in the top half of the map (with the curved bridges), and the fights that sometimes occur cross-map provide some very interesting outcomes. I especially like the fact that you generally have to pace shots to win these aforementioned fights. The only criticism I would give this map is by looking at the overview I noticed that there were much more boxes for cover at the bottom of the map (looking at the 'roofless shot' for reference, here) than at the top, and you could perhaps place some more cover around the aesthetic pillar to even it out a bit? However, I haven't actually playtested this map yet (not many of my friends play Reach often) so this 'lack of cover' may not be so, umm... lacking. I have only given my verdict based on the images supplied, and gameplay may be completely different to what I have predicted here.