Ok, i saw a thread on Bungie forums today in study hall (i don't study;]), and there was a bungie employee talking about a discussion of adding drivable pelicans, phantoms, & yes... a scarab to forgeworld. He said he's been trying desperately hard to get it approved and has a few members of the team on his side. What are you thoughts on this? I think it would make invasion a hell of alot more popular;] Lol, and think of the epic CTF games!! ----------------------- I think it would prolly come in an 800 Point DLC or something..
I don't think it's even possible to add a new item to a pre-existing map, and considering the fact they said they're only releasing one more map pack (the only place where it would be added), and given that that map doesn't have a map that could support a scarab, I highly doubt the validity of this.
The phantom, pelican, and scarab all already exist in the game, and the first two are already drivable, however the movements of the scarab are complicated and I think all their movements are scripted in the game so I doubt those will show up.
I'd rather have all the civvy vehicles also. Maybe pelican. I think the chances are infinitesimal that this will happen I really, REALLY would like just the spade, the little truck. it'd be an awesome warthog alternative for objective games where you don't want the big gun. Or in race 8 truck snipe race
I think that you'll need to provide a link for anyone her eto beleive you. As for not being able to add new objets to old maps, just have the map pack delete Forge World and replace it with an updated one. The only reason they wouldn't do this is because it would delete all maps made from Forge World, but there's no way for us to know that so as far as we know it could be done.
I'm all for adding the Pelican and some civillian vehicles the scarab would be nice, but I cant see it Myself. I still miss the elephant
Welcome to the land of make believe, where we make up a bunch of unrealistic crap and start a thread about it. If a scarab existed, 1.) it would soak up a good chunk of the forge world budget. 2.) it would cause unbelievable screen lag on an already finicky Forge World with it's multiple movable parts and plasma shooting out of every orifice. Just not viable... and if anyone on the Bungie forums said anything, it would most likely be one of the Forum Ninjas who aren't employees.
1. True because it would basically be the entire map, even if it was just a scenery object. 2. I've found that framerate problems exist primarily from the existence of glass on almost every object on Forge World, and the coordinate system allowing people to easily create hardly noticeable z-fighting at the intersections of objects that still causes serious framerate problems. On that last point, I absolutely agree
thanks ^^ because it really would be awesome, but dont want to get my hopes up whithout any real evidence ;P
If only we did have a pelican, civy vehicles, and an elephant. scarab would be a plus but again, not pratical. Think of how awesome a cops n robbers map would be with an actual police car ^^ and then an evac pelican in infection or something. maybe make the pelican hold a spawn area in invasion/bro slayer... if only
I would like to see some hard evidence for this as it seems to be a lot of work just to please some people. also a scarab in forge world would suck imo
Scarab would only be scenery if anything, tbh I wouldnt want a drivable one... it'd be too big, climbing out all my maps... however one based around destroying a "broken" scarab (invasion) or playing around and in (competitive) could be potentially cool... Pelicans do want, civ vehicles do want... What I'd want is the option to make vehicles fixed and unusable whilst others are, so you could have warthogs on a map but an upside down one as cover elsewhere, without it being flipped...
if thats true they would probably relase it in a dlc as a new map all together (but still the normal forge world just with a scarab) because i dont think you can edit an existing map out side of forge
It sounds cool however without proof I really don't know what to think. Personally I think they should make an update (or a dlc, take your pick) that adds Civilian vehicles and perhaps a pelican (more as a prop and less as a vehicle) to both Forgeworld and Tempest. Bring the link up when you can. I look forward to reading it.
Stop. Stop specualating and everything like that. I think the Author of the thread meant what would it be like? If it diidn't make forge world laggy and stuff. Or at least thats what I want to know.
in halo customk edition there was a fully driveable scarab, phantoms pelicans longswords and ****loads of AI, so lag isn't a problem. I just want a pelican, with cargo seats, Halo reach will kick ass all the way up the street with that in.