Deadlock All Gametypes and Invasion Slayer but no Race or Invasion. Weapons/Equipment 4x DMRs 2x Focus Rifles 2x Plasma Repeaters 2x Plasm Pistol 2x Machine Gun Turrets 2x Grenade Launchers 2x Magnum 1x Plasma Launcher 1x Needle Rifle 1x Shotgun 2x Plasma Grenade Vehicles 2x Warthogs 2x Ghosts 2x Revanants 1x Banshee Descirption In the canyon there is a structure that is blocked off on both sides which serves as a battleground. It has the shape of Sidewinder with some nice BTB vehicle action. The Neutral Banshee may seem cheap but as a matter of fact it works wonders with the gameplay. Also the map is quite open but very fun to play on. Note that the screenshots you are about to see do not show the ramps I fixed in the bases but the youtube video does. Screenshots: Those are the screenshots now here is the youtube video:YouTube - Halo Reach Deadlock Gameplay Montage Tell me what you think This was my first BTB map by the way.
hey! cool you posted the awesome vid... i like ur map... love the bases too! but i got some little critisism of course... i know its ur first btb map, but the bases really support campers and make a lone spartan on the battlefield a trapped mouse... so for that.. you could add some more structures for cover on the battlefield (i know that in many cases it wont look nice but anyways) and the invasion gametype... i dont think thats any good for symetrical maps. kepp forging!!!
looks pretty good actually, but the bases seem small for a btb map. and you might want to add some more structures well, the bases dont seem bad, its just that theres a lot of empty are that would be wayyy to easy to snipe people in. try to make a building near the cave spot
Umm I said for Invasion Slayer not Invasion. Also with the base Ive noticed how the gameplay works and no one really camps in the bases. @Who ever said the base were small...the bases on Hemorrage and Paridiso are smaller than the ones here.