The biggest d-bags on Reach matchmaking?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Gazzaverage, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Not wanting to go -75 is fair enough, and I'm not trying to claim it's fun or even that you should feel bound to run blindly at them over and over, I just take exception to the idea that it's their fault for somehow doing what they're supposed to do in a slayer game when the map is at fault. I've been on both ends of this, and I'm on the winning end and all remaining players deliberately hide and draw the game to time, the question I ask is: why not just quit? Sure they could say the same to me as the one looking and getting bored, but I think of it like this: the game's not going your way, it's not going to end up going your way, so the only reason to stay is A) you're on probation and a quit = a 10 minute ban, or B) you're taking specific pleasure in making the other team sit around doing nothing.

    Also, having the most kills at the end of the game is the objective, thus not dying is only really the objective if you have a chance of winning. Not dying is also only the objective if you're actively trying to make kills, by the same logic. If you're 80-10 down, not dying achieves nothing so I don't quite agree. I'm not trying to lay in to you specifically here, and completely understand why you would hide, not even saying I wouldn't, I tried to play smart in the game I linked and that involves not dying immediately off spawn. What you do after that is a different issue, I circled round and ended 3 sprees, EMPing the tank so it died and killing two Banshees, but even then that's not quite what I'm getting at. My point was only that this discussion was started on the basis of people being assholes, and the implication of your post (somewhat), but more specifically Waylander's, was that the winning team are somehow at fault. Like I said, I've been on both ends of that scenario multiple times, and I just took exception to that assertion as a principle, rather than condemning any instance of practice like yours.
  2. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    Pegasi, I would never quit a game ever. Regardless of what is going on, the draw of a potential huge slot bonus is much greater than the dismantlement of going negative 75...

    Admittedly I doubt that I will ever find myself in this situation because the majority of the people I get paired with in matchmaking are trash, but I am reasonably certain that I would not quit.
  3. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    It's one thing to take advantage of an opportunity that randomly happens now matter how well the spawns are set up, it's another entirely to intentionally work towards that goal.

    As for my own entertainment, everything I do online is for my own entertainment. That is what the internet is for.

    Hell man I don't even see how standing in one spot killing anything that moves before it even notices your there can be fun. THAT sounds just as boring as being the one that gets killed before taking a couple of steps. Gruntpocalyse is boring for that exact reason.

    And why should I quit? Giving up even the meager credits earned for just sticking it out while the assholes that couldn't handle an actual challenge reap the rewards of their laziness. Sorry brother not me.
    #43 Waylander, Feb 5, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2011
  4. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
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    The biggest douchebag in Reach Matchmaking? Me. I never do something like spawnkilling or grabbing all power weapons and don't let them for the team. No. Cause if you do that, 99 % of the time it is because you are a high-ranked no-life that wants to have at least something to be "good" at. But waht makes me a douchebag is the fact i teabag everybody that i killed with CQC so they are close enough to reach them, bag them before he respawns so he can see it on the killcam.
  5. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    I find it incredibly annoying when people characterize people who are better as a tryhard. Its not because they waste their whole life playing, its because they enjoy being good. Also, thats the equivalent of fouling the opposing team in basketball when you are down by twenty points with 45 seconds on the clock (****ing Nebraska) and then complaining about how the other team played unfair. Its just showing that you have no class. I'd say that you ARE the biggest douche bag in Reach; not because you teabag, but because you can't lose with dignity. You are basically nothing more than a little kid if you act like that in any situation.

    I'd guess that if lose a game of chess then the person you played is a tryhard? They obviously waste all of their life playing chess if they are better than you, because there is no way that someone could just naturally be better. I bet the same applies if you lose your keys. The universe is just being a tryhard, trying to make you late and cause you stress. It needs to lay back and let you win everything, because you are entitled to all of it. Yep. Those are the thoughts that come to my head when I get called a tryhard.

    Also, I equally hate people who can't win with grace and give you all sorts of **** for being a bad kid when you lose... aka tbag. You can't lose with dignity, you can't win with dignity, and I pray for your soul.
  6. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Forerunner

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    its a strange phenomenon with online gaming- anyone below you sucks, and anyone above you is a loser who has too much time to play video games. everyone's guilty of it on some level, but I try not to show my prejudice for the mythics and heroes :)

    the trick is to not let these people make you angry or upset, because when you do that you give their douchey actions more power, more control over you and your mood. This CAN affect gameplay.

    Btw, when someone teabags me, I usually try to get them back with a body melee after i kill them. its less childish, still shows contempt and doesn't slow you down or make you look as stupid as tbagging.

    I also wonder how many players who teabag know what teabagging is, where it came from, or if they think it's purely a gaming term. I wouldn't be surprised if over 50% didn't know
  7. Security

    Security Ancient
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    I rarely encounter douches in Reach, but Halo Wars is full of them. Me and my friend were playing 2v2 and were were both covenant and the other team was Anders and the Arbiter. All the arbiter did was rush our base and use rage mode. He's literally impossible to kill because every time he destroys a unit he heals. And when you're both covenant, no one can use a disruption bomb, so we learned not to do that again, but anyway... We're doing bad because we're nooby recruits, and TBH, I can't do **** unless I have Stevo telling me what to do, and the Arbiter guy literally makes a base completely out of shield generators, at that moment I knew they were ****ing with us. By that time, my friend and I decided to make a last push and build a bunch of scarabs. Well Anders just used hawks and Vultures and that was that.

    And if you're still reading, I think they were hacking, because my base rally point would randomly be set to their stronghold so my stray units would just go over there and get obliterated.
  8. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    Yoyo that was such a tryhard post =P
  9. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    Why thank you Titmar, I certainly try! ;D

    But seriously, people need to grow balls and play for fun n stuff. Whether you enjoy giving it everything or just kinda goin through the motions, do it for fun and leave it at that. Don't insult other people.
  10. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
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    You know what's more annoying than HLG? Suicide kids. I was in a 4v1 situation (1 annoying little kid on the enemy team; the rest of the team rage-quit cause I was dominating them with the sniper), and this kid goes and suicides for the rest of the game. Sure, with HLG kids you just gotta find their hiding spot, but with suicide kids, you have a time limit. You have to spawn kill them almost instantly, or they suicide again. I still won the game with a no-effort killing frenzy, but it was so annoying the last couple minutes. I'd rather play an HLG kid, in all honesty, than this guy. Suicide kids are just so annoying in that manner. This was on Uncaged by the way, and they were on the team that supposedly gets the upper-hand. They don't get the upper-hand.
    #50 4shot, Feb 17, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2011
  11. Security

    Security Ancient
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    You know this thread is about hating douchebags, right? Because right there you're telling us how you are one.
  12. Really Caboose

    Really Caboose Forerunner

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    That was a douche bag strategy yea, but its a smart strategy. I mean really, if you have the opportunity to spawn kill a bunch of noobs, and get a crap load of kills... why wouldn't you? No Offense.

    Its rather fun:)
    And if your going to keep feeding them kills, its your fault anyway.
  13. Security

    Security Ancient
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    Is it your fault if your whole team quits and every half second after you spawn 5 people simultaneously shoot you face again and again and again?
  14. 015

    015 Forerunner

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    i was once playing invasion with some eclipses and heroes on the other team, my entire team leaves and the rest of the round i am spawn camped in the same spot by a banshee and every power weapon, yes they waited that long to capture the core. D-bags
  15. Wienermelon

    Wienermelon Forerunner

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    I was playing Grifball with my bro, and every time I got the bomb, he betrayed me, and then the other team went and scored it. Every Time. Never play with your little bro.
  16. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Because it's boring and the only reason to do it is to make your stats on look good. Because having a +2 career K/D spread is a worthy pursuit in life.

    I just had this discussion with Stevo yesterday. There is no talking sense into those people. Leave those people to their MLG playlist so the rest of us can go and play the game to have fun.
  17. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Because you can totally tell other people what they find fun, yeah I definitely see your point on that one, it's not like fun is subjective or anything. Sure I can't really understand taking such delight in effectively harvesting easy kills (though I guess it's not that far shy of FF) or, as may be the case, taking joy in frustrating other people, any more than you can. But is it that different from sitting contentedly in a hiding place, taking direct satisfaction from the fact that you're boring other people? See what I'm saying?

    Yeah, because playing the MLG playlist and having fun playing Reach are, without a shadow of a doubt, mutually exclusive. Being good at the game and playing for the win, and doing so simply because you enjoy that, is beyond conceivable possibility, right? I know your original criticism is against those who take pleasure in punishing others, but when you let that frustration draw your criticism out to those who simply play competitively but do so because they enjoy it, you give up any semblance of righteousness you may have had. I suggest you go read Yoyo's post up above.
  18. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
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    I just hate that in Grifball there is always everytime a team that has connection superiorety. In like 30 % of my games in Grifball it's even or there's just a small difference, like 20 % of my games are when my team gets connection superiority. And 50 % is when the enemy gets it. And in those 50 %, there is another 20 % where the enemy gets EXTREME network superiority where it's pretty much impossible to even hit them.
  19. Berb

    Berb Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    A noble who trash talked cuz I was only a brig 2. I proceedEd to kill him 27 times in my grifball
  20. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
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    Lol. So that guy was insulting you becasue he was yealous that you have a life and he doesn't. When i see an Eclipse, Noble, Legend or other scum in the Lobby, i give them a bad Player Review before the game starts. Since a while i have started to give every no-life i meet a bad Player Review and after a while, it really gets me better games. It happens a lot to me that i meet the same people again in MM. But now i get to play against less skilled players more often since all no-lifes i meet are given a Player Review. And if somebody was better than me without using nooby tactics then i mostly give them a positive review.

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