That has to be one of the ugliest up-to-standards map posts I've ever seen. You didn't even format the weapons lineup rofl.
Yea well, when I release the objective version of it I'll do better but right now I'm tired, bored and procrastinating going to my moms place to do work for her. I'll even have pictures with the window roofs deleted and the base roofs deleted and icons placed where the weapons are. Basically three shots of each level with the above levels deleted to show them all.
Probably should have left the thumbnail image out though. Give you something else to do to keep Chrst and Shadow happy.
Is there any way to turn blocks their original blocks? I hate the fact that they switch off from light and dark. >.>
The color of them. One comes out black, the other one silver. I want them to be all the same lighting. (In Forge)