Valentine's Day 2011- I went out and seen Just Go With It with the girlie, later found out I lock my keys in my car. The delay caused us to miss our reservation at this nice restuarant. On the way to dropping the girlie off I get a flat tire. Haha fml.
I dunno, maybe because I've never really liked you, and you've never really liked me. But that's just a guess.
I personally hate playing Halo with RST. First off, he doesn't have a mic, secondly he often sets down his controller and won't play, and lastly if you're Forging he'll spawn **** and kill you. Not the broest traits I expected.
Tell people you have to get off or something. Don't let us start a matchmaking game with an AFk player. That's not cool.
I don't dislike you. I just think you carry yourself like a condescending prick on the internet. I don't think that's enough ground to dislike somebody.
You're one of the first to think that lowely of the style. It's much more than a "map in a box," but I can see where you're coming from. I made some changes after you were gone, I dunno if you'd ever want to do another game, but I can show you the changes sometime. Thanks It's been done for like 3 months, I should fix the damn spawns and post the damn thing. I just have to do other gametypes first. Thanks, though.