
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Mikal7, Feb 14, 2011.

  1. Mikal7

    Mikal7 Forerunner

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    MAP NAME: Sepulcher
    MAX PLAYERS: 8-10
    GAMETYPES: All (Excluding Race, Invasion, and Griffball)

    Sepulcher is a cave map. It is small, but the space in which you play is set up so well that it seems much larger than it actually is while playing. It is unlikely that you will find a better cave map anywhere (Believe me, I've tried). It takes place in a cave (In case you haven't figured that out yet). Free-for-All Slayer is extremely fun on this map, so is Team Slayer and other team-based gametypes. It is set up as a semi-symmetrical map (Both sides are virtually the same, only the terrain is different). Asymmetric gametypes work well on this map also.

    I spent about 14 hours getting this map just right and endless tests with multiple different people over the course of the months since Reach has been released (Including a former Frag Doll). The balance is nearly perfect for team-based gametypes (Slayer or objective). It was originally designed to be a throwback to a typical Halo: CE slayer game, and Battle Creek was the original inspiration for the base-layout. Spawning is laid out in such a way as to allow for a safe spawn, but instant access to the "action". Likewise, weapon choices and placements were chosen specifically for gameplay in this area.

    Bases are intentionally plain as to steer conflicts out into the bulk of the map. However, with easy roof-access to each base, and enough openness in the bases, fights can and do often shift around one base or another, especially on objective games. The bases have three major access points: Front, Left, and Right. This allows for a quick escape in case of a losing battle. A health pack at each base also draws injured players to the bases.

    The platforms overlooking each base contain a Needle Rifle each, as well as two plasma grenade. The platforms are excellent spots to force players from the roofs of either base.

    All forged pieces flow smoothly and align perfectly. Jumps and distances were extensively measured and went through many trails in order to position them perfectly so as to make the map fair and balanced.

    4x Plasma Grenades
    2x Needlers
    2x Needle Rifles
    1x Shotgun
    2x Health Packs

    Shotgun spawns in the exact middle of the map. It takes an even amount of time from either initial spawn to reach it. The Needlers spawn just outside of each base, and the Needle Rifles spawn on the two sides on the vantage points.

    Lighting was a big concern for this map. It was hard to get the right balance, but I think that the way it is now is perfect. Hiding in the dark is a great way to find a reprieve from the fighting. Likewise, if you think an enemy is doing just that, then toss a grenade his way to momentarily light up the area.

    All armor abilities work well with this map. It is also set up for almost every gametype.

    I am not new when it comes to making maps. This is merely my first attempt at posting one on Forge Hub, which I have been using for a few years.

    NOTE: These screenshots are much lighter than the map actually is. For some reason, when I took the screenshots, the lighting got all screwed up. To actually experience the map, you should download it and play it yourself. As some of you have already pointed out, there aren't a lot of objects on the map, so it will download and load very quickly.

    This is a ground-level screenshot of the route from red base to blue base. The shotgun is between the column and that rock.
    <a href=";current=sepulcherA.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    This is a ground-level screenshot of the route from red base to blue base. There's the shotgun again.

    This is the initial loadout camera for free-for-all Slayer. You are looking at the half of the map leading down to blue base. You can, again, see the shotgun in the exact middle of the map.

    Here's a screenshot of a player trying to hide in a darker area leading up to the platform overlooking red base.

    This is a screenshot of a player shooting at the platform overlooking red base (Where the Needle Rifle spawns).

    Here's a picture of red base. You can get on the roof via the rock to the right (not seen).

    Here's a picture of blue base. Those rocks on the right can be used to get on the roof.
    #1 Mikal7, Feb 14, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2011
  2. PatchworkZombie

    PatchworkZombie Ancient

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    It doesn't look like you've put much effort into this map. From the pictures all I can see is the cave on Forgeworld with some extra rocks and a light. I mean, how long did this really take to build about 10 minutes? I understand this is you're first post, but on this site you will soon learn that if you want earn people's downloads you will have to make something more demanding than a blocked off cave with some rocks scattered about.
  3. Paranoia UK

    Paranoia UK Ancient
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    I tend to agree with some of this statement however I understand that it is hard to get overview images etc when it is a small enclosed map like this. From what I can see it looks nice and organic, the sight lines look good but there are too few images. This makes it hard for people who have not seen the map to visualise what the layout is like. It would be a good idea to post more pictures showing the base areas, the main choke points and any other areas of interest. Also its normally a good idea to list what weapons are available on the map.

    I know most of that is not feedback on the map itself but as Patchwork hinted a good map thread ensures more downloads and thus more feedback. I will download and get back to you with my thoughts.
  4. ItsRyan111

    ItsRyan111 Forerunner

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    I belive that the map is somewhat lacking effort. But its a cave, i mean what else is there to add (exept a secret hideout :D). could use a list of weapons. I love the lighting, it feels like you really put a lot of thought into that part. good job at avoiding the black/white rock shadowing glitch.
  5. MattKestrel

    MattKestrel Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Guys, it's a cave map. Just because he didn't spend a lot of money doesn't mean it's ****. I DL'ed this and had a look, it seems pretty balanced, although the bases are a bit of a misnomer. Perhaps you could expand on the bases somehow?
  6. Madpond

    Madpond Forerunner

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    i also agree with the others this map looks trown together what did you spend 2000?
    i know you new and all but before you post a map think about critisim what are they going to say how downloads will i get and all ways thinks before you post your maps
    i hope the best for you but this map is not for me
  7. Mikal7

    Mikal7 Forerunner

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    Thank you for being the only poster so far to actually follow the forum rules and test the map before reviewing.

    Once you get a few people in the game with you, you'll really be able to tell how well the gameplay flows. You only need three or four people for this map, which is one of its beauties. Try a free-for-all slayer game on it. It's a great way to waste time while waiting for more people to join your party, too.
  8. PatchworkZombie

    PatchworkZombie Ancient

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    More like: "Thank you for being the only poster so far to give my map some positive feedback"

    Look mate, the thing is you're map is way too plain. I mean, I appreciate you added pictures of the bases because of our comments, but the bases are just two forge buildings that would take literally seconds to put in. If you want your map to be downloaded you have to be creative and make you're own bases. Anyone can just slip down two premade buildings and just say: "done"

    Also because you chose to make you're map in the cave, it makes all gameplay be in a straight line. There are no passages, tunnels or anyway to flank another team at all. The choice of the cave was purely for laziness.
    #8 PatchworkZombie, Feb 14, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2011
  9. MattKestrel

    MattKestrel Ancient
    Senior Member

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    No problem. This is one of the least generic cave maps I've seen, with a strong focused layout and some symmetrical elements, as well as a precise weapon selection. The only problem is that the bases aren't really anywhere to fall back to, if you could make them bigger without disrupting the current playable space then that'd be cool.
  10. ItsRyan111

    ItsRyan111 Forerunner

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    after D-L ing i have realized my assumtions from the pictures were far off. this map is terrible. 1. way to open, you can see alot of the map from any point. 2. bases absolutely serve no purpose. 3. why go to that high ground when theres no cover. 4. nothing makes this map special or stand out. 5. shotgun spawns in a miserably open area where you will be gunned down before you can even reach a shot-gunnable distance to someone. 6. health packs in the bases? noone has time to trek back for health (they'll die on the way anyway) so after giving this one a fair chance, i conclude that alot of work needs to be done to get this working.
  11. Mikal7

    Mikal7 Forerunner

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    I appreciate the honest feedback.

    The bases aren't there to actually serve as a true 'base', as it were. Usually, players run through them to snag the health pack or catch following players in grenade traps. they also serve as a great camping spot... at least until someone get up on one of those ridges and starts gunning you down with the Needle Rifle or Plasma Grenades. In team matches, though, the bases can be devastating. Did you notice those 1x1 blocks by the window? Those are there in both bases, and they are great spots to jump in to avoid grenade blasts. They also serve as excellent firing positions. Couple that with the easy roof access and you've got yourself a pretty defensible position, as past experiences have shown me.

    Also, the map is designed for constant, fast-paced action. A 25 kill slayer FFA game usually only takes about three or four minutes with 5 people; Less time with less people. That openness is intentional, so that you can snag that last second pistol kill after your Assault Rifle is spent. The openness of the map helps the pistol to really stand out as a secondary weapon. The size of the map seems to fit the pistol perfectly. It also allows the Jet Pack to be a useful tool, even with the relatively low ceiling.

    And, despite what you think, if you use your armor abilities well, and take advantage of the cover, you can get those health packs. Experience in actual games has proven that to me time and time again (Grrr).

    The shotgun is supposed to be hard to get. Halo isn't all about power weapons (at least to me). However, the shotgun is not necessarily a death-trap. If two people race for it with sprint, they'll reach it at the same time. A smart player will anticipate this and plan accordingly, as is usually the case. Because of that, the Shotgun usually doesn't come into play right off the bat. Later in the match, though, it can really turn the tide.

    Also, the map stands out because it's in a cave. How many cave maps have you seen or played?

    Well, I think that about covers all your concerns. As always, feedback is welcome and appreciated. Thanks.
    #11 Mikal7, Feb 14, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2011
  12. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I agree with everyone on this one. I don't know how you came up with the idea that, and I quote, "For those of you who feel that the majority of the Forge Budget needs to be spent in order to have a 'good' map:
    You don't need a lot of objects to have a good map, just a few well-placed ones. Try utilizing the actual landscape every once-in-a-while.
    Now that sounds rediculous, You absoluetly need to spend almost ALL of your budget to have a good map. But, there's more, you also need to be creative and come up with aesthetics. I have seen about 100 CAVE maps..They're all lame. You didn't use any creativity and quite frankly, you got lazy. Using the landscape is what basically everyone does, but 9/10 they don't use it EFFICIENTLY. You need to come up with a more creative and less lazy approach, it was a good try, but people really want to see maps' that weren't thrown together in 10 minutes. I'm not trying to be an asshole, I'm just trying to make you a better forger with some ideas.
  13. xDTx Kaos

    xDTx Kaos Forerunner
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    Hey he doesn't have to use the whole budget. That doesn't mean ****. It's how the map looks and plays. Like it just might be his style. Like my maps(which I hope to start posting soon) are very detailed and use most of the budget but if he can do it in less then kudos to him.
  14. Mikal7

    Mikal7 Forerunner

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    Well I'm glad you've downloaded my map, gotten at least two other guys, and played a regular slayer game on it in order to evaluate it.

    Oh, wait... nevermind.

    Maybe I should place a bunch of kill-balls, tin-cups, and buildings and other high-cost items so that I spend more of my budget so that my map is better. Gotta get that budget below 1000, else it's not a good map.

    ... Now THAT sounds ridiculous. Don't you even know what 'budget' is? 'Budget' isn't Bungie being mean to you and limiting your Forging prowess; 'Budget' is an indicator of stress on the server. The more 'Budget' you use, the greater stress your map puts on the server.

    So what you have basically just said is that unless a map is redlining the bandwidth limit, it isn't good.

    The more budget you have left over, the smoother your map will run.

    Also, how did you grade the map? Aesthetics only? Wow. You must hate nature. It's pretty obvious that the theme here is "CAVE". I think that the map accomplished that theme very well. There's dirt floors, rock walls, and a rock ceiling. Hey, there's even a few stalagmites and a column! Honestly, is looks somewhat like a few of the caves I've actually been in.

    Before you bash a map for being
    , maybe you should download it and try playing it. The map had a lot of time and effort put into it. The balance is nearly perfect, and gameplay flows smoothly.

    And before you condemn someone for being lazy:
    Why don't you try making a cave map? Show us all what a 'good' cave map is. Please, because I'm very interested in knowing what a good one looks like.

    I'm just trying to make you a better forger.
    #14 Mikal7, Feb 14, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2011
  15. MattKestrel

    MattKestrel Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Maybe you should post some action shots or a gameplay video, you can ask Stevo to do the capturing if you want. Tell him I told you.
  16. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Stevo to do capturing and then me to edit... I C WHER UR GOING WITH THIS BRO!

    On topic: Honestly, the map has no immediate wow factor. Upon saying that though, I do like the fact that it doesn't look grey and metallic like EVERY SINGLE OTHER FORGEWORLD MAP. If I ever get a game on it Ill post some proper gameplay feedback.
    Also the bases are kinda bland, try building something custom that flows with the rest of the maps theme. Little hint: Rock arches are perfectly flat underneath and make good flooring when placed upside down.


    p.s: Jfox and madpond, you guys are fags.
  17. Mikal7

    Mikal7 Forerunner

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    Thanks for being willing to give the map a chance. I don't have time to work on the bases for the next few days, but I will test out a few things I've been toying around with. Also, if you do want to try a game or two on the map, feel free to add me so we can play it together. I always like to see how gameplay flows on my maps to see where improvements can be made. (If I'm not on if/when you do play it, could you send me the 'saved film'?).

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