There have been talks of a new skin for Forge Hub. I think that Forge Hub could benefit from a new look. However, before I begin making the skin of the future. I wanted to poll the community and find out which style would be most appreciated. Below you will find three different layouts. NONE of these will be the Forge Hub skin, they will have a similar color scheme depending on how you vote. I also want to make the issue of the old skin perfectly clear. It will still be selectable in a skin chooser. It may or may not be the default skin when you visit the forum. A brownish gray design with a rough overtone. A gray-blue design with a modern, futuristic style. A skin similar to the current skin we have. This would be a jazzed up version of what we already have.
I like the third one. Lighter colored themes cost more (when viewing them - electrical bill), but they are more appealing to a brader audience. I say 3.
Definitely 3. The darker overtones of the other two remind me too much of bnet, and I hate going there.
Two, because lets face it, no one likes staring at a lightbulb with black text. Two. It allows a sense of organization while steel keeping a clean feelings.
I would say three becuase it utilizes larger icons and print which = use of use. The contrasting colors would not be difficult on the eyes and the color tone goes well together. Nitrous you should open up the poll for those who want it to remain the same as it is now, just in case.
I'm gonna have to go with 3. Not a huge fan of black/gray/dull websites. Although 3 looks a lot like the current skin.
I kind of like 1, its a new kind of exciting color. But in all honesty i really dont like any of these too well. but 1, and 3.
The skin we use now will not be replaced. Some members have been asking for a new skin and I want to make sure the entire community backs it.
I say three, it is a brighter than the other 2 and makes it look better, plus it looks like the one we have now and I guess I'm just used to it.
I like 1 & 3, dont like 2. The skin forgehub has now is bland, so it'd be really cool to see a new scheme of colours.
Definitely 1 or 2 Dark and sleek looks much more professional in my opinion. Also three is very close to what we have now. It kinda defeats the idea of a new skin when its so similar to the old. For those who think a light forum would be better, you should realise how bright a computer screen is and that staring at a bright screen for hours isn't good on the eyes.
Considering what Mallet just pointed out, I looked at 1 and changed my mind. I was going to vote for 3. Remember Nitrous said the skins would be vaguely similar, these aren't the actual skins. A skin chooser is a good idea, and if something like 1 was available I'd go for that personally, but I think something like skin 3 should be made the default.