Could members of the community please link me to their favorite infection maps in Reach? It doesn't have to be infection strictly limited to the stereotypical "zombies" gameplay, but it must be either involving zombies (Or something akin to it) or using the infection base gametype. Also; could you please be sure to link me to Forgehub Threads only? Thanks, I truly appreciate it.
These require some coordination on the part of zombies (ie bum rushing will lead to a continuous slaughter until humans run out of ammo) but otherwise they play great. Don't expect your typical game of infection.
I have a bunch of maps on my fileshare that I have made specifically for infection. I got fed up with Bungie's version of infection and so I crafted my own maps with a gametype to go with them. Check out a preview of one of my maps here is my fileshare. please use the gametype ZM_Outbreak All the maps listed below are ready to be played and each have a unique theme ZM_Bunker ZM_Quarry ZM_Golf Course ZM_Streets ZM_Port
it hasent been posted yet but heres the link the the Bnet LOL LOL LINKIN DA LINK LOL LOL (map) AND IM LINKIN DA LINK TO DA GAME (game) get a party of about 8 and then "Find a Gun" (literaly... its what you sorta do in the game) If you want, invite me to the game I love to play it
I liked the preview you had for Bunker. do you think you could create a few more previews or so for your other maps.
Im mostly focusing on the bunker map for now and am planning on making a big post for it. So far the map has been edited for improved infection gameplay and now supports invasion which plays amazingly. Watch out for an upcoming post. As for the other maps, they will continue to be tested and I am thinking of making a map pack out of them
Neato! Now on infection maps I would also recommend the maps first blood and the left 4 dead series. I be back with the links later.
I hate to sound like I'm "full of myself" or like I'm trying to promote my maps in a cynical manner, but I have made about 3 or 4 infection maps that you could use. They play similar to the first ones listed in the sense that both zombies and humans take multiple shots to kill. If you really want infection maps, I can link to requests I posted in the TG (that's the only place where the links are). They aren't released yet, but it'd be great for some final feedback.
Ney We don't think that. If I had a good infection map on my fileshare I would have posted it here too. So where can we get access to these maps of yours.