my map idea has been stolen, also this is not a map. If u have ever heard of spectre cody he was a freind of mine, today i told him of a lord of the rings map idea of the banshee as a haven and it being the eye held in a space by grav lifts. This idea was roughed in forge by cody and we played it , i let him forge it since he volunteered and wanted to work ont he map. I let him but guess what he said after he started to play test it and i told him not to add something. He told me to work on my own map and let him do the lord of the rings eye idea. Now this will get disabled soon but im warning u. If a map pops up about lotr eye or soemthing with the banshee haven and its made by spectre cody(the author of a map empire from community slayer.) It is a stolen idea, he says he will take full credit from now on from my amazing idea and now i am just a guy who had his idea stolen and this map has now gone into fame from his freinds list, he tells them he thought of it, now please i need help forgehub community, dont give him credit for that idea, its stolen p.s this thread was made to grab attention massively it is not a map and the link leads to my fileshare for a dummy.
You are hardly the first one to come up with the idea of using the banshee locked in place as a safe haven bro.
What waylander said. It's hardly "your" idea. Not much you-or anyone else- can do about it anyways. Tough luck, brah.
Also from what you described it sounds like you really didn't do anything. Anyone can conceptualize an idea. If cody was the one who built it in forge than it is his map. I can say I want to build a map that acts like a minefield with capture plates blocking trip mines. Sounds like a good idea right? Do I own that idea, no. Not until I make it and publish it do I own it, and even in that case I would just be the first person to publish a map like that, I don't own the concept. So sorry if Cody took an idea you gave him and he ran with it but again if you didn't do anything than it isn't your idea anymore.
Just because this has been done many times before doesn't mean you can't take a totally new approach and build a great map.
The only thing you can do to stop him is finish the map before him, or join his game and delete everything he's forged.
Unfortunately intellectual property theft isn't something we deal in here. If you can't trust people with ideas/slash give other people ideas and are hurt when they use them then maybe you should either re-think your friends or re-think your methods. I'm going to close this before some huge ass *****-fit arises.