So right now I'm working on a series of infection maps, yet so far, none use the same gametype. What makes them similar is that where one leaves off, the other begins. So, simple question: Do you guys think that in order to make a series (which I believe to be much different than a map pack), every map needs to use the same gametype?
great question dude, and an interesting topic for discussion. Let us see... I think that to differentiate between a map-pack and series is that a map pack is a bunch of maps sold as one, while each map in a series has something in common (Theme, Aesthetics, Flow, etc) Whatever that thing your series has in common, should stay consistent throughout your series. now to answer your question... I don't think it's NECESSARY to have the same gametype, so long as each individual gametype reflects how your series plays out. Perhaps it would be easier to think of your maps and gametypes as one whole package, and not as individual pieces.
I don't think anyone will go through getting all the gametypes and figuring out the right one. Then people have to get used to the new settings in each gametype. Not to mention you're limited at three maps then unless you have bungie pro. It's best if you can stick with the same gametype throughout the maps.
I would say that you should use the same gametype. You'll make it too confusing when you have to match different game types for the game to play correctly. If anything, just try to incorporate Havens and Custom powers ups to make different parts play differently.
Well all the games do play similarly, there's just some minor but essential changes in each gametype. The series cumulatively tells a story about a group of survivors in a world that has been infested with a new infection. As I mentioned, the series has a lot in common as far as each map goes. For example, if you end at a house in one map, you'll start at a house in the next. It makes sense as far as linear progression through their journey goes. Perhaps, to aid against the confusion, do you think it would help if in each map description I wrote "Play with [Gametype Name]"? I've seen it commonly done before, but not sure if it'll ruin the idea that it's a series. For example, in one of my maps people must walk slower in order to extend the time of the actual journey since the path for each person is slightly shorter than normal. In another map, humans use sprint for a necessary event in the map. In yet another, they spawn with separate weapons so that the AR is more of a respectable weapon. In another, the 'tank zombie' doesn't deal extra damage, but instead just has more health. You get the point, I'm assuming. So, unless someone could figure out a reasonable way to merge all of those gametypes, I think that my series may be at a standstill.
If you are going to use different gametypes for each map I would recommend putting the map name into the gametype description. That way people know which map goes with which gametype.
If it's some sort of Campaign and the Gameplay isn't too different i would say that it's better to make one Gametype. And will your series include Human Loadouts? Because without, you will probable give Humans Assault Rifles when they spawn and some Weapons near their initial spawn. This way, Humans can easily get a Shotgun or DMR AND an Assault Rifle, which is pretty much for one human. Give them Loadouts and remove some Weapons on the Map. Since you can't resist to use DMRs(Headshots need to be off and the Map may not be too open) as a Human. As long as the rest of the Equipment is weaker. Like this: Marksman: DMR Evade 1 Frag Recon: Assault Rifle Magnum Sprint 3 Frag Security: Shotgun Hologram 1 Frag OPTIONAL LOADOUTS: Sharpshooter: Sniper Rifle Magnum Hologram 1 Frag Demolitions: Grenade Launcher Spiker Sprint 1 Frag Maverick: Magnum Golf Club Sprint 1 Frag
Depends, if the map is a hug indoor maps with plenty of corners and rooms with narrow hallways it might be alright to give the player a DMR. Also what do you plan on doing for zombie loadouts (yes you can have zombie loadouts. If you don't know how I along with several others would be glad to tell you how)? One thing I usually recommend for curtain situations is giving the zombies a plasma pistol as a secondary weapon (yes its cheap but it also resembles zombie spit).
I also said that Headshots should be off when there are DMRs. Or you could give Zombies 10 % shields and slightly less Dmg Resistance which makes Zombie 2-shot instead of one shot.