Banshees! Fast and low! (v2!!!) Banshees!! Fast and low! (v2) PLEASE POST FEEDBACK Redownload needed for both GAME VARIENT & GAME TYPE. Alright well, my first version was sloppy, small, and had a few camping spots. The upgraded v2 is clean, organized, and of course sexy. The new platform! BEHOLD and a lower platform ACTION SHOTS!!! (Oh snap) (if your goin down, take some with ya!) (Vehicle ****) (Sneak attack homie!) (For curious people;]) What is this? (old pics (v1) but still same concept.) Alright well, this is my first post so I'm not gonna bother with all that fancy advertising. But I've made a rather fun "mini game". Its aim is simple.. One zombie spawns in the area below. Its target is here. On a floating platform. The survivors are equipped with plasma pistols. They have to defend themselves by overloading the banshees with the plasma pistol overcharge. (target sited) The banshees do very little damage and its next to useless to shoot at the humans. (Friendly intimidation) But just in case, they are armed with drop shields. This fellow just learned drop shields don't deflect vehicles. When you get knocked off or splattered by the zombie, when you die you too will become infected. This process will continue until the last man standing is fighting off hordes of banshees flying towards him from all directions. If your banshee gets overloaded, and you fall to your death... (Aww crap) Don't worry, you will spawn back where you started with another banshee to give it another go! With enough effort and team work.. the last man standing will eventually receive a healthy dose of banshee in and around the face area. (ouch) well there you have it. End of round. On to the next! I've played this game multiple times with a large lobby and my lobbies always seem to love it! Its a laid back kind of game but it never gets boring! The bigger the lobby, the more fun it gets! For people who need an extra challenge as a zombie, there are falcons in the Colosseum. Thanks for looking!! Tell me what you think once you've played! You can't judge this game from the pictures.. its too much fun to look at still framed! (Must be played with the WATCH OUT! game variant.) <3 testers: A Drunken Tiger xDA REAL EXOx VG xGANONx romulus is out And a special thanks to: seredhras
This reminds me a lot of the H3 game, Kamikaze. Same concept except the fact that it's on Reach. I'm sure you have quite some money and items left. You could add something to make it your own, like environmental hazards or something. But the game itself does look pretty fun and I'll give it a go, keep it up.
I have a question: how did the small platform work out in large tests this is an awesome game though, it is so satisfying to emp a banshee you cant hijack can you? because it was awesome when you could and then right away got kicked out
I've played this with a max of 13 people. After about idk, maybe 3 people got infected, if they worked together and all came in at the same time, it was quite hectic. Loads of fun! Haha, and you can still "hijack", but only when you are last man standing;]. I purposely made the platform kinda small because its more fun that way It works great! Thanks for the comment
This just looks like map stuffed with banshees no thanks if i want banshee battles I'll play on Spire or Breakpoint.
Its not that all, its hard to tell from the pictures, i know. The concept is to defend yourself from the banshee onslaught with just your trusty plasma pistol on a small platform. The banshees cant kill with shooting, so they have to knock you off by hitting you. Simple, yet extremely fun. 1 zombie to start, and when u get killed you become infected and have help knocking off the remaining survivors. Its your loss if you don't try it out dewd
I really liked the idea of it, but when I was playing with my friends, we couldn't help but think that the platform the humans are on is little small and doesn't give much freedom for developing strategies in the game. It seemed like your focus was on the zombie spawn, with the alien ship type thing above the banshees. Try using the co-ordinate feature in Forge to line your tiles up right, because the map seemed a little rushed
Thanks for the download!! As this was my first version, yes, it was sloppy haha But i have noooo idear what the "co-ordinate feature" is in forge. Could you explain? And I'll add more detail/decoration and clean everything up in the V2 (im making the V2 right now) [br][/br]Edited by merge: V2 is up and ready for download thanks for all the feedback guys! <3