God noise rock is so good. And I listened to like all the Holy **** albums yesterday, so good dude. actually those are good songs MYTVBro, I jut felt like being a douche to you As for myself I'm going to stay on Australian SynthPop for a while. YouTube - Cut Copy - Take me Over YouTube - Cut Copy - Where I'm Going [New Single] YouTube - 10 Corner Of The Sky - Cut Copy
Sasquatch looks like a great lineup this year Sasquatch 2011 Lineup on Vimeo The Flaming Lips specifically would be a ****ing fantastic show to see. Otherwise I've seen like half the lineup because most of them were at pitchfork last year. Robyn, Sleigh Bells, Wolf Parade, Beach House, Modest Mouse, Best Coast, Local Natives, Surfer Blood, and Major Lazer, all at Pitchfork last year lol. That's not to say the ones I haven't seen aren't awesome, Bright Eyes, Ratatat, Flying Lotus... Hell just watch the video
brb crying cuz of tusk I actually really like Noise Rock, I just wasn't in the mood for it trollface.jpg. YouTube - Queens of the Stone Age - These Aren't the Droids You're Loo
YouTube - Protest The Hero - C'est La Vie [Audio Stream w/ Lyrics] - Scurrilous First track off Protest the Hero's new album, Scurrilous which I'm so excited for. A mix of both of their old sounds from Kezia and Fortress, without a compromise of sounding redundant or like I'm listening to the same **** again and calling it new.
YouTube - Feed Me - Grand Theft Ecstasy [HQ] Full Version Cloudburn by him is ****ing amazing when you're high, too.
Flaming Lips are AWESOME live, I saw them on the At War with the Mystics tour, and just amazing dude. It would be really rad to see them perform The Soft Bulletin live, I love that album. D'awww, I +<3 you too, also QOTSA posted this on face book the yesterday MFW I read that Wolfgang Gartner has some amazing tunes! and I watch this when you posted in on The Facebook. --- YouTube - Holy Ghost! - Do It Again YouTube - Holy Ghost! - "I Will Come Back" YouTube - Hold On by Holy Ghost YouTube - Holy Ghost! - Say My Name Holy Ghost! and Cut Copy are touring America this spring. I'm so looking forward to this show
You young people and your Biebers and large massed metallic substances. This is how we parties back in the day... YouTube - Andrews Sisters' "Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy Of Company B" YouTube - Mr. Sandman - The Chordettes YouTube - Istanbul - The Four Lads
Lupe Fiasco + Bloody Beetroots + Some Metal Guy = Pure ****ing Fantasticness YouTube - Bloody Beetroots Bob Rifo @ Perth BDO 2011 w/ Lupé Fiasco & Dennis Lyxzén
YOUR BACK! I missed you so much. YouTube - James Pants - Theme From Paris YouTube - Etienne De Crécy Feat. The Bloody Beetroots - Welcome (HQ) YouTube - 04 Pharaohs & Pyramids - Cut Copy
New Radiohead Album this Saturday, it's called the King of Limbs, and I'm super ****ing excited. RADIOHEAD | Dead Air Space Click the picture, I'm honestly thinking of buying the newspaper copy, I am so goddamn excited.