One of my biggest concerns is that Halo:CE on Xbox was great because I got to see and hear everyone's expressions as they jumped outta their seat when I beat them down during LAN parties. I'm not sure if you can easily translate that feel to an online Matchmaking experience.
I'm definately going to get this, and I will probably play it more than Reach if the multiplayer turns out to be good. Also, Original Blood Gulch please
Thats arguable. Obviously most people are going to like the first game because everything seems better when you are younger, but after extensive playing of every Halo game available, I would have to say Halo 3 comes out on top. But thats not the point. I can predict people hating this game, and most people will say that its just not the same. Well it will be, there is virtually nowhere you can go wrong when remaking a game like this. People will perceive it to be worse because they are older and not as easily amazed. Saber Interactive is just setting themselves up for failure.
I'll rent it. Buy it if its good. It's probably just a money groper. A fire and forget. HCEforeverinmyheart.
Personally, I won't believe it until Micro$oft confirms it. I don't trust 3rd party websites. Not everything on the internet is true.
Halo: Combat Evolved's campaign was the best by far. I would have to agree that H3 was the best overall, but nothing can beat H1's Campaign. I can, too. In fact, I can see myself hating this game because the only thing they could possibly mess up in this game is the Campaign. And if they don't make it as close as possible to the classic Halo: CE campaign, I will hate it. This is because I couldn't think of a way to make that campaign better, and if they change it it'll just be a worse version of a good thing.
I play the PC version online and the online multiplayer is actually pretty good. I dont say matchmaking because you just drop in/out servers. The gameplay is extremely simple but thats what made Halo great right? That and being the first successful FPS on a console. Same as I said above. BG is so much fun, I wish they remade it for Halo 3 like they did Cold Storage. I wonder if they'll keep the health pack system and the uber pwnage of the pistol intact. If they dont its already a turn off for me
Yes, another Halo Game! Bungie's Legacy of Halo will continue thanks to Saber Interactive. If it 60 Bucks, I'll buy. If its a download, I'll download it. Either way, IM BUYING. So theres no forge, I loved and had the most raging times with HALO 1. But really, Halo:CE making the come back is the most amazing idea ever!
I've always wondered what it would be like with my friends. We imagine if they we're to do a Covenant version of a Halo game I think it would be either before the Human Covenant war or after when they go back to their home world and something like they find a whole Armada of Covenant loyal to the Prophets that know nothing of the downfall of the Covenant laying siege to the Elite world and they have some big showdown or something. But as for the "Halo 4" game they told us its coming point is idk what in the world its going to be about all we do know is that its about Master Chief. Idk y people are so bummed about tht Im more worried about the re-appearence of the BR (Halo 2 BR) or some king of new rifle tht is consistent with its shots besides the stupid Blom on the DMR honestly i wouldnt mind if they brought back the DMR its a great gun but Bloom is by far the worst idea for a video game EVER. just a few thoughts -Addison
Mhm... Fact is, the games going to get alot of hate for one reason. Saber are remaking a game sacred to many people, a game many people see as one of the best (Not me, Halo 3 had better multiplayer and ODST had a better campaign) but nevertheless, remaking a game like that will create a problem. People will go into the game hoping for the same old feeling they had playing C.E when it first came out. And they will be dissapointed. And no matter how incredible the game is, that dissapointment will shroud their judgement and probably make them hate the game. Thats how it was when I started Reach. The fact it didnt feel as much like old Halo games than I wanted it to made me not like it as much. But when I got over myself, I realised it was an incredible game, and I was a fool to think that way. And I know when this game comes out, more than one will be a fool too, Long story short, dont think of it has a remake, think of it as a whole new game. Because if youre expecting it to be all great like you think you remember it, then youre going to be incredibly dissapointed. However, words cannot express how insanely excited I am about this game, and about how insanely angry I will become if Multiplayer sucks.
i havent read all of the posts but i have some news (u guys probably know though) It will be in 3D for 3D televisions. There has been NO word yet on ANY multiplayer at all. They most likely WILL NOT use the same original guns. Bungie will take NO part in it at all. AND I DONT KNOW ONE PERSON WHO DOESNT LOVE THE FULL AUTO PISTOL
Will not use the original guns? If so, BOOO. Full auto pistol? Since when has a pistol in a halo game been full auto? Also, where are you getting this?
Neoshadow: The pistol in halo CE was full auto if you held down the trigger (but it is harder to aim). Also i heard they will be putting in some reach weapons, or at least ones important to the game, like an energy sword u can actually use. as for the link, this info was from a while back, i just got an account so i hadnt been able to post before, ill try and get you the link when i find it.
It wasn't so much that the Pistol was harder to aim when full-auto'd, but that the bloom (yes, bloom in CE) only really took effect when you held the trigger. That, coupled with the fact that any good player is going to prefer timing their shots to exactly when they know they have it lined up over firing at a constant rate, is why the full-auto nature of the Pistol barely ever came in to play. I personally wouldn't be sad if they left that aspect out, though on the other hand I have no objection to them leaving the full-auto in either. However, that's all dependant on the guns themselves remaining the same as or similar to those in CE in the first place which, as you pointed out before, is doubtful anyway.
Agreed. That is enough to make my mind asplode. It already has... as soon as this comes out, I'm probably gonna put Reach away for a long while <3 Actually, on second thought, give us forge. On Coagulation.
Two words: Blood Gulch. Nub . As for the first bit, I'm willing to eat my words on this, but what makes people so sure that whoever does this (if it does happen) won't screw it up? A remake, especially of such a beloved game, is one of the tallest orders around since it has direct and tangible expectations to live it up to. I'd love CE reborn to be just that as much as anyone, but this is all too reminiscent of how everyone at MLG convinced themselves that Reach would be the best thing since CE just because Halo 3 wasn't what they wanted. Reach does frustrate me in many ways but I still love it, though you should see those who are more up in arms about Reach now it's on the circuit over there and take their example as a warning. Not trying to be overly pessimistic here, I just fear for those who get their hopes up too soon. Unfulfilled anticipation can be a painful thing in gaming, not least when it's largely self inflicted.
One word. Sarcasm. Nub Also, I completely agree with the entirety of your paragraph... with one cheviot. Unfulfilled anticipation IS a painful thing in LIFE, not just in gaming. And its a good chance that it wont feel the same at all because its NOT going to be exactly same. And I am hoping thats what we get because, frankly, there were a few problems with that game keeping it from being perfect, and a few things that simply won't work on todays standards. So it will be a little different, and will probably feel different, all I want it for is the nostalgia and the awesomeness of playing that game with better graphics than H3.
Am I the only one who thought some parts of CE's campaign got incredibly repetitive? A CE remake sounds spectacular but introducing some new campaign elements would be nice. Some aspect of Forge would be interesting. Death Island with Forge capabilities anyone?
Ive went through the campaign of that game at least 20 times, both on the xbox and PC. Ive put so much time into the multiplayer. And yet I never bothered to hold down the fire button when using the pistol. You learn something new every day. Organite: I think everyone will agree on that. C.E did have some incredibly repetitive moments, but unlike most games, I didnt mind playing through those moments.