There was a soft kill barrier where I jet-packed to Map By 3 Legged Goat it is in the competitive forum so go check it out YouTube - Fail Mythic Gets Owned
I think I was in that game. Anyway, that was funny because its Mythic... who if I remember was the rank of Hero?
Haha. I think someone deserves the sneaky beaver award. My favorite thing about it is that he was waiting there, looking at the corner waiting for you. Also, was there radar in that game? If so, that was even more embarrassing.
I don't see the special thing about the video either. Sure, the sword guy camped and didn't look at his radar, but you came from a spot where you were not supposed to be if there is a death barrier. I think you 'owned' yourself in the video, I mean, you died because of the demage of your own plasma granade ..
Actually I died because there were about 4 people DMRing me on the roof of the base on that side of the tower.... and it's more of an awareness thing.....sorry, but it was funny for me and I guess you would of had to be there to understand...I found it really funny since he turned around and saw me on the explosion...oh well, thanks for the feedback and view =)