This is the map my friend Twych gave me because he didn't want to finish it . I modified parts of it but nothing serious. I made a custom gametype to go with this too and it is also called labyrinth. You have your choice of spawning with a sword and a hammer or a hammer and a sword (reverse order) Your objective is to reach the ball.(end of the maze) There are three rounds and each round you only have 10 lifes so be careful and try not to run into other people because they WILL kill you(maybe) Also you can not jump at all so if there is a mine you cannot aviod it. Please comment and leave feedback
Looks like a fun map. When you get the ball what is the score up to? I wouldn't mind testing this map whenever you get the chance.
D: dammit! I made a map called "Labyrinth" that looked almost exactly like this, but I haven't posted it yet. I guess the early post gets the worm...
it's set to three rounds of 1 [br][/br]Edited by merge: sorry about that I=m working on like three more of my maps right now(turntable, big team battle map and one other but can't remember) but im distracted lately by school work and Tales of the Abyss
early post gets eaten... But with all seriousness, these types of maps will screw with your head, so for sometime you will feel helpless, frustrated, but still have a good time, is this a run-on? Nicely done, this concept was always too bulky and awkward in Halo 3, but you guys nailed it in Reach with the new pieces. I would recommend asking a buddy completely noob to the map run it, then post a fast forwarded video of them failing over and over.. would definitely add the comical essence to your post.
Looks nicely done. I can't believe I didn't think of making mine compatible with oddball. Should be pretty fun.