Forge Maps that look so Grey

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by OIe Greg, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. OIe Greg

    OIe Greg Forerunner

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    Is it just me or does it seem like the majority of maps, including bungie selected look all so very grey. I think that it is unfortunate that bungie didnt put in skins to change that grey paint they put on everything. I also think that it is sad when I see a great map but still looks very forge-like. Does anyone know what I mean? I challenge my fellow forgemasters to use the forge environment to your advantage to avoid that ugly mundane grey look. Build maps that look like they belong there. I don't like it when you have maps that magically float with no explination. Does anyone like those? I know its a game but come on....Hopefully they will improve this in the next Forge.

    That is all.

    OIe Gregg
  2. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    I always do what I can to make my maps look not so gray and generic, but it's hard - Bungie didn't give us a lot of tools, and some of what they did give us (e.g. the lights) are potential performance killers. Using natural scenery and selecting your pieces carefully in different areas can help, but ultimately we are pretty limited. I would absolutely love a forge palette that made it easier to have different, creative looks, but I don't know if that is possible, or even if it is, if Bungie would care about it enough to give it to us. Ultimately what I have learned, I think, is that Bungie doesn't look at Forge the way we do. We want to be full-fledged map designers; they want us to either toy with existing maps, or put a few pieces in one of their pre-made boxes and call it a day. Forge is still the best map making tool I've ever seen on a console, but it's also well short of what it could be.
  3. MattKestrel

    MattKestrel Ancient
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    Well at least they don't all look brown, there was NO escaping a brown map in Sandbox... :p
  4. OIe Greg

    OIe Greg Forerunner

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    LOL that is very true. i didnt start really forging until reach. I took one look at sandbox and was not pleased. Hopefully they will make forge better in future games to come. A way to level up as a forgemaster would be very nice. It is good that they are putting custom maps in the playlists every now and again. They need to keep it in the playlists. Also, how do they determine what maps get thrown in that playlist? PS only two lights on forge? Come on....well Im outta here. Im gonna make a forge facebook page. ha!
  5. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    You shoulda been here when the only viable option for a truly customized play space was Foundry. Imagine 100,000 small to mid sized green and brown maps with the occasional fence wall thrown in. Talk about variety!
  6. Rho Fs

    Rho Fs 2x2 Forge Judge
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    In comparison, the creativity per square inch of foundry destroys that of forge world.

    Miss those days.
  7. AiSbLSharebear

    AiSbLSharebear Forerunner

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    I agree 100 percent. That's why I made this *Link Removed*
    #7 AiSbLSharebear, Feb 9, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 10, 2011
  8. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    I remember those days. I don't think any space has been more forged to death.

    Need some color?
  9. BattyMan

    BattyMan Ancient
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    The glacial pace in which bungie recognizes their forge mistakes has always been so disappointing to me. Simple colors would've done so much for forgeworld.

    But that's always been the case, one simple change would do so much. And what's so frustrating is that it's never an issue of limited resources, it's always just simple, avoidable, oversight in design.
  10. inomzu

    inomzu Forerunner

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    I think every map that can afford it could use a touch of Juicy. I love that FX, especially since Reach's colors aren't as vivid as Halo 3's.
  11. deathangle

    deathangle Ancient
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    I agree with you. I think that bungie should include some new stuff in thier next forge map. basically instead of creating and entirely new forge world they should do a massive update adding in a lot of new pieces and mabye some that arent gray. I would DL a map pack that came with an extensive forge world update.
  12. Paragon Fury

    Paragon Fury Ancient
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    One of the big reasons is that Bungie didn't include a flat, symmetrical outdoor section for people Forge with; if you want to make a map symmetrical, you have to use the Colli or build your own flat area, using the gray Forge materials.
  13. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
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    Actually, the entire palette is geared toward creating an alien structure or environment along the Halo theme. Affinity brings this out the best, IMHO.

    The gray is simply color neutral. The Coliseum walls need to be gray, or they would clash with other objects that actually had color, such as the 1x4 block's glass.

    Glass is not something you want on the Coliseum walls, as glass is a burden for rendering. If the Coliseum walls had 50% glass, it would kill performance on split screens, being so massive in surface area.

    What would have been great is if each object had a color property that could be adjusted to reflect the hue of the surface, not just some minor detail to accent the gray.

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