That one isn't pretty enough. And I've decided to use the AA emblems instead... if I can find them...
Most of those are really low quality too. Edit: If you give me a rough image of something like that, I can recreate it in canvas.
Just pull them from reach lol.... I can't find them anywhere one the internet. I want to use sprint as "Open Thread" and armor lock as "closed/locked thread".
I happen to have a sloppy remake of armor lock already. Spoiler Edit that's from the beta, I think its the drop shield emblem now
You sir, win the internet. Any other emblems? So far I've put about an hour and a half into this. Spoiler
It's easiest with a base, lousy quality emblem (even from an in-game picture) to copy from. You might like this for locking threads. Edit. Sprint is turning out to be quite easy. I'll be done in about ten minutes. Anything else?
Tweaking the sprint emblem is more difficult than I anticipated so I'll finish up tomorrow. Is there an easy way to remove the white background? I forgot how I did it in the past.