MAMMOTHS They're sorta like elephants, BUT ALOT BIGGER. They have rocket and gauss turrets, and lots of cool shiny stuff, cuz of course shiny stuff is awesome. AND MOTORCYCLES sorta like the UNSC version of the brute Choppers they have rocket launchers on them. AND ALSO: VEHICLES THAT CAN DIG UNDERGROUND they would pop up behind enemy lines and surprise anyone! And they will totally get rocket launchers.
Transport Hog and Transport Falcon. I'd love to get like 3 to 5 guys into a Hog or Falcon and drop them off in an enemy base. They'd make for some epic CTF games. IMO. Oh and screw Moa's. I wanna be able to ride the Trolls on the Nightfall level.
A fighter for the UNSC would be cool, along with a Brute ghost, needle ghost/banshee, and some of the unis from Halo Wars would be great.
Drivable MOA's would spur so many western gametypes and maps, it would be crazy. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Thos ARE pretty awesome! Had no clue about them! Those are DEFINETLY a vehicle that should be brought back.
Also, we need a turret for the UNSC. We have the chain gun but we need something like the Shade turret, but for the UNSC.
Definitely the MOA. Though I think it should only be used for transportation. One rider only. Friggen Wolverine invasion will be epic with this, as well with a Scarab. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Duo turrets possibly? Thats actually a good idea. It will have sandbags and stuff.
Something like the rocket warthog turret or missle launcher turrets from ODST would be cool, wouldnt they? [br][/br]Edited by merge: grizzlies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you mean the gauss turrets? those would be awesome to have back id like to see the mass driver available too if they ever did implement the scarab/dropships into multiplayer. hell, they should make a big team space map with sabres, seraphs, phantoms, etc. all that good ****.
yes but in that one level in ODST were you had to hold out on the rooftops against phantoms and banshees, you had missle pod turrets that locked on and never ran out of ammo, but yes, gauss turrets would be great to have back
those were in halo 3 as well, in the campaign. the mounted turret version never appeared in matchmaking, just the detached missile pods with limited ammo. theyre along the same vein as the heavy machinegun and plasma cannon, which are still in reach. those were pretty fun, but id rather have them be forge-only, since they would be very overpowered in matchmaking, especially with the weaker vehicles.
What im asking for is..... PLEASE LET US BRING POWER WEAPONS INTO VEHICLES BUNGIE! It could pretty much transform the vehicle wichever weapon you brought to the side seat! (Turrets & stuffs) And to be on topic, what about submarines or any aquatic vehicle? [br][/br]Edited by merge: The playlist would be called OMGWTFBBQ. And I would play on it nonstop. (screw cod, Im driving a scarab!)
**** yes. Bungie should seriously implement this sometime in the future. I mean, if they're going to be leaving the Halo franchise, they may's well go out with a bang. it doesn't have to interfere with competitive matchmaking, it should just be something that players have a hell of a lot of fun with, like the current Infection playlist, and the upcoming community slayer, Grifball, and whatnot. Obviously it would have to be included in a fancy, overpriced DLC, though. I'd still pay for it