Do I sing "Always" every time I'm in a car, any time someone says "open your eyes" or anytime I get bored?
NFL is like Aussie or rugby for a loser who couldn't take losing and is scared of getting tackled and can't pass, so he invented downs.
That's pretty funny considering the rules on tackling in rugby and the comparatively few rules on it in NFL. Also, I've not seen anyone in rugby go full tilt into another player. They generally stop just before impact. NFL players however will come full speed from the other side of the field and slam into each other without stopping.
While wearing four and a half metric tonnes of safety equipment. But Ive seen worse happen in Rugby. Not that I have any interest in sport whatsoever.
American players are juiced up and ****ing super human. They need armour or they'd be killing people.
You know the funny thing is y'all accuse americans of close-mindedness. I live in New Zealand dude. You know, the rugby team that whoops the **** out of every team up your way every time they meet? NFL hits are harder. there is no doubting that. Rugby is more fun to watch however.
They don't go full tilt and there are soany rules because (more) necks would be broken. Rules are more easily broken then armor