, This is The Trap! It is not were you want to go at all. You will get sucked in if you get to close and a well placed grenade will give a "BOOM" like results. , This map has vegetation I like vegetation , Looking at the trap and narrow bridge way overhead. The height of the bridge is reached by Grav-lift or by ninjas. , , Outside looking over the balcony and building exterior. , Four leveled Blue Base and Red Base. My Comments: This map was aimed to be symmetrical and Asymmetrical. Both bases are the same. With the center of the map being a toss up of indoor Gravity Flying and ramps up and down many of the walkways, Lower Paths you may also take with its risks. As well as a outdoor balcony. The bottom floor of each Base is equipped teleporters. Also I feel like I must warn you about outside.... Yes it has barriers... but if you fall it will not kill you, if fact you get teleported to the trap making you... well... stuck. Unless you decide to commit suicide or wait and see if an enemy will pick you off, Either way you lose. , , ,
you should put this up on the next forge hub favorites comp. like its set up for all game types except invasion but that does not matter still this is one of my favorite maps for slayer but its a little cramped
This looks great. You should change your thumbnail screenshot so that we can see that from the menu, at the moment you just have a picture of a knife that doesn't do the map justice.
I'm not sure what that is. Favorites Comp? Is that like a team of people that deal with the Game types-variants? [br][/br]Edited by merge: Ok, I'll fix it.