The Jungle Created by Tung44 Supported Gametypes: Survivor- a game where the point is to dodge things thrown at you (you have one life so dont get hit or you could be killed) and don't assassinate because its cheating. Map Description As a group of locals living near a forest you decide to explore it one day. You will soon begin to understand what the song "Welcome to the jungle" really means. After 30 seconds the first wave will come and its a big wave of stuff that you locals polluted into the jungle (barrels,dumpsters, etc.)Will you survive the game?1-16 players, ignore what the description on Bungie says I accidentally put 2-16. Credit goes to Hurricane Katrina, for the idea, but I couldn't find the place to download so I made my own. _________________________________________________ A View of the map Myself staring at whats about to kill me As I stand on the frontline trying to have fun I learn that somebody ends up hurt when you play around He got crushed by a soccer ball! Ahh... My cousin Joker10110 not listening to me again.... Now he's gonna get nailed in the face. _________________________________________________ I hope you all enjoy this map (at the time I did not know about merging) but it still is fun. Don't assassinate because thats the only way to kill and is against the rules. Post what you think about it below and on the Bungie link I provide. (Rate also please.) click here for The Jungle. click for Survivor. BTW: I'm 12 years old and couldn't decide where to put this (casual or mini-games) So please give me a break if I posted it in the wrong area. You wouldn't believe how long it took me to even post this with pictures. First post also.
I've played a map like this along time ago, but it was lame because you could escape, can you escape in this map?
Heyy yo I hear you just cuz your young they bust on you like nice voice and stuff really anoyying but it feels good to kick there ......butt lol yah your links don't work
Hi...uhhhh....yeah.....i've already seen something like this map on youtube, but it was different...sooooo...just thought u'd like to know that. And I do not eat gloves. And this is my actual gamer tag. And this map is very nice. I like it and think it's very fun. You outdid yourself. Good pics by the way. .....(add me on ur frinds list plz)......
nice first post and map now that you know about interlocking why dont you make a v 2 with a cleaner wall and what is the objective do you get only so many lives and try to survive or what?
Yeah, I've seen this map before. I don't think you just "copied and pasted" it, but I do think you saw the original and remade it, worse I might add, The one I played is much neater, and way before you posted this. There is no need to post things that are already out there, especially if it's worse than the original.
Hey I'll try it sometime, lately I haven't had much time and this would technically be V.3 If I made a new one (which i will sometime)
Please don't quadruple post. It is against the rule to even double post, but you doubled the double post rule! Just use the edit button on your posts so you can update whatever you need to update.
Hey, welcome to Forge Hub! This map looks really fun! I have seen things similar before, but this looks good too. Nice Job! ~SS