The biggest d-bags on Reach matchmaking?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Gazzaverage, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    Why is everyone hating on the people who abuse the ability to make the game miserable for the other people. It's bungie's fault those options even exist. Either way if you take the time to select the opposite of preferring the player (I don't remember what it's called exactly), you most likely won't be matched up with them again. There's plenty of time for that seeing as it takes five minutes for bungie to put you in a game.
  2. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    Because this isn't kindergarten and 99% of the people doing it are old enough to know better. Life gives you lots of options that you don't have to take. There's a douche streak a mile wide in XBox Live, and particularly in the Halo community online.
  3. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    When you are in a custom game with friends in a rocket race type of game and they get all the other teams to attack you and only you, just because you're a better driver than they are.

    Yep that's right CHUCK!.
  4. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    what i usually do in a situation like this,
    is go HLG pro all over their ***** asses.

    hide the entire game, and instead of boosting their KD, they are forced to aimlessly and boringly search for you just to get that one little kill. or if you are the only one hiding, and they are spawn raping the rest of your team, hey at least you're sparing yourself the frustration and the negative KD.

    i had an amusing game on Paradiso where the game ended 100-10, my team had 10, only 2 of us were left by the end, HLG pro'ing in the caves. i only had 5 deaths, the other people on my team had like 30-40.
  5. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    lol I remember that one.
  6. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    HLGing people who are holding objective and spawn raping is completely fair enough, but in a slayer game it's just as douchey as what those in objective are doing: ie. drawing out the game unnecessarily and forcing the other team to endure boredom or quit out. I think it's pretty unfair to blame people for beating you in a slayer game tbh, sure getting raped isn't fun, I know that too well, but they're not deliberately making the game miserable like those holding objective, they're just winning.

    I personally hate it when I'm winning a slayer game and the other team decide to hide. If you're not enjoying it then quit, or get the game over with as quickly as possible. However, like I said, in objective if they're holding then it's completely fair game, they have the power to end the game whenever they like and if they don't it's their own fault. HLG the crap out of them.
    #26 Pegasi, Feb 4, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2011
  7. Gazzaverage

    Gazzaverage Ancient
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    Hmmm. Well to be honest I'm very very average at the game and lose a LOT of games, but win lose or draw I enjoy the game and don't whine. I have no problem with losing. However, I do maintain that going to such lengths to prolong the game in order to spawn rape is pretty lame. It's like a dad playing sport with his ten year old kid and playing rough and dirty.

    Don't recall saying I was humiliated. If someone had run up behind me and yanked down my slacks and pants at my baptism.... that would have been humiliating.

    I was vexed. I added them all to my avoided player list and played the next game, wondering how many other people had done the same.
    #27 Gazzaverage, Feb 4, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2011
  8. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Being spawn raped is not fun. If you're better than me then fine but at least let me get out of my ****ing base.

    Killing someone the moment they appear on the map is not skill. So when people do it they should be made to suffer through a borring game because that is exactly what they were just trying to do to me.

    The game Titmar was talking about they had their tank out in the water behind our base, the banshee doing circuits killing anyone that showed up and destroying every vehicle when it spawned and a couple of snipers in the hills and on splazer spawn.

    We had no where to spawn other than our base where we would just instantly die.
  9. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    Crypto's how to:
    Ever get the wraith on Hemorrhage and a team mate keeps plasma pistol-ing it? I HAVE SIMPLE SOLUTION FOR YOU!! Just sit there and do nothing and as soon as they get bored and move away you start your killing.

    Yes it happens a lot so I had to think up something to counter it. ^Might take a minute but it will always work.
  10. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    I thought we were mostly talking about objective games here. Anyway, I rarely go into hide mode in slayer, but if I'm playing 1 on 4 or something I will definitely get a little more Rambo-in-First-Blood on them - crouch walk everywhere unless you're sure you're out of sight, make your kills fast and brutal, and then relocate to a new place with lots of cover. I'm not going to play dumb just so they can beat me 50-10. At least I'm going to put some hurt back on 'em in my loss.
  11. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    And then the other team's wraith comes and shoots you in 1 shot while your teammate's being a ****....
  12. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
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    This. It really is all about the idea of sportsmanship.

    Anyways, who's been a memorable douche to me....

    Oh yeah. So we're doing snipers on pinnacle. You ALL know where this is going, but I'll go on. I can understand people camping the main tower, it's practically the only viable tactic on Pinnacle. But when people are on either side of your ONLY spawn, constantly headshotting you, it's just pure dickery.

    The beauty of that situation, though, was when I decided to party up with their entire 4-person team. They pulled us out into team Swat, and again, voted for pinnacle. I was on the other team, along with randoms, and we got the low spawn again. But, I don't suck at swat, so I managed to pull off a victory with a +27 K/D. That was satisfying.
  13. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
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    I rarely ever play alone, usually with someone in my clan instead, so that significantly helps things as far as annoying teammates. Though I do remember one time in Invasion (since that's pretty much all I play), where my friend got in the wraith, so I figured I would get the ghost so I could watch his back. Our teammate spawns, plasma pistols him for a good 1 and a half to 2 minutes, and then when he finally ran out, tossed both his grenades at the vehicle, causing it to become a kill easy enough for a pistol to take out (no that that's how he was killed, I'm just making a point). My friend gets in the wraith again. Same thing happens. Later in the game, I die, and check the vehicle spawn. The other guy was getting in the wraith, and, like most people, started boosting away in the direction of the spawn I was waiting to be spawned at. I saw him turning towards it, and begin to boost, but I stayed at that area until I spawned. He instantaneously betrayed me so I kicked him.

    Yes, I intentionally got myself betrayed to kick someone. But to be honest, it's better to be down a team member than have one like that.

    However, referring to the assassination thing, it does have tactical advantages (in Invasion and objective games). While it may seem minuscule, it does cause the player to take longer to spawn. Unless someone gets a showstopper or yoink during the animation, the victim is dead as soon as it begins, but they still have to wait the extra second and a half for the animation to end. And sometimes, that's all the time they would've need to get in a territory or capture the objective.

    But don't get me wrong, I'm not the kind of person who goes for the assassination when there's two of them against one of my teammates. Though, on occasion, it has launched the animation despite me simply pressing the button.

    As far as things that I personally dislike, I'd say the main one is people who quit. Call it an honor thing, but I think it's unfair to the rest of your teammates. Even when it's just me vs the entire other team I don't quit. Sure, there aren't any teammates to leave behind, but I'm sure as hell not givin' the other team an easy win - they have to fight for it.

    Last but not least, and it isn't so much about the action that the individual is performing as the system Bungie developed to counter it. Betraying in general. For whatever reason, a teammate can intentionally betray me 3 times, and I can't kick him/her. However, the instant I accidentally betray a teammate (and I make it a priority NOT to betray, so I don't have any intentional betrayals under my belt), I get kicked. Just kind of annoying if you ask me. People seem to be way too boot happy.
  14. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    While I most definitely agree it's not fun being spawn raped, I have to say that it does take some degree of knowledge and skill to be able to take advantage of the poorly implemented spawn system Bungie threw in this game. Controlling the map is one thing, but being able to force people to spawn in exact areas to the point where people are literally being raped upon spawning, is a serious issue. It's the main reason why I stopped playing Invasion and most team games and now only play Firefight.

    At least with the addition of BroSlayer, that's one gametype that should have significantly less spawn camping issues.
    #34 MaxSterling, Feb 4, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2011
  15. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I know exactly what it's like, trust me. Don't think I'm talking from some idealistic perspective here. If you want to blame someone for that, blame Bungie for designing a joke of a spawn system on Paradiso.

    Sorry, but expecting people to be looking directly at a chance for a kill and turn away goes way beyond sportsmanship to just plain unreasonable. We were talking about deliberately prolonging a game for the sake of your own enjoyment/misery for the other team, and HLGing in Slayer equates to that.

    It's not about whether it takes skill or not (though @Shroomz: spawn trapping on BTB Paradiso really doesn't take skill. If you can't 'predict' the spawns when they basically amount to one not that big area, you're stupid, rather than being able to do it equating to skill). Sorry if it sounds unsympathetic, but what you're saying is expecting people to make up for Bungie's failings. It's not the other team's fault that Bungie got a monkey to design the spawns on Paradiso, nor is it their responsibility to account for it.
  16. masterpete117

    masterpete117 Ancient
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    happened to me over a warthog. why couldnt he just ask me!!!
  17. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
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    A game of Grifball where i ended with a KD of -108 or something like that, having a crappy team, and 4 spawnkillers as enemies that weren't even that high ranked. One stays behind with the bomb while the rest boosts. The enemy team got 2 Killionaires and 1 Extermination. It was painful to see their Medals. It felt like they were laughing at my complete halo career. I was way more higher ranked thant them, but i never got a Extermination or Killionare in MM. I went completely crazy.
  18. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Well then if it's perfectly fine for them to abuse the system in that way then it's perfectly fine for me to hide laughing as they try to find me and fail.
  19. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    They're not abusing the system when it's not a workaround or anything. The point of slayer is to kill enemy players, if they see an enemy player, they're going to kill them. You genuinely expect someone to see an enemy spawn in front of them, have a shot lined up with a Sniper or tank or something, then go 'actually, no I won't fulfil the aim of the game and kill that player, cause it wouldn't be fun for them'?

    That's not only expecting honour rules in standard gametypes, but an honour rule that I'd think was utterly stupid even in a game which had honour rules as standard. You might as well just ask people to undo kills because 'you weren't ready' or 'that one was just practice'. Seriously, if you don't like the way Bungie designed maps or things about the game, avoid the playlists in which they come up. If you expect people's first interest to be ensuring the other players have fun, every slayer game would go to 49-49 and they'd flip a coin to see who won. People are going to try and win the game, that's the point, but HLGing in this sense is not trying to win because it admits defeat, it just tries to make that defeat as boring as possible for everyone else in the game for your own sad entertainment.
    #39 Pegasi, Feb 5, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2011
  20. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    i definitely see your point, Pegasi. But i feel that being spawn-trapped by a tank and 2 banshees, snipers, and a laser on Paradiso is definitely an exception. the ability to do that on Paradiso IS a flaw in the map. If i have the choice between a negative 75 K/D, or hiding the entire game to make it as difficult as possible for the other team, im going to choose the latter. Just as the objective is to kill the other team, it is also to not be killed yourself.

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