The biggest d-bags on Reach matchmaking?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Gazzaverage, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. Gazzaverage

    Gazzaverage Ancient
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    I have to share this one:

    Me and a couple of buddies are playing noble map pack playlist. It's the three of us and three randoms vs this team of six. Two of them are ECLIPSE, two are NOBLE, one LEGEND and one lower rank dude.

    The game voted for is 1 flag on breakpoint. This is how the game went:

    • Round 1: We are attacking. Me and my buddies load up the Hog and rush straight for the flag. They are all away gathering power weapons. We get the flag to the tunnel entrance before the banshee blows us up. The rest of the round is spent moving the flag inch by inch. We take heavy casualties, but capture the flag. HUZZAH!
    • Round 2: They attack. They laser our banshee and capture both snipers. Within a minute they have got the flag away. The dude with the flag then stand RIGHT NEXT TO THE SCORE POINT for the rest of the round while 2 snipers on the hill, a wraith and a banshee spawn rape the crap out of us. With 3 seconds to go, he scores the flag.
    • Round 3: The hog rush fails. After a hard firefight, they take control of the vehicles and power weapons. They fight thier way to our spawn area and guess what? Yep, they spend the whole round spawn raping the crap out of us.
    • Round 4: exactly the same as round two, except that me and my mates manage to sneak up the hill and kill the two snipers. With the captured sniper rifles, we blow up the banshee. At this point, realising that we might actually get some kills back on them, the flag dude decides to score the flag.
    At the end of it, we were all really heavily into minus K/D spread and feeling pretty annoyed. Yes, the other team were better than our disorganised bunch of lower ranking randoms, but why do they have to rub it in our faces?

    Can anyone beat this?
    #1 Gazzaverage, Feb 4, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 5, 2011
  2. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    One time my teammate betrayed me for picking up a DMR. Not even kidding.
    That's pretty douchey.
  3. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    No joke, what you are talking about but there were only two of us on our team. I managed to get them back though by bringing my team mate to a hiding spot and staying there for the last 5 minutes of the game. Its was awesome cos they were getting super annoyed...
  4. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Meh, the fact that they beat you doesn't make them douchey. Even if they beat you in such a humilliating way, you entered the playlist with half a team, they didn't. It's your own fault really.

    And yes, there are far more douchey things that players do. For example, if you beat a player to a tank.. they repeatedly sprint infront of you and stand still.. causing you to stop, after you've stopped they just throw grenades at you until the enemy tanks covered more than half the map at this point and blown you up. If you don't stop and end up betraying them, they get the option to boot you and do so.

    That ^ is what being a douche is.
  5. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    If you blatantly and obviously steal someones assassination. I have no option but to because of my goddamn sticky button, so I end up getting half of my kills taken by idiot teammates.

    You can measure the douchiness of a person by the number of YOINK medals he has :p
  6. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    I don't know if they're the biggest but I do consider that extremely douchey behavior. I'm amazed how many people always rush to defend it. To me it's equivalent to playing sports - if you're ahead by 40 you don't keep running your A offense and throwing 50 yard bombs (in football) or alley oops (basketball). No, there's no rule against it, but good sportsmanship suggests that you just finish the game quietly and don't rub it in your opponents' faces.

    I feel the same about Halo. If you have the other team badly outclassed, just beat them and end the game. Spawnkilling, teabagging, and objective-holding is very uncalled for. If you're that obsessed with humiliating people or increasing your k/d ratio by a few tenths, you're playing the game for the wrong reasons (and yes, I feel very comfortable saying that).

    In Halo 3 I was on the receiving end of games like that more than a few times. Usually I'd just wait for my teammates to quit out (they pretty much always do) and then go hide somewhere with a close-range weapon and plasma grenades. The most satisfying result was when they'd get bored in a CTF or assault game and just end it. But it was nearly as satisfying to just sit there watching my motion tracker and get killjoy medals on the douches that had been spawn-killing all game long.
  7. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Much as I love you dude, I have no sympathy for the animation, as you know by personal experience ;). 88 Yoinks and counting on my main, douche and proud.
  8. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Forerunner

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    flipping your warthog at the beginning of the match with a grenade because they want to drive. makes me crazy. what ends up happening is I demo the hog with two more grenades and no one gets it. sometimes i might get booted, but at that point is a relief, i don't want to play with that douche
  9. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
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    You're not a douche unless you have more than 50 of those in Team games. FFA doesn't count, that's every man for himself. I have roughly 40 overall, most of which were either accidental (I made 1 shot on him right as the animation started, and that killed him), or they were FFA. About 10 of those were in Team, and again, most were accidental. So only about 3 Yoinks were on purpose for me. They should have gotten a beat down medal instead.
  10. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    Oh yeah, that drives me nuts too. Luckily most people don't do that. There's also some guys who will run up and melee you if you get in the driver's seat or gunner and they wanted that spot, or wanted their buddy to have it. One time in Halo 3 two guys did that to me until I got out and let them take the hog - I threw a couple frags after them and ended up blowing their ride off the cliff with them in it. And since the other team was BRing them, I didn't even get a betrayal for it. Very satisfying.
  11. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
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    I punched a gunner to death one time, but not to be a douche. Trust me, this looked funny as hell. I stood on top of the Warthog with all 3 spots taken, and waited for the driver to be driving about 5 seconds. Then I melee'd the guy twice and took his spot. It sounds like I was being a douche, but it was funny. And perhaps a bit douche-like. :)
  12. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Honestly, when I'm fighting a 2v1 situation and see a team mate coming to, as I would assume, help me out, only to have him start the animation instead of just backsmacking or even shooting, I'll happily steal his assassination before I die. Teamwork comes before etiquette if you ask me, or rather it's the foremost kind of etiquette in a team game. Though, as you say, most of mine are in FFA. Why you would EVER purposefully do the full animation in FFA is beyond me.
    #12 Pegasi, Feb 4, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2011
  13. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    I'd do it just to boost the commendation. I almost never actually do the animation, though. I guess people just think it looks bad ass, which it does, but I think there should be some sort of real advantage in doing the animation so that it would actually be worth doing for anything other than the commendation.
  14. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    To be fair, it's a lot easier to lock on for the animation than it is to land a standard backsmack. They've decreased the registration radius across the back for a 1 hit kill melee compared to H3, but you can lock on from further away and a much larger radius if you hold the button. Basically it's easier to get the kill, but you risk having it stolen (*hint hint*) or being killed. I think the balance of risk vs. advantage is actually pretty good.
    #14 Pegasi, Feb 4, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2011
  15. ThrowinDemBows

    ThrowinDemBows Takoyaki?
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    I'm suprised no one has mentioned the douches who betray you because you have "their" sniper rifle.
  16. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Wait.. Their douches because they humiliated you on a game? They probably were just boosting their K/D. BTW, all gamers are trolls, you posting this thread is just feeding them tbh.
  17. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    People who go out of their way to humiliate somebody else in a recreational activity are douches, yes, pretty much regardless of whether they have an ulterior motive or are just doing it for the sake of it. Nobody likes to spend minutes on end in a game they've already clearly lost getting killed over and over by people who control all the best weapons, vehicles, and strategic areas of the map, and usually have them outnumbered because of quit-outs. That's not friendly competition - it's being a jackass.
  18. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    While it is douche-like to betray someone for taking a sniper rifle, the bigger douchebaggery belongs to the people who, once you have the sniper rifle, will begin chasing and shooting you for the next 5 minutes because they are butthurt. Those people will then proceed to suck when they finally manage to betray or annoy the **** out of me enough to drop it.
  19. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Here's what I have started doing in that situation: fire every round of it into the dirt and then swap it for another weapon.
  20. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Forerunner

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    yeah or sometimes if they are about to kill me and its map i can fall off of i'll just jump to my death so they can't pick it up. (the cage, pinnacle, etc, especially happens with the sniper, sometimes the shotgun)

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