Ideas for Halo 4

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by M0aHerder, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. Patsteirer

    Patsteirer Forerunner

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    Definitely looks shopped
    the weapon icons are clearly from Halo 1 or 2, and look like they've been cut and pasted.

    Same with the radar.

    In all honesty, I think the odds of something like that being leaked is extremely small. So everyone just hold on to their pants. lol
  2. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Forerunner

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    ah i had it completely backward than! :p hehe

    I'd like a mythic difficulty where you play as a marine. no shields, just health.
    #22 IH8YourGamerTag, Feb 2, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2011
  3. cannibalghoul

    cannibalghoul Forerunner

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    i want an improved forge with terrain editing, customizable weapons, and proper event triggers outside of invasion. hell, just make all values editable, if i want to play a game of giant spartans shooting missiles out of bright pink assault rifles, then so be it.
  4. M0aHerder

    M0aHerder Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    That leaked pic was around before Reach came out so I doubt it's real.

    Anyways, here's some more ideas:

    If you press the arrow buttons you will say an order, like "Follow Me", "Flank Them", "Fall Back", and "Hold you Position". While in vehicles they would be "Get In" and "Get Out". This would be very helpful in campaign and it would help with communication in multiplayer.

    It would be very helpful in custom games if we could set points to either be by Flags captured or kills.

    Being able to play as an Elite in every gametype would also be fun.

    In Invasion I would like to change how many Teirs there are. I would also like more options for those teirs (Slayer, VIP, KotH, Escort, ect.).
  5. XxDangerXlinexX

    XxDangerXlinexX Forerunner

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    I would like flamethrowers again, and I also hope the fact that killing people in halo reach isn't as easy in Cod
  6. Erupt

    Erupt Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Well, I never use vehicles. At all. Because I hate them. And you are meaning more vehicle-based gameplay in the campaign, I'd be ok with that. Just if in the multiplayer it turned into that kind of gameplay, I guarantee they'd lose half of their players.
  7. M0aHerder

    M0aHerder Forerunner
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    Since it's already obvious that they aren't going to please everyone, why don't we split our wishes into seperate gametypes. It doesn't all need to be just vehicles, but no vehilces in multiplayer would make a lot of people mad.

    If we had a gametype without vehicles and another one with a lot of them added to our current list of gametypes it would make everyone happy.

    I think that we should be able to edit/create firefight maps. It would be a little complicated for the player and require a few engine tweaks but it's possible. It gets boring having to fight on the same firefight maps over and over.
  8. Erupt

    Erupt Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I agree with this completely. However, we already have BTB/Inv and Team Slayer and whatnot. BTB and Inv have tons of vehicles, and Team Slayer, Rumble Pit, ect. don't. So really, I don't see why anyone's complaining about wanting vehicles; we have plenty of them. Let them do with the campaign what they want, as I could care less about the campaign, but don't turn multiplayer into a huge demolition derby.

    Anyways, I would LOVE to see a 3rd Person mode like in Mw2. It was the only reason I ever even played Mw2. I truly love 3rd person sometimes, most of the time, really, and would love to be able to switch back and forth between a 3rd person and 1st person playlist.
  9. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    The problem is that the BTB/vehicle side isn't that well catered to in Reach. I think one of the problems is that they've beefed up Vehicles in some senses. The Hog and Ghost are still perfectly balanced imo. The Revenant isn't necessarily overpowered since it's so easy to kill, but the problem is that people rarely work together to take down a vehicle as is necessary, so Revenant drivers often have a good run and can do a lot of damage. The tank is, as always, incredibly tricky to balance since it's so powerful, but I think the Wraith is more problematic than H3 purely due to significantly reduced basic player speed and jump height, it's incredibly hard to avoid being killed by even a semi skilled Wraith driver. The Banshee is the worst culprit if you ask me, whoever decided to make the bombs home slightly must have been on crack. As before, lower movement speed and jump height makes dodging large projectiles difficult to impossible, and unless the Banshee driver has their controller shoved up their ass then they're basically guaranteed a kill with the bomb as soon as they're within a certain, reasonably large range. I think they should remove the homing from the bomb, possibly slow the projectile speed a tad, and definitely put a limit on how many tricks can be done in succession, maybe include tricks as a drain on the boost meter. Having a Banshee able to dance around the sky as much as it wants make it much harder to kill.

    In short, vehicles are more powerful overall than 3, and the particularly well balanced ones like Hogs and Ghosts are rarely used on their own, thus when they are used they're overshadowed by the more powerful vehicles. Reach needs more medium sized vehicle maps like Tempest which focus on Hog combat as far as team vehicle control goes. This is coming from someone who doesn't like vehicles much either, but even I can see that the current Reach map compliment does not balance the vehicle spectrum well at all. It's either no vehicles, as with the majority of maps, or pretty much all the vehicles at once, thus making infantry combat a nightmare. We need more maps like Tempest and an actual Valhalla replacement as opposed to the hell hole that is Hemorrhage.
    #29 Pegasi, Feb 3, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2011
  10. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    I miss foundry..

    I really miss most of the classic weapons and maps as well. That's pretty much what comes to mind when I think "halo."
  11. Patsteirer

    Patsteirer Forerunner

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    As far as vehicles, I don't mean all at once. What do we forgers want? We want OPTIONS. I want to see just lots of available things. More natural looking structures.

    Furthermore, I'd really like some space based battles. Obviously just as a separate gametype, but I think that would be realllyyy awesome. Fly your ship around, land in your enemy's base, capture an object/etc leave.

    It would expand Invasion capabilities greatly.

    Uhm, Again, I keep coming back to a universal sandbox idea in my mind. You know, like a galaxy to explore.

    What if you became part of a team of spartans. For Campaign you would travel to different planets to complete the campaign mission required, BUT you could come back to other planets at any time. This would be a realllyyy freaking cool idea, to DRAMATICALLY increase the replayability of the next game

    Oh, that reminds me, if theres no forge in Halo 4, I won't buy it.
  12. masterpete117

    masterpete117 Ancient
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    all i ever wanted were large scale battles, like huge ones. you know the first nam level in black ops. like that. longer storyline. samegame play. playing as odsts in different levels, the arby in it!

    as for story line i would want the unsc going to onix for chief and finding a wole army of elites and brutes sent a long time ago (the elites not knowing that they are now with the humans) and last level getting to play as chief. and lets say the unsc were training new spartains so you play as them most of the game.
  13. Talons013

    Talons013 Forerunner

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    I remember hearing somewhere that they were going to make HALO: Forunner (virtual high five if you get it) and that it would be Master Chief linking up with a squad of other mark II spartens that are convieniently crash landed on the same planet and declared MIA or KIA I can't remember. anyway that planet Has a core that somehow protects a flood colony, I dont know how maybe a forunner shell inside or something. but anyway, you have to stop it by taking command of these spartens. the campaign would be filled with progressingly more dramatic deaths from the flood. (gets seperated by a massive flood thing/boss and sacrafices himself by pulling out his knife and going all emill on it) (gets attacked by the flood after running through a forruner door, tackled to the ground, fights and eventualy yells out "Keep Going" then shoots him self in the head with a pistol) Finaly ending up with MC fighting alone against THE LAST GRAVEMIND and leading to his death (which should be supersaming the things face and then getting smacked down, looking at his torso, hand and head he gives his last breath and screen fades to black with the final few notes of the original song. and going to credits. That would make me cry...)

    But then again this could be a rummor. Or my own personal idea ;)

    Im relying on the kindness in your hearts not to steal this...
    That and this copyright symbol (c) >=)
    #33 Talons013, Feb 3, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2011
  14. Moniter117

    Moniter117 Ancient
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    Ok so this is an idea that me and my friend have had for awhile:

    Look at the fictional aspect of the halo universe. It's basically endless in its complexities. You have several races to work with, pretty much limitless options with environments, and since this is in the future, you can do whatever you want with the tech/weapons. Any self-respecting Halo fan would obviously already know that, so why did I tell you?

    Three letters, R-P-G.

    I know I know, Halo has traditionally been an FPS run n' gun kind of game, and despite it's evolution over the years, has basically stayed that way. But think about it. You could start as a simple colonist kid. Living day by day in a peaceful colonist world, you can't seem to fit in.........gets dragged into spartan program.......goes through training..........gets put on various suicide missions...........decisions throughout the game affect outcomes..... You get the idea.

    I just think that would make for a fantastic rpg, if it was executed correctly. This would still have FPS based combat, but have alot more dialog based decisions.

    Just an idea. A reallly big, hopeless crazy halo fan idea.

    Either that, or a multi-character game like in Halo 2, except with like 4 different ones that eventually meet up and kickass across the universe. (You encounter Spartans, but never play as one)

    PERSON ABOVE ME: Thats an pretty sweet idea dude, that would be badass. As far as me stealing it......>:D
    #34 Moniter117, Feb 3, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2011
  15. M0aHerder

    M0aHerder Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    The rumors for Halo 4 have just been strengthened. It was announced that CE was currently being made along with another new halo game.

    Edited by merge:

    I would lke to see a sequel to Halo Wars. It was a very fun game but it was lacking in some areas.

    For bases I would like a base system similar to Command and Conquer: Generals. You star out with a main base and build other buildings wherever you want. You can build other main bases in other areas for multiple bases or near your base for 1 big huge base. Units would spawn next to the building they are trained in.

    Also, if your the Covanent playing against UNSC your pretty much screwed since all UNSC units are a little stronger. This is fine in campaign but should be removed in multiplayer.
    #35 M0aHerder, Feb 5, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2011
  16. guiltyspark412

    guiltyspark412 Forerunner

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    See, I want the Halo that we've played and loved, with new features and better graphics. But the whole practically customizable armor would just but the game closer and closer to COD. It wouldnt be a copy, but Halo fans everywhere would all agreee that that would destroy the classical Halo approach.

    And even though forge has never been better, it could still use alot more options, and wouldnt it be cool to choose what season your map is in? You could make it snow! And if Halo 4 DOESNT come with forge, then Im definetly not buying it when It comes out. Unless it comes with the new CE.
    #36 guiltyspark412, Feb 6, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2011
  17. Patsteirer

    Patsteirer Forerunner

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    But We've had 4 games that completely conform to that "classic halo" idea. Why do you want another? I mean, there are 4 different games to play, if you want to play that exact same thing. I want something new. I love all the Halos, but why would you want the exact same product, just repackaged with a new storyline? There comes a time when a leap of faith must be taken, for the sake of the development of a game that is better than it's predecessors. Nobody likes change, but what if everyone in the world had once thought "I don't want an electric light bulb, I want the plain old oil lamps or candles, but maybe in a stylish new housing" What if nobody had ever thought to build something better than the bow and arrow, because they feared that it wouldn't be as good?

    I want a Halo game, that has the same FPS element to it. I believe that such a thing should stay the same. But, why does it have to be ONLY an FPS game? Why can't there be RPG elements to it, or RTS? I mean, the possibilities are endless when you are able to break free of that shell that is holding you back so immensely.
  18. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    Its already happening.

    As for the large "We dont want the same old Halo *Insert list of things here* post, that'd take away what the game is: Halo. If you want such a different gameplay mechanic, then go play a different game.

    As for Halo 4, the only thing I really want is...Halo. As long as its...."Haloish", ill take it. If there isnt some stupidly drastic change, then it'll be worth every cent.
  19. Patsteirer

    Patsteirer Forerunner

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    I don't want a different game, I want halo, but I don't want the exact same game that we've been playing since 2001. I don't want it to become something that isn't recognizeable as Halo, I just want an evolution, for it to maintain itself, while becoming something even more awesome.
  20. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    RTS elements, RPG elements, and much more of what you described just isnt Halo. Subtle tweaks to gameplay, or additional features ala forge and firefight are great. But total changes in gameplay such as the ones youre suggesting just arent logical, and would likely ruin a game so many have come to cherish.

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