So I came up with this idea. Basically you have survivors running around the map shooting zombies and each other. Now of course you are thinking BETRAYAL! However if you get points for also killing your fellow survivors then there is no problem. One issue we have however is whither or not a person who is betrayed becomes a zombie. We clearly know how to make it that those who commit suicide they remain human, however we aren't sure if this affects the zombification of betrayals. If anyone has any information on whither there is a way of preventing this please let us know.
sounds slightly insane, possibly fun. however, i am fairly certain that there is no option to make betrayals = zombification.
Well, thank you that is greatly encouraging info. I hope this project of mine will work out in a manner pleasing to anyone playing it. Thank you very much.
lol This was the first idea I ever had for gametypes way back in Halo 3's early days. I later reworked a superior, more competitive version... I really should post it. Anyway, the three major problems with this is a) Lack of aim-assist for "teammates". Even a shotgun at point blank range can have trouble hitting a teamate based player... griefers and trolls everywhere know this. b) Bungie has done a pretty decent job of teaching players to avoid betrayals. Most players try not to betray, and many players are subconsiously playing in a way that limits the chances of a betrayal. It can be hard to play against this habit. C) As a result of the above two reasons, there is real point to attacking "friendly" players. The risk isnt worth the reward... two humans fighting each other is a clumsy affair due to lack of auto-aim, they just make an easy target for zombies. As gametype skill improves, some players will realize they can survive longer and net more points by simply working together instead of clumsily ar'ing each other. This basically makes the entire point of the gametype moot. Possible solutions: Simply give players an extra 5 points for betrayals. This will give players an actual reason to fight players of thier own kind, and also creates a enviroment that encourages brief truces between players, seeing that all players net less points as a zombie. As for the aim assist thing... there really is no way to fix or make up for it. You can give humans area of effect weapons such as fuel rods, rockets, and concussion rifles to lessen the impact.
I am going to try but I am also probably also going to make a map to go with it. That way in the screenshots I can take credit for both the gametype and the map. Like that 5 points for betrayals idea too. However since I was thinking of having a score for players to aim for I might ask if you think 100 is good or if it should be higher? Also since I want to give the zombies a chance of winning as well I was wondering what the recommended time-limit should be. Thank you all for the feed-back it has been very helpful.
Hm... these questions are what play tests are made for. A good ball park estimate for A time limit for a round is maybe 2 minutes longer than the standard infection settings... then just playtest it and raise or lower the limit accordingly. As for a point limit, I dont think you need one if youre going to use a time limit+ rounds.
well I was originally thinking just one round but then again who knows. I am also using infected loadouts to for the zombies if you think that might affect something.