Dead Space 2

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Insane_Crysis, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. Dead Space 2
    Your thoughts on Dead Space 2. Feel free to discuss anything about the game.

    Personally, I thought Dead Space 2 was spectacular. It had the same feel as Dead Space, but a better enviornment and more added capabilities. A new addition to Dead Space 2 is Multiplayer, yes it has multiplayer now. Multiplayer is kind of like Left 4 Dead style. Allowing players to play both Humans or Necromorphs. 2 Teams of 4 face off in multiple maps and objectives. The campaign, is now at 15 Chapters long, which is pretty long, I beat the game in 7 hours, but that was rushing, I didn't even look around. The atmosphere in the game is phenomenal, Necromorphs jump out of vents like in the first, but this time, the atmosphere adds to the scare. I won't ruin anything for you guys if you haven't gotten there yet, so enjoy.​

    Link to Review:

    Feel free to discuss.​
    #1 Insane_Crysis, Jan 31, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2011
  2. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    The game is scary at first, but once you've experienced the few jump scares they employ the game becomes less horror and more survival. It doesn't creep you out, it's just tense on a moment to moment basis because it essentially becomes an action game with limited ammo.

    That being said, this is a fantastic game. I don't see how I played through DS1 with a voiceless character because Isaac is just such a likable protagonist this time around. He's selfless, clever, calm, relatable, and just a plain badass. The new weapons and stronger focus on kinesis/stasis really seems to have evolved the combat. New enemy types are constantly introduced, each with their own strategy and weapon to go with them.

    Environments are way more varied on the sprawl than the first game which is an extremely welcome addition, seeing as how the first game consisted of 50% back tracking. Sequences such as the flying/falling and the air vents break up the game nicely and zero-G navigation is unbelievable compared to the first game.

    Overall, it's just a great game that is an improvement over the first in almost every way. Everyone should pick it up and play through it multiple times.
  3. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    its less dark and dingy which is better to play in, but its just not as scary. its jumpy, but its lost a bit of the atmosphere. but its a sequel so id expect it to lose some edge.

  4. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    Regenerator? What you talkin' 'bout?

    Also, there are at least 3 enemy types which are babies/small children in this game.

    EDIT: Oh I know what you mean. Yeah I was never really a fan of that monster type. However, that chapter when you first see him, with the "machine" is totally bad ass and very cringe worthy.
    #4 Shatakai, Feb 2, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2011
  5. ***** "Spoilers" *****

    I find that when they added the Regenerator, it was purely frightening, having to go through the mission with the Regenerator following you, but of course, you can kill it with enviornmental factors, such as the Fan. Haha.
  6. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    So should I get this game or not?
  7. Personally in my opinion, yes, you should get this game. Definitely, if you have played Dead Space 1. Also, it would be a great first game if you never played Dead Space 1. Read some reviews about it first, try the demo, and watch some gameplay videos.

    EDIT: Also, please watch and read the reviews added into my original post for more details thanks.
    #7 Insane_Crysis, Feb 2, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2011
  8. QKT

    QKT Ancient
    Senior Member

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    is it me or does it look like a resistance alien now?
  9. [​IMG]


    I hope you were talking about the game Resistance.

    LETHAL BLOW Forerunner

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    The combat in Dead Space 2 is just so much better than the first.
    I loved the addition of all the new guns, and the overeall use of the Kinesis.
    The Enviroments were also much more varied and more pleasant to the eye.
    The game kind of lost its scare factor, but that was at the cost of creating a " great survival game". The Superior gameplay of the second game in my opinion, weighs out the scares of the first.
    Overall I really am loving this game, and I can't wait to finish it.

    Multiplayer is a fun little touch, but don't expect it to hold you for a long period of time.
  11. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    i was, and it does.
    especially the new regenerator.
  12. cupcake9

    cupcake9 Forerunner

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    Been playing this game and I love it. It was scary at first but now that im used to it its alot of fun. I like the different weapon choices and different backrounds. Makes for a much better experience throughout the game.
  13. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    QKT was right, the multiplayer is surprisingly fun. I love just spawning as a little child in MP and they never seem to notice if you come from the side.
    #13 Shatakai, Feb 5, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2011
  14. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    tip: as a pack, run in circles while slashing. the only thing that can stop you is another human or a lucky stasis
  15. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    How exactly do you latch onto a human as the pack? I press A and then right trigger but I only seem to grab onto them like 30% of the time. Which it's a real shame because I am just naturally very good at pressing buttons fast so I can really mess up someone's day with that.
  16. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    jump and melee it seems. not too sure about the others though.
  17. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    Hmm maybe it has to do with the angle you approach them. Or maybe I'm just flat out missing lol.
  18. When playing as the Necromorphs, I tend to play as a Puker, it has a very fast melee attack that I love to use. I think to jump on the enemy, you have to press (A), then (RT) to latch on to them. You will only succeed to kill them if their health meter is in the Yellow-Red. Or if they suck at button mashing. But anyways, the Puker I believe has the fastest melee of the Necromorphs.

    After beating the game 4 times, I tend to memorize when all the enemies would jump out, causing the game to not be scary for me anymore. What Visceral should have done was not make the appearances be scripted. They should make it like the Necromorphs appear randomly, and in the least suspected area available. No where is safe, only the Save rooms with Stores and an Upgrade Bench are safe areas.

    But I still love Dead Space 2's atmosphere though, the surroundings are not as vague as seeing a ship's hallway all day. But rather, a Pre-School, Outer-Space, Anti-Gravity Chambers, and other stuff.
  19. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Is it just me, or is stasis overpowered as **** all at higher levels?
  20. Overpowered? Yes

    Useful? Hell Yes

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