Ideas for Halo 4

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by M0aHerder, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. M0aHerder

    M0aHerder Forerunner
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    Recently there have been rumors going around that 343 Industries is working on a Halo 4 due late 2012. I'm going to compile a list links to threads with ideas for Forge and gameplay overall, and send them to 343. I couldn't find a thread with just overall ideas (most focussed on Forge), so I'm making this thread.

    If you have any ideas for Halo overall (please keep forge ideas to the forge idea thread) post them here. If you know of any threads with ideas feel free to share the link.
  2. Patsteirer

    Patsteirer Forerunner

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    The most important aspect of Halo 4, in my opinion, would be a dramatic change in gameplay. Yes, we want it to play classically, no, we don't want the same Halo game we've been getting, simply repackaged again.

    I'd like to see more vehicle based play. Not as in warthogs, or wraiths, but on a larger scale. Incorporating not only FPS ideas into the game, but also maybe some RPG or RTS elements as well. Definitely not Halo Wars style, but something that is different from what we've been playing for sooo many years now

    I want to see practical customizeability. I don't care if it's copying COD, when we upgrade our Armor, the different pieces should do different things. Armor abilities should be there...but as skills you choose, that can be improved, and have active limits.

    I've a lot more, but I don't have time right now, just thought I'd get the thread started.
  3. Erupt

    Erupt Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    That'd completely ruin any aspect about the game that is "Halo." ^

    All I want is the BR, and I'll be in love. <3
    #3 Erupt, Feb 1, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2011
  4. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    Halo 1 with Halo: Reach graphics. I was slightly disappointed after finishing the campaign that there were no epic foreunner or alien structures. Reach was all just human landscapes over and over again. Halo 3 and 2 were good because they had a mixture of human levels and massive alien levels.
  5. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Forerunner

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    The last rumor I heard was that 343 was going to remake CE. I'd be happy with that if it meant xbox live multiplayer on all those old maps
  6. M0aHerder

    M0aHerder Forerunner
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    I read an article that they were redoing CE in 2011 amd Halo 4 will be released in 2012.

    I think that Armor abilities should still be included, but in the form of equipment. You would pick them up and get to use them once. The jetpack would just have fuel to run out of. Sprint and evade would be the only exceptions. Maybe add a few more and bring back a few Halo 3 equipments. The Make an Armor Ability thread has some good ideas.

    More vehicles and weapons from other games should be included atleast in Forge. Imagine a campaign level where you defeat wave after wave of heavy Covanent units in a Vulture. We could make levels frm Halo Wars in forge. Elephants are high on my want list aswell.

    I would like some levels were you fight in an actual battle, not off doing little side tasks. They could've done this in Reach but they didn't, and it was greatly missed. We want to fell like we're helping the cause, not doing little missions.

    I hink that a Forge Battle gametype would be fun. 1 person on each team is the forger and the rest battle. We can't do this now without a bunch of honor rules Like not being able to delete stuff, not picking up enemy vehicles, and a way for people to not jump out when you pick up their vehicle.

    That's all for now, but many more are to come.
  7. Patsteirer

    Patsteirer Forerunner

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    "That'd completely ruin any aspect about the game that is "Halo." ^"

    That statement couldn't be vaguer.

    I'm sorry if a lot of people don't like change; I do. If you want your old stuff back, sit and wait for the Halo CE remake. But in Halo 4, I will be uberly mad if they don't change a lot of the major flaws. Again with armor, sure it looks cool, but it serves no purpose. In COD, working to earn COD points actually has a point, better equipment gives you a better ability to survive.

    Which brings me on to my next point. In the Halo Universe, it seems that there would be a lot more sh*t than the few things that we've seen. We may be seeing the best equipment, but it seems like it would be a relatively small amount compared to the size of the universe.

    Spartans should be able to carry any number of things, from explosives, radio transmission devices, obviously alot more things.

    Elites also, should have a lot more options with alien technology.

    This next idea is one that unfortunately, wouldn't make a whole lot of sense a sequel to Halo, but rather as a prequel.

    In the original spartan program, they didn't start out with Mjolnir armor. Spartans were originally supposed to be biologically augmented super soldiers. They were faster and stronger than the rest, but it wasn't until Dr. Halsey's Mjolnir Armor was completed that spartans were fitted with it. Before that, John 117, and many other spartans went on several missions, simply as black ops, or super effective covert units. No armor. It would be a really interesting aspect, I think, if you got to start out as a character in a training area in campaign, and work your way through the spartan training program, and THEN be given your own custom set of armor.

    There are just so many ways to make Halo a unique game. We've already been shown that they can give us the same game in different packaging. I want to see something fresh, and exciting.
  8. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    This in particular I'm surprised doesn't already exist. Before Halo 3 came out they talked like that was going to be an option, but we quickly found out that Forge was basically just an editor and if you chose to fight inside of it, that was your business. They didn't change that in Reach at all. I'd love to see a Forge battle gametype where there are assigned forgers and they have particular limitations - basically a real-time budget and categorical object limit, so they can create so many weapons (or so many dollars worth of weapons), vehicles, and maybe even structures. It could be incredibly fun, though obviously no amount of rules would make it balance well enough for MLG-type competitive play.
  9. Erupt

    Erupt Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Not necessarily change I don't like. But they would lose 3/4 of their players, because this wouldn't be even playing classically, it, again, would ruin any aspect of the game that is "Halo." It's like taking Bioshock, Borderlands, or whatever, and replacing all the people with Spartans. And then your vehicle based thing... I personally HATE vehicles with a passion. (lol) So I know, that if the changes you are mentioning get implied to the game, I'd stick with Reach.

    Anyways, a few statements in the comment above I, relatively, agree with. I think it'd be cool to go through the Spartan Training Camp, but NOT be given a "custom set of armor," because then again, you are making this into an Borderlands/Bioshock remake where you just upgrade yourself until you can't carry your own weight. Then you just upgrade your strength and your good to go.

    Bottom line. If they're gonna do something "fresh and exciting," do it to the campaign. Don't ruin Matchmaking. Or MLG.
  10. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
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    Directly copied from the "Things you miss from Halo 3" Thread:

    Maulers, Dinghies, Longshore, Laptops, Arbiter, Master Chief, Alpha Zombies, Flamethrowers, Hornets, Forerunner Fusion Coils, Flood, Sentinels, Fire Bombs, Foundry, More Human Scenery, SMGs, BRs, Elephants, Sandbox, Avalanche, Carbines, Spike Grenades, Choppers, Prowlers, Missile Pods, Equipment, Brute Shots, Beam Rifles, Troop Transport Warthogs, Civilian Vehicles spawnable in Forge, Scarabs to fight in Campaign, Support Hornets, Rat's Nest, Rogue Armor, Hayabusa Armor, Katana, Elite Armor Customization, VIP...

    And yes, i love bitching.
    #10 artifact123, Feb 2, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2011
  11. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Forerunner

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    you ruin your point when you say you hate vehicles. they have always been a big part of the halo experience. Just because you only like the FPS aspect of it, don't think 3/4 of people think like you. I'd love more vehicle based missions; aerial, ground or otherwise. What we don't need is another campaign thats just like the previous ones in a different locale.
  12. robbieagray

    robbieagray Forerunner

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    That would indeed by great however I think that they will probably concentrate more on DLC for Reach before they start any new games.
  13. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Forerunner

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    you're way off the mark here lol. yes BUNGIE will concentrate on DLC. 343 industries is microsofts company, they're the ones making the next halo game.
  14. robbieagray

    robbieagray Forerunner

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    Why did Bungie give Halo back to microsoft? Isn't that the reason why Bungie rebelled and become its own electronic nation?
  15. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    With the addition of Armor Abilities, I'd love for Halo to start moving it's gameplay towards Starsiege:Tribes. Most of their game types were strongly focused on Team Objective games. In Generator Defense, each team had bases with Inventory Stations, a power generator, sensors, and some cannons. If you destroyed an enemy generator, they'd lose power to defenses, sensors, and Inventory Stations. You could destroy Inventory Stations, generators, cannons, and sensors... but they could all be repaired by engineers.

    Inventory Stations were where you could change your loadouts, and have your own customized preset loadouts. Everyone had jetpacks. There were 3 armor loadouts, light, medium, and heavy. Light armor could only choose light weapons and was extremely fast moving. They could also carry beacons to mark target distance. They were great flag runners and quick strike infiltrators but couldn't take many hits. Medium armor have access to some medium weapons like grenade launcher but were slower than light armor users. They also were able to place deployables ( ammo station, portable inventory station, EMP turrets, rocket turrets, plasma turrets, shield doors ) They made great engineers to repair and set-up bases and their defenses . Heavy armor had access to the mortar and rocket launcher. They were extremely slow but could take a lot of hits. They could also place deployables. They were great for taking down base defenses or defending your own base.

    They also had Capture and Hold game types with Towers that each team had to capture and thus give them a new spawn area.

    The only vehicles they had were APCs, which were more or less Command Vehicles that had radar jammers and sensors... but were primarily used to move heavies towards the enemy at a faster pace. They probably moved about as fast as a medium armor player.

    Other deployable items... mini sensors, mines, radar jammers.

    Ahh... the fun times I had setting up inventory stations and ammo stations in enemy territory were a blast. Nothing was as satisfying as infiltrating enemy bases and taking down all their power generators and inventory stations.
  16. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    Supposedly this is a leaked screenshot of Halo Nemesis, 343's next game

  17. robbieagray

    robbieagray Forerunner

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    Well that looks interesting. If that is indeed a screenshot for a future halo game then I am excited.
  18. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Forerunner

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    I think they still owe them halo games and aren't willing to make them, so they are letting them use the franchise. They've stated several times that reach is the last halo game that will be produced by bungie.
  19. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    Halo 4: play as the Flood.
    and then the final boss is Master Chief but he is in his transformed Forklift form,
    and you have to stop him from getting to the cube thing so he doesnt transform into real Master Chief instead of Forklift Chief. obviously you dont succeed, seeing as how the forklift is in reach. Yea.
  20. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    Bungie was a Microsoft subsidiary. By that agreement Microsoft owned all IP's Bungie created. Frank O'Connor, formally Content Manager and writer at Bungie, was the defacto "father" of Halo and thus the IP was his. When Frank left Bungie to start 343 Industries, another subsidiary of Microsoft to work exclusively with mass-media Halo content, the IP stayed with Microsoft. The terms for Bungie's departure from Microsoft inorder to become an independent developer/publisher were that Microsoft would retain the rights to the last Halo game Bungie was developing at the time, which was Halo Reach. Unless something changes in the agreement between 343 Ind, Microsoft, and Bungie than Bungie will not be making any more Halo games and can only perform maintenance and add DLC content to the ones currently out.

    So again, it isn't a matter of Bungie "letting" 343 make another halo game, Bungie lost the IP, they legally can't.

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