In the beta, On sword base one of the other teammates grabbed the Plasma launcher(which was awesome in the beta.)He starts to charge it up at me, i had sprint. So I'm thinking what do i do??? For some odd reason i threw a frag grenade. The plasma stuck to the frag, launched towards him, and 4 plasma shots stuck to him. Over the mic i hear HOLY SHAT!! Wish i could of saved the file, or films carried over.
Getting an Overkill as a Zombie in Matchmaking... Getting a Killing Frenzy in the first Phase of Invasion without spawnkilling or camping...
So I was playing some BTB on Spire. The game had just started (if I remember correctly) and I took the mancannon up to the top of the spire. I noticed that most of the red team (I was Blue) were down around their base. I jumped off the Spire towards the nearest Cannon thing so that I'd survive the fall. About a quarter of the way down I realized that I was going to fall to my death as I didn't time my jump correctly. As I was just about to fall to my death I punched the air out of anger. Little did I know there was an enemy right beneath me and I ended up assassinating him and surviving the fall. I've got a video somewhere. I'll try to put it in my File Share later.
i was in scorpian on boneyard and was facing off with wraith, i was inside the shield door, and he started shooting at the door, then i when out the door the second he shot, the shot didn't hurt me and then i shot off his gun with my shot, then i fired again, he exploded, but then i die randomly and it says splatter by enemy. then i go t theater and i found out that some approaching ghost jumped to hyper space the way the usually do on hemmorage and stuff, and tackled me killing us both, but it was his suicide, so ididn't get the kill
I'm merely OK with most weapons in Reach, but get the grenade launcher in my hands and I absolutely destroy everything in sight. To wit, on Breakpoint I once grabbed the GL and was heading towards red base, when I see two enemies on radar just outside the building. So I peek out of the lab door to see what's up, and naturally they starting pinging me like crazy with DMR fire. So I back up into the corner by the hammer drop-down, and watch them approach on the radar. The first guy is just outside the door, and I bounce a grenade off the doorway and onto the outer walkway where he is, killing him instantly. The second guy is like "CHARGE!!1!" and turns the corner, so I backpedal reload my GL just in time to bounce a grenade off the floor and finish the double kill. I felt like such a boss, especially the first, 180-degree blind corner instakill.
on spire, i leaped from the actual spire, with jetpack, landed on the enemy falcon cockpit, threw out the pilot, leaped back out to free fall, shot the falcon with a single fuel rod, the gunner jumped out to free fall, i switched to my sniper rifle, no scoped him with a single shot in the head. it's on my file share : 2 videos
This wasn't awesome for me, but it was quite a triumph (though probably an accidental one) for the AI elite. I would have totally avoided that grenade if it hadn't had a carrier... YouTube - Smart Elite (Halo: Reach campaign) : Halo Reach : File Details (link to rendered film) shotgun at the ghost, then melee it causing it to flip, then kill
I got an unfrigginbelievable medal on Invasion Slayer as the Elite. The medal is one thing, the fact that people complain saying that the Spartans are so much better is another reason to why it was so satisfying.
this isn't that cool but w.e.haha. I was playing infection on reflection and the humans spawned in the bad spot and they all were killed except for me and I managed to hold out till the game ended alone .
I once did a 180 no-scope. The bullet went through my team mates head, through the enemies head, hit a rock wall, ricochet and went through another team mate of mines head. Yeah, bad luck seems to be my thing
Lemme guess... Banshee spawnkilling? Anyways, my most epic moment was... earning an triple kill(almost an Overkill but one guy escaped) with one rocket in Invasion.
This was a bit improbable. I'm the green dude hopping around and throwing many grenades. Because of the switch from frags to plasmas, my last throw was quite delayed - it was supposed to go through the window and missed badly, but where it ended up was a thing of beauty. Video below (rendered): : Halo Reach : File Details
lol this is probly the most awsome thing ive done on a cosole game ever YouTube - halo reach miracles 3