Noble Team Vs. Master Chief and the Arbiter

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Carter1234, Dec 24, 2010.


Who would win in a fight?

  1. Noble Team

    13 vote(s)
  2. Master Chief & The Arbiter

    37 vote(s)
  1. gingerninjasam

    gingerninjasam Forerunner

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    Give them stats or gtfo. chief has much better ingame stats...jump hight, equipment (far superrior to most AA's...see below), chief has no fall damage.....

    Masterchief can destroy scarabs, has destroyed 2 Halo rings, has no fall damage, has cortana, and as a superior spartan, can tell noble team to suck his.... cheif and Arby can use power drains, regens, bubble shields, trip mines, flares (all are better than reach equivalent) fire bomb grenades, spike grenades, can dual weild, can efficiently turn invisible, neither need crummy health packs, both have better armor, we know that arby can one shot spatrans with any weapon (just betray your teammates to find out), arby is supposed to be the best elite in the galaxy. Both can jump. Both can destroy scarabs without killing themselves, can drive vehicles without flipping upon hitting a pebble. Can fly frigates.

    Noble team. Have six of them. Kat can be head shotted one shot with a needle rifle with full shields(imagine what a BR could do). Have jetpacks and armor noob spam...i mean lock, can sprint, can fly pelicans and sabres and phantoms. have target locators (although to be fair, to include this, you must add the unsc to noble teams side, and then give the elites to the arby/chief side, meaning arby and cheif would own coz elites can glass noble team). but enough of this. what would happen?

    About the DMR/BR dispute:
    Bungie never wanted to replace the BR with the DMR. It was only put in reach because it technically didn't exist when the battle for reach was going on, so stop trying to make up theories about which one bungie prefers I can almost guarantee that if you asked all the bungie employees, they would have different opinions.

    Br can headshot 3 for one trigger pull, is smoother, has no bloom, and you can 3 shot people.
  2. Chron

    Chron Ancient
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    You say it didn't exist yet it isn't in ODST either. Odd, considering ODST was set after Halo 2. Which is where it made it's first appearance. They made the DMR because of the ***** fits people had about how unbalanced the Battle Rifle was.

    Is there any real point to this thread? I'm not trying to sound like a douche (I'm sure the majority will treat is as such) but you guys do realize that you're discussing who's games respective stars would win had they had a standoff? There really isn't a definite answer. The only way we'd be able to know if there was a war between Noble and chief,Arby. Which won't happen because Noble Team was dead before Arby and Chief even sided with eachother.

    But since my post will be flamed I guess I'll just go with Arby and Chief. Because they've survived longer. Oh and one's an Elite. <3
  3. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    Noble team can jump farther if they sprint, and much, MUCH higher if they jetpack. And about Chief having no fall damage, which iteration of Chief are we talking about..? Or are we combing the best traits of all three versions? Or only counting the one from the game the Arbiter appeared in?

    C'mon dude. Put Noble 6 in any of the previous Halo games and he could do the exact same thing. There's no actual evidence in Reach that his skills are inferior. He just accomplishes less because the game doesn't give him as much to do as Chief had in three Halo games back to back. This is where we fundamentally disagree though, I guess. You're comparing them as characters in works of fiction; I'm comparing them as video game avatars. Big difference. And in that light, if Chief were actually more capable, he would have taken down covenant troops a lot faster than Noble 6 did.

    Cut scenes are meaningless. They do whatever it takes to amp up the drama. Cut scenes never reflect on the reality of the rest of the game - for instance in every GTA and Red Dead cut scene, the protagonist will act as if his life is really in danger when one lone guy points a pistol at him. As soon as the cut scene ends, I'm like, "Fire away! I can take twenty shots from that thing and by the time you get through the first clip, I'm going to have a rocket launcher lodged in your colon!"

    And about this equipment comparison - sorry, there is no comparison, Noble team wins easily. Yes power drain was awesome (though without it you really have no case at all). But you have to go GET that power drain, and then you can use it one time only. Armor abilities have repeated use. I guarantee that someone running around with an armor ability in Halo 3 would be at a huge advantage over everyone else, especially if they were smart enough to pick one of the defensive abilities (armor lock or bubble shield). But even sprint or evade would give them a big advantage over the slow spartans with their single-use equipment.

    Ironically, the Chief I think has the best advantage is the one without all the abilities (equipment, dual wielding, no fall damage) that he gained in Halos 2 and 3. The Chief from CE, equipment-less and vulnerable to falls as he was, had one HUGE advantage: the three shot kill, mega-accurate at super-long range, lots of ammo, quick rate of fire magnum. Otherwise known as easily the best anti-personnel weapon in any Halo game. He also spawned with four grenades instead of just two, could carry 8 grenades instead of just 4, and they were every bit as nasty as the grenades in Reach (if anything, I think they were worse). That guy would tear through much of Noble team like tissue paper, though he might have to wait for their armor lock to wear off.
    #43 Nutduster, Feb 1, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2011
  4. XxDangerXlinexX

    XxDangerXlinexX Forerunner

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    Easily Master Chief and but the arbiter would be an interesting battle against noble team
  5. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    I believe that as time goes on, this grows increasingly more relevant.
  6. Hogframe

    Hogframe Ancient
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    Well hey, as long as we're counting non-realistic things that were added for gameplay only, we might as well mention that every member of Noble Team is invincible. Thread is done now.
  7. Talons013

    Talons013 Forerunner

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    Im sorry but i had to quote this as this is the first thing at actualy made me "laugh out loud" from forgehub. sorry but most of you other guys juast make me chuckle on the inside :/
  8. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    That's why Master Chief and the Arbiter need a third teammate - one Sgt. Johnson. Good luck killing THAT guy.

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