Hello This dragon is made by TWC Babycat and with a little help of TWC Zaibarr (Me) Forgeart, (sorry iam bad at english and i dont know what to write) Other pic
ok I gotta admit that the dragon itself looks sexy, but the effect you added is great. Makes it look dark and foreboding, I like it a lot. You got my download and If I am not being too bold, I would say that you are rivaling Grim with this piece.
Best looking dragon if there ever was one. I mean look at it. It looks like I'm looking at a 3d rendering of a dragon rather than forge. You are Grim's challengah fo sho.
Hey that dragon is really awesome! maybe (this is just an idea don't go flipping out) you and Grim could have a contest, maybe see who makes the best, uh, I don't know, master chief! That would be tight. I can feel the tension already!! (that's what she said) Haha
looks friggin dope as hell man. although i don;t know why i'de bother downloading since i cans ee its picture here. but sick man!
looks nice, but the chest looks too bulky. Next timr try to use more peices for the arms instead of 4 long peices, use morr rocks or something.but nice
Nice, is this forgehub's first dragon? The small detials are nice but i think that the arms and legs need a little work, they're too rectangular and basic. The head is really well made though.