Halo Reach The Daily/Weekly Challenge Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by MaxSterling, Sep 28, 2010.

  1. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    You don't have to do anything at the part with Kat. It's all just scripted and I just sit in there and wait for her to do her thing.
  2. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
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    What's an ordinance weapon?
  3. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Forerunner

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    heavy weapons. rocket launcher, fuel rod (i think)... grenade launcher i think, laser... you know heavy weapons. I'm not 100% on all of those though
  4. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    Concussion rifle also. I think that's pretty much the list.
  5. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    I think these are all considered "ordinance weapons" as well...

  6. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    Multi-kills and close quarters kills are simple, just go to GrifBall.
    Assist are easy in Elite slayer, and ordinance kills are pretty easy in multi-team.
  7. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Forerunner

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    even the assist one is easy in grifball. i just got t hug it out, four horseman, and no I in team all in one match.
    hmm if only the bomb explosion counted as ordinance.....
  8. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    I got the close quarters one in slayer on Sword Base earlier. ...Yes, I was camping the lift with the sword like a little *****, what of it?? :D
  9. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    What's the best set-up to get the one today Flat Tire (Kill 10 enemy vehicles in Firefight Matchmaking)? I'm thinking Score Attack and veto until I get Beachhead. Is there a better way?
  10. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    Well we have the Flat Tire Challenge again. Currently if you go to the challenge and select it, normally it's supposed to take you to a playlist that allows you to accomplish the challenge. It currently take you to Firefight Arcade, which I believe all variants have hazards disabled... meaning no vehicles, skirmisher snipers, or drop pods. This can't be possible in that playlist. I'm currently thinking that Firefight Limited and Score Attack are the best options. I haven't touched Doubles Score Attack, so don't know about that.

    Maps that I know have vehicles to destroy...

    Overlook - Wraiths
    Outpost - Ghosts
    Beachhead - Wraiths and Ghosts
    Holdout - Banshees
    Corvette - Wraiths
    Glacier - Wraiths, Ghosts, and on the rare occasion... Banshees.

    Score Attack>Sniper Attack>Glacier> verified 1 Wraith or Ghost in final wave.
    #270 MaxSterling, Feb 17, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2011
  11. The Trivial Prodigy

    Senior Member

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    The weekly is gonna suck. Sword Base, legendary, all skulls. fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
  12. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    Oh really? Thats one of the easier levels on SLASO, how many points is it?
  13. Katanga

    Katanga Ancient
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    11,000 I think.

    Although i'm giving this one a hefty middle finger. I struggled enough with this level of Legendary, let alone with all the skulls on.
  14. The Trivial Prodigy

    Senior Member

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    reflex, you wanna go for it? I'm on right now, and would rather not do it alone.
  15. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    I finished the weekly last night. Took an hour and a half and I would have given up in despair if not for the save & quit glitch - that thing is a mercy for anyone doing these LASO challenges. Even if you have a great strategy and all the proper techniques there are still so many random little ways you can die. Just to name a few of mine:

    - In the opening firefight I was trying to run up and assassinate the first elite as recommended in the walkthrough I saw. That worked so seldom that I just gave up on it and let him run down to join his friends. It was honestly easier (though more time-consuming) to kill four elites from a distance that one from up close.

    - The part with the two wraiths is irritating because you really need to jack one of those wraiths, otherwise the entire middle part of the level is needlessly difficult; but the wraith driver has eyes in the back and both sides of his head, and any time you pop out to try to take his ride, he wheels around instantly so he and his gunner can take you out. I died on this (something I thought would be easy) three or four times. Finally I got lucky with them scooting a little too close to the giant rock outcropping, AND with Kat and the marines killing the guy on the turret somehow; I was able to plasma pistol the wraith, leap directly on top of it, and grab it with no further drama finally.

    - But even having a wraith is no guarantee of an easy path through the rest of the level. First of all the elites are hard to kill; if you stay too far off they dodge most of your shots, and if you get too close they start chucking a thousand plasma grenades one after another. After they killed me a couple times doing this, I made things harder on myself by having a prolonged battle with two of them and then hitting a checkpoint - so any save and quit I did after that put me in a decrepit, smoking wraith, but I still had two major battles to clear before getting to sword base. (As it turned out though, I played things cautiously and only died one more time the rest of the way.)

    - I was using the gauss hog to take out the hunters (can't even fathom doing it without that baby) and I shot one of them in such a way that it looked like he teleported out of the level. I went running in to get health and make sure the room was clear, and he was sitting in a corner waiting to blast me. Boo.

    - Funny enough, everything after that part turned out to be cake. I killed the first elite with the concussion rifle just by waiting for him to get involved with Kat, then running up and assassinating him. The little ground floor skirmish inside sword base is nothing - the jackals are easy and you can ignore the elite, as he'll retreat and just fight with marines. After that you kill a few grunts, use the ledge trick to despawn most of the remaining enemies, and go get your rocket launcher. The two camo elites turned out to be very easy to blast into oblivion.
  16. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    If I can't hijack a wraith, one thing I usually do is equip my marine riding shotgun in the warthog... with the rocket launcher at the base of the stone arch to the right of the wraiths. This way I have Kat as my machine gunner, and a marine blasting **** with rockets.
  17. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    Now see, that's using your noodle. I otherwise hate the hogs on legendary (with or without skulls, though skulls make it much worse) - all the AI are incompetent as both drivers and gunners, so you put yourself and your vehicle at risk either way. But an extra guy with rockets would alleviate quite a bit of that I imagine, especially since they are pretty good shots.
  18. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    I often use that tactic and perform strafing runs to wipe out targets, then finish the few remaining enemies off using either the BR or just splattering them. I go across the map, get to a safe area and recharge my shields ( that way my marine also recovers and is less likely to die ), then I go back across the map again. Rinse and repeat until the area is cleared. Enemies are much easier when you have your marine riding shotgun with a rocket launcher or plasma launcher.
  19. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Well unfortunately that's a little harder in LASO mode, but otherwise I think it's a good tactic. I might have tried that last night after my third or fourth failed attempt to jack that stupid wraith. Kat killing the turret guy was a godsend - he was causing me the most problems because even when I stunned the wraith with a plasma burst, he'd still keep me pinned down or kill me as I tried to jump aboard.

    I have to say though, as much trouble as this was I'm kind of looking forward to more of these LASO challenges. For one thing it will be fun just to be able to say I did them all (even with the save & quit glitch, it's still damn hard). For another, I'm curious to see how teeth-gnashingly impossible the other levels are. I'm not looking forward to fighting hunters without a gauss hog handy to do the work for me.

    Edited by merge:

    And now, a gentle complaint. I like the "Firefight Thursday" challenges, and I also think Bungie is smart to have them and encourage players to try out different gametypes that are not quite as popular (on a related note, I'd like to see more invasion-related challenges - are there any at all?). But why do they have so many challenges that actively encourage people to play Score Attack, by themselves? Score Attack is OK but the true cooperative modes are so much more fun; if you want to rope people in, give them challenges where they will play with other people.

    Seems like almost every week we have challenges that ask for x number of kills on a specific map. There's basically no point going for these in anything other than Score Attack, where you can pick what map you want to play. I like the cooperative challenges better - assists are easier in cooperative, as are supercombine kills due to the gametypes (* except for the new FRG Attack, which is in the Score Attack selections) and the fact that your teammates distract the enemies. They could do more like these that encourage coop play, or at least don't DISCOURAGE it. Or alternately, if they're going to gear challenges toward particular maps, how about making those maps come up more in the firefight selections? I might like to do a Holdout challenge with three teammates, but I don't want to sit through eight other games to get to it.
    #279 Nutduster, Feb 24, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2011
  20. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    ONI LASO is only truly difficult in the beginning courtyard. You just gotta take your time, beware of the elites, use plasma pistols + precision weapons on them + let Kat be a distraction and you can get by. Once you get the target locater, kill 1 wraith, hijack the other one. Once you have the wraith, use it to take out everything until you return to the courtyard; also keep a gunner to keep shielded enemies from recharging and as a spotter. Once you get into Sword Base, just flank the enemy (they never see you coming when you walk along the edges on the windows outside the actual rooms). The ending is pretty basic- rocket everything that moves (aside from your friends)

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