Hey you figured out how to post! Looks really smooth and well made. However I wouldn't of named it the same as a Bungie map. I get that it is on tempest, but that name is well used already. But knowing your maps I know this one will be great, keep up the fantastic work.
Just to be a pain, the canvas map is actually Tempest, not Forge World, and DLC is required. It is a good map to race on though. I quite like it. The scenery of Tempest is better than Forge World too. There is one glitch in this map. On the corner before you enter the last cave (the one just before you complete the lap), the kill barrier cuts onto the track and blows you up.
srry i forgot to change the canvas map, i tried fixing it but couldnt and during all the testing i had no problems with that and neither did anyone else so i had no idea
I played it and thought it was very cool i wasnt sure why you called hemorrhage since its on tempest and i'm kinda curious?