Jackal Creek

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Goat, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. Goat

    Goat Rock Paper Scissors Scrap
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    "The beavers have fled."

    Jackal Creek is an asymmetric-symmetric map for 8-12 players inspired by Beaver Creek and Isolation. It's built on the Island and is based largely on terrain. There are five unique structures of interest and many different weapons spread throughout the map. The name may not be the most original or fitting, but the gameplay is incredibly action-packed, balanced, and fun for both Team Games and FFA. I have enclosed a variety of screens, a video, and a lengthy description below:

    YouTube - Jackal Creek gameplay preview

    Screenshots (all of these are outdated and will be changed soon)


    Red Base


    Blue Base


    Abandon all hope ye who enter

    Around the corner

    Right next to the headlight fluid

    Build a bridge and get over it

    Levee give you a hand with that

    Damn large dam

    So easy a cave man can do it

    No...you can't destroy it...yet...

    Prepped and ready


    Covering Fire


    Volleyball...but with heads

    Do it you wont

    Flag Stolen!

    Two can play at that game

    I can't believe I died for this war!

    This speaks for itself

    And so does this one



    Base Design

    Jackal Creek boasts a large array of unique aesthetics, from a floating Watchtower platform to a covered bridge. The bases underwent extensive remodeling until they reached the functional look that they have now. They were of course inspired by that of Beaver Creek, but they have their own personality. The front of the base not only has a small jump to the roof, but it also is at the ideal angle to permit a slide jump*. You can access the open roof up top to get into the base, and you can also get to the topwith Jetpack, the posterior gravity lift, and even the crates inside of the base. They were designed to be simple, aesthetically pleasing, functional, and unique.


    Speaking of unique, pay attention to Jackal Creek's location. Not many maps are built on this corner of the Island because its a very difficult and tedious space to Forge in. Not only is it at a 5 degree angle, but it also has awkward built-in terrain that you have to work around. Fortunately, Jackal Creek was made solely to be a terrain map, so working around the natural rocks wasn't too frustrating. Red and Blue side have advantages unique to them, so it's up to how the players use them in the battle. For instance, Blue side has many large rocks for cover, but Red side is slightly elevated and has the advantage of trees. I'm looking forward to see what strategies players create depending on their side of the map.

    In order to make Jackal Creek a unique map, I had to wall off the location so players would focus on the map rather than where they were on Forge World. They may not be too interesting, but the map is about the terrain and the immersion rather than the walls.


    Jackal Creek was built with CTF in mind, but it works best for Free For All. All the party games such as Infection, Juggernaut, Crazy King, Oddball, Headhunter, and even Elite Slayer are a blast to play on the map because of the unique terrain. Traffic flows throughout the map and the assortment of weaponry make for interesting skirmishes. Jackal Creek has static spawning (as it is clearly sided), and the furthest you can spawn from your base is near the Dam. The roofs of the bases and the Watchtower counter the Dam, so everything balances out. Stockpile didn't manage to work out with playtesting due to the respawn glitch. If it's possible, it'll be added in the future.


    Jackal Creek mixes a Covenant aesthetic with a human structure, so there is a combination of weapons of both sides. A lot of the shorter-ranged weapons had to be removed based on testing, but for the most part the map has something for all players. The map is more focused on team-shooting and moving in squads as opposed to camping one area. Should you run into any campers, the optimized base design makes it more convenient to break a defensive setup.

    Here is version 2's weapon set:


    I originally wanted Mongooses on the map, but that made flag runs very uninteresting. The only vehicle is a neutral Ghost on a 120s respawn time. There used to be a Shade Turret on the Watchtower, but testing rendered it obsolete (it was more for show than function). Instead Rockets to counter the Ghost, you have Plasma Pistols, a turret, a Grenade Launcher, Plasma Grenades, and (of course) Armor Lock in addition to regular fire. Another counter to the Ghost are the Plasma Batteries placed at choke points about the map. The map was built with the Ghost in mind, but you need to be very cautious and conservative to use it effectively. You will bump into terrain should you boost excessively. This balances it out by making it less of a threat.


    Jackal Creek suffers relatively no framerate drop or lag. There's discoing when you fly way above the map, but that's mainly because of the objectives and spawns that tap into the object limit of Forge World. The only hiccup is impostering, which means objects like the 1x1 shorts, the walls, and the Dam have to be rendered for a split second when they come into your view. I wasn't worried about this because it isn't distracting and it happens even on Bungie's maps (and in the Campaign too). There are also no apparent issues with 16 players in explosive Elite Slayer games and Splitscreen play. A lot of my earlier maps had framerate issues, but Jackal Creek outshines them by delivering solid, enjoyable gameplay while simultaneously being framerate-friendly.


    Most people who cut the Island into sections lose a lot of what makes the Island so unique. Although it's very awkward to Forge in, working in conjunction with the terrain may bring out the best in your map. I appreciate any and all criticism and feedback you can offer. This isn't my first map, but I've learned a lot since the others and I've chosen to finalize this one for MP. I recommend trying Free For All on it first, simply because it's actually a blast. Thanks for your support!


    *to perform a slide jump, run into the anterior base Struts, jump, hold forward, and crouch at the height of the jump. It should feel like you're climbing a ladder and if you bump at the beginning of your jump you wont make it. It works best on the Struts closest to the door of the base.
    #1 Goat, Jan 29, 2011
    Last edited: May 16, 2011
  2. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I have been downloading countless numbers of Beaver Creek remakes to find one that plays well, they all were somewhat "meh" to me. This looks like it can seriously fill that void. Amazing job! It reminds me of a blend between Beaver Creek, Isolation (thats a good thing ;) ), and timberland. It also seems incredibly well balanced, if only it could replace half of the other forge submissions in matchmaking :D
    #2 Loscocco, Jan 29, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2011

    JOYST1CK Forerunner

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    It's such a simple design at first glance, but at the same time it looks so fun. You picked just the right patch of land. It really makes the map what it is. I'm going to have to give this a DL. It looks too good to pass up.
  4. Natetendo83

    Natetendo83 Forerunner

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    I am so glad to see this officially posted here. I had the thread saved over at bungie.net and have been waiting for a final release. Kudos for creating a map in that area of the Island too. Like you said it's rare to see a map there but this one is fantastic on all fronts.
  5. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I downloaded this off of my recommended files the other day and I was simply amazed. I realized immediately where it was built, but the way you executed it to make it look as though it's not even on the island is amazing.

    Even though there aren't many structures placed on the map, the natural terrain and the rocks placed around the map provide just enough to make the map not seem too open or too crowded.

    I haven't had a chance to get a game on this, but next time you're playing it with GodlyPerfection (I'm friends with him), could I get an invite?
  6. leegeorgeton

    leegeorgeton Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Very impressive map. At first it looks a little overly simple, but once you start seeing it from ground level, there's a nice complexity to it. Great sight lines and equally great available cover. Really has a Halo (but non-forged) feel to it. Great job.
  7. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This does look very nice. Its good to see a ghost supportive map thats not actuall big enough for warthogs and big team. It looks pretty unique, and has some cool aesthetics. Gameplay looks like it captures the classic feel of Beaver Creek, along with Isolation. It just looks like an old classic somehow.
  8. Goat

    Goat Rock Paper Scissors Scrap
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    My buddy Jonzorz and I would continuously exclaim how the terrain on this part of the Island seemed like it was made for this map. It was a bit tedious to Forge with it though. I got frustrated when people complained about the map feeling cluttered, and then on top of that a few playtests had people camping the bases and refusing to move. After shifting the bases and weapons around, I finally managed to capture that balance. The only thing that'll need adjusting now is the sniper, grenade launcher, and ghost spawn times (all are at 120s)

    @AceOfSpades I'll be sure to invite you next time we're running customs. I also played on one of your maps on the quarry and I liked it a lot.
  9. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I downloaded this, but haven't gotten a chance to look at it yet. I would love to play this with you sometime Goat, I remember playing my Asteroid Base map with you before. Send me an FR if you're ever looking for people to play with. I'll give you more feeback once I look at it tonight.
  10. Goat

    Goat Rock Paper Scissors Scrap
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Yea there are quite a few remakes out there. They usually lag or lose the beauty and the creek of Beaver Creek though, which is never fun. Sanctuary used to be a beautiful map until Reach's remakes made it so bland... The ones in Custom Edition are gorgeous.

    I hope the Cartographers are interested in it.
  11. Maniacal Z78

    Maniacal Z78 Forerunner
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    The other night I played some 5v5 CTF on this map. It was great. It took me a minute to realise what part of forge world you used. I immediatly felt like it was a battle creek / beaver creek progresion. I came here and found the map for myself.

    Great job. One of the best playable forge maps I've played on.
  12. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
    Senior Member

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    Adelyss' Pick for the week of 1/30 to 2/6
    #12 Adelyss, Jan 30, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2011
  13. Inferi

    Inferi Forerunner

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    I played around in it in Forge a bit, and I have to say, its a pretty great map. It has a very natural feeling to it, and I was immediately reminded of Isolation, which was one of my favorite Halo 3 maps. One thing I noticed though, one of the sides of the map, the right side I beleve, has this tall rock structure that can serve as a sniper perch. The other side doesent have anything similar to it, and this mightcreate a bit of unbalance between the teams.
  14. Goat

    Goat Rock Paper Scissors Scrap
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Thanks for your feedback! Both sides have unique areas that players can use to their advantage. Blue side has the Cave, which not only serves as cover underneath, but also as a perch above if you climb on top of it. Red side has the rock mountain, but it's more susceptible to grenades and jetpackers. Red Side's only true advantage over Blue would be its height elevation. But then Blue Side has an advantage with the large rocks towards the front and behind the base, which provide extra cover from attackers.

    I would have loved to make the sides truly balanced, but I had to work with what I had and I'm pleased with the results. Thanks for the sticky too! I'm honored to have created a classic map for everyone to enjoy.
  15. Dart3rocks

    Dart3rocks Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    YEA!!! I KILLED THE ARDLY!!! haha....great map man well forged; and well balenced now if you could only add about 10 more snipers that would be great...haha jk..but seriously one of the best maps I have played on keep up the good work
    Happy Forging,
  16. Pope Rex

    Pope Rex Forerunner

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    Boring map Goat! ;-)

    [don't hate guys, it's an inside joke]

    It was fun. The thing that made gameplay on Beaver so classic IMO was the base to base teleporter.
    These longitudinal maps tend to have one of two issues: either they make it difficult to make proper pushes cause all defending players have to do is stay at their base and castle up, OR spawning starts to get nasty. Beaver creek solved the first by having the teleporter, and the second by having the underground and spawns by the teleporter.

    IDK if you want to try a version with that kind of teleporter to see how it plays, but I personally would like to test your map with that kind of addition. I think you integrated the structures into the landscape quite well but the spawns made getting in to take the flag difficult, and getting back out even harder. I know it's supposed to be a challenge but it seems like you either make it all the way untouched or you get mauled!

    Anyways. It's a well-forged playspace and I found it fun, especially when using the ghost. Keep me updated if you want to try the teleporters :)

  17. Dart3rocks

    Dart3rocks Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Insert Rage Here

    Haha Just Kidding man;
    & That's what usually happens on most maps I have seen no matter what type of map the spawns always end up being camped at least one to two times during a game. It's usually something you can't really help because of the way bungie's spawn system is....but, I do like the Idea of another teleporter even though this map is pretty small.
  18. Goat

    Goat Rock Paper Scissors Scrap
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    lol Pope. I think it's you guys that were boring because I never had any slow-paced games like that prior to that test :p

    I actually have tried it with the teleporters back when the bases were much smaller. The reason that worked though is because Beaver Creek had very intricate bases and you had to go to the sides or jump to the roof after you had taken the teleporter (which exposed you to that base's team). Jetpack would ruin this, unlike how I have it now where Jetpack actually helps map movement.

    To be quite honest, I wanted people to camp at their base. The whole reason for this base design was so players can sit and defend their flag if they wanted to. It's also the reason I put the CQB weapons in the base. If that's their playing style, I made it available to them. The problem for them is that the back of the base is very exposed and then there's also rooftops where they can get grenaded. If their outlying team is dead, no base-camper is going to last for long.

    The problem with our tests was that there were long-ranged weapons near the base, so the teams felt no reason to push. Now that most of them are outlying, you'll have to move out in the open if you want that weapon unless you choose to stay back in your base. This also encourages players to use their Magnum. I love the Reach Magnum and I made sure the map was just small enough for it to be effective as a spawning weapon.

    The biggest issue at this point would indeed be spawns, but I've taken extra steps to make sure you can spawn near the Dam and in safety as well. Thankfully, spawns can be adjusted on the fly and Bungie would be able to tell me what needs to be fixed or added should they take interest in it.

    I'd be happy to run a few more tests on here with you anytime. The version we played had experimental weapons. The weapon set we have now is for the most part balanced and fair, and the only thing I'd change at this point is the spawn time on the Sniper or adding additional NRs near the base. Really though--the Magnum is awesome and the map is small enough to where you don't even need a DMR to do well.
    #18 Goat, Jan 31, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2011
  19. Pope Rex

    Pope Rex Forerunner

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    Ok. Excellent points!

    You had focus rifles on the version I played, but you've switched it up since then. I definitely want to play this some more. I'll DL this version and message you.

    I agree on the magnum BTW. It's my favorite weapon in Reach, even though the bloom pisses me off sometimes :p
  20. Gnappy

    Gnappy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Loved every game I played on this. I do wish the shade was still about, but I digress. I'm glad to see this pinned.

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