In Vicious' game Viceball (on the forum) he says to me to add him and tells what time he usually plays and so-on. I join the party just today, and I see many of the great forgers that are from this site like Matty and Vicious, etc. This got me excited. Then first thing i hear is "Total Beat Down, that's the worst gamertag name i've ever heard". (Bnasty said this, not vicious) But not long after that Vicious just said "ignore him" So this is who I am looking up to? A bunch of arrogant jerks who only play with the best forgers in town? They don't even give me a chance to get to know the group and whatnot. Way to be jerks to new members. Thanks
lol don't get that upset. For one thing, you can't blame the site since this happened in game, not on the forums. Also, it sounds more like vicious was talking to you when he said, "Ignore him." I wasn't there so I obviously don't know, but I'm pretty sure vicious was telling you to ignore Bnasty.... and I'm guessing Bnasty was joking around. I wasn't there so I wouldn't know and I could be wrong, but I wouldn't take it so harsh and all...
Bnasty isn't the nicest person. I actually think it's a pretty cool name. But you can't judge all of FH after a few people.
Take it as a sign to leave. Because if you don't have to deal with the lesser known jerks, you have to look up to the biggest baddest jerks of all like me and Sgt. Sarcasm.
lol well im somewat known but not really so if i join they wont be like wow hes a noob but i no how it felt to be like you dont worry just make some cool maps and be active and ur become super cool
Total beat down i was sayin that about nasty because he was being mean and immature i didnt want u to leave i wanted him to leave. sorry dude
It sounded like that to me as well. Vicious is a good guy. You should definitely look at each person on this site as an individual, not as a representation of the site as a whole. While Bnasty may or may not have been joking, you'll find mean people where ever you go. Its just how the world works sadly. There are a lot of great people on this site. Stay long enough and I'm sure you'll meet and play with many of them.
I'M A JERK! I'M A JERK! WOO! Don't let the small things take you down, don't be a death star. Society itself is a jerk. I guess you could leave it it brings you down so much, but really don't quit just because of something Bnasty said.
Just because ONE single person didnt like your name you think that everyone who uses this entire site is a jerk and decide to post a thread complaining? If i were you i would've just gotten over it , its not that big of a deal...
I read it that same way as well, and Vicious confirmed his uber-goodness with his post. I can't wait to play with you guys! The ethernet port on my xbox is malfunctioning so support is sending me the box to send in my xbox for free repair. Woot the xbox warrantee!
I know you were playin your new awesome map, but I thought it was going to be viceball but when I got in the game it was something else. Then all the sudden bnasty out of nowwhere just comes up and says "Wow your name is lame" Sorry I misjudged Vicious, and I do know there will be jerks where ever I go. Thanks for clearing this. It's just I guess my first impression didn't go too well with joining this party. It made me felt like I didn't belong and so I just left cause I thought u guys were gonna kick me anyways. Also I didn't mean everyone on Forgehub is a jerk. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
dude, i have played with vice many times now, and he is one of the nicest guys on live, Bnasty, well, not so much. i'm sure vice wouldn't say anything like that to someone he just met, but to Bnasty, well i would. if you ever want to join a game with me and vice, just ask, we'll be happy to let you in.
dont be so down about what that guy told u this world is full of jerks and that also mean u will run in to them on xbox live and the internet too so just calm down
hey, this is kind of like me and Swordscar. One time we were playing a 1v1 and I was beating him by about 10 kills so he starts calling me a hacker and that i got my general rank by hacking. So I beat him in the game so we play another map but this time, i don't know where any of the power weapons are. He start rocketing me and burns me with a flamethrower so I'm losing pretty badly. Then he calls me a noob and T-bags me for not being able to kill him and that i'm a hacker again. BTW he was host. yeh. kind of a similar thing actually, don't be so put down by it. There are some jerks out there.
It's not a bunch of jerks, it's A jerk... Yeah, I hate Bnasty too. He may be cool on the site but he's a real prick on XBL
No wait, I like that idea! Just kidding, Bnasty. =D And the best part about anonymity on this site is that it totally hides our true sociopathic behavior. I find your statement a little rude and exclamatory. Besides, bnasty is a good guy once you sorta know him. Or at least, to me. I dunno, this whole elitism thing makes me near the toppish, so I wouldn't know. Scweet. But yeah, in case you didn't make an introduction, welcome to FH, blah blah blah, I'm sure your maps are great. It's really just a problem with the elitism. I suppose it's possible that you could get rid of it by complaining and stuff, and the staff would notice and take disciplinary action. (Wow, I'm tired. Maybe I should go to sleep or something? I dunno.)
Advice for dealing with Bnasty, give him just as much **** as he gives you and never back down. Same with any bully lol.