MEGALITH (version 0.7) is a well tested map that features a scaled reconstruction using the same 4500 year old Neolithic design of the most recent Stonehenge. This is how it would look, if all of its components had been completed and were still standing today. Of course Forge and its object portfolio were limiting factors in the final product. This map is a two team and FFA compliant map. It easily supports 8 to 16 players in most gametypes except Invasion. MEGALITH has been field tested at least twice a week since October 20, 2010. It's current form is only slightly different than it's original version and has never failed to deliver good game mechanics week after week. Its design is Jetpack friendly (but not dominant) and most map positions can also be accessed via other methods. YouTube - Project of Thu 20 Jan 2011 11:46:30 AM PST YouTube - Project of Thu 20 Jan 2011 11:39:47 AM PST The bases, as well as the rest of the map, are near perfect mirrored symmetry. After you play MEGALITH once, most assets will be easy to find. Stonehenge reconstruction. All of the major power weapons are aligned along the dividing line between both bases and encourage map movement. Orientation is natural with direction of flow being easy to ascertain. The lower deck of each base sees the least action, as was planned and provides relatively safe background movement and spawning. There is also a teleporter situated there with a receiver on the middle outer wall. Red base. Blue base. Elevation is used on the map for a fun experience. Hills and territories include the highest towers with game specific teleporters assisting foot traffic. Frame-rate disclosure: This map has been split screen tested for 2, 3 and 4 players with the following observations. 2 player split screen - No issues observed. 3 player split screen - Small amounts of frame-rate issues observed in the worst case scenario. (Middle of Stonehenge construction all players looking at the same object intensive view.) 4 player split screen - Frame-rate issues observed in various locations. Weapon assets 8 DMR - (left, right and lower deck of each base) 6 Needle Rifles (2 outside, 1 lower deck of each base and 2 inside Stonehenge) 2 Magnum (1 inside each base) 1 Plasma Launcher (top highest Trilithon) 4 Plasma Pistol (1 per side base) 2 Needlers (inner concentric ring) 2 Plasma Repeater (bottom outer ring wall) 1 Rocket Launcher (dividing line between bases) 1 Gravity Hammer (top Altar stone) 2 Grenade Launcher (inside bottom shortest Trilithons) 2 Concusion Rifle (inner concentric ring) 2 Sniper Rifle (lower middle base) 1 Focus Rifle (dividing line between bases) 8 Plasma Grenades (top outer ring wall, 4 on man cannon side, 4 on teleporter side) 6 Frag Grenade (2 each top shortest Trilithon) 2 Shotgun (1 per bottom middle Trilithon) 2 Machine Guns (left or right of each base) Don't be too concerned about how heavy the weapons seem to be. All of those vertical slabs mitigate most damage potential. Believe me. Vehicles 2 Warthog, turret 2 Mongoose Here are my Blog entires at 2old2play discussing my trials and tribulations of construction as well as the most recent modifications and decision making. These are ordered from oldest to newest. A Website for the Older Gamer - 2old2play - Gamers Obsolete videos. YouTube - MEGALITH v0.2 flyby 3
This submission has been updated extensively and I am not sure the best way to draw attention to it. Repost it?
Well this thread didn't have any posts in it beforehand, so it should do fine. The map looks very impressive and reminds me a lot of the Stonehenge map that was in the community playlist in Halo 3, except with actual thought put into the bases. It might be worth mentioning how many of each weapon is available on the weapons list, though.
Thanks. I probably will add those weapon numbers you mention. It seems to be in vogue around here. This map should look a lot like the Halo 3 Stonehenge map because I was the one who built that. The bases in the earliest version were a bit weak but version 5, which also made it into MM, was much improved. Unfortunately the best version of all, version 6, was too late to go into MM and it was the best of all. Missed by a few days. Bummer. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Fixed the map download link. Bummer, how many downloads did I lose? Updated weapon list including numbers and approximate locations. Fixed thumnail, I think.
i am very excited to see this map in action. stonehenge was my favorite community map in Halo3. i've downloaded it and will return with my review.
Agreed, Stonehenge was an absolute blast to play on, and Im glad youre bringing something similar over to Reach, NNN. In fact, I loved the original so much I sent you a friend request to download it from your fileshare quite a while ago, if you remember our brief conversation > And welcome to ForgeHub!
While i love the stone-hedge my favorite part is actually the covers for the bases with the curved wall. Otherwise I'm not too much of a fan of the bases. I feel like the part under the level is unnecessary and it feels like it was just added so you could use the tall building as the base. I don't know, i just think with some tweaking around it could be a lot better
Actually I didn't want to use the Tall buildings but they gave a very efficient method of connecting the main level to the lower deck. The purpose of the lower deck and tall buildings is to allow a safer spawning/connected area for those times when you might be getting owned. When the enemy is on the outer ring wall pinging you, a little overhead cover is nice. Almost no action actually happens below deck. That's the way I planned it and I believe it turned out the way I wanted. I have a different version using stairways and ramps but they don't provide the kind of safe spawning I wanted.They sort of work and actually use a lot less budget. I know a lot of people advocate creating unique set pieces from blocks like we did in Halo 3. Most of this map is done just like that but unfortunately the tall buildings worked the best. About the only object portfolio remaining to draw from are the buildings and inclines. Everything else is pretty much used up. I'm very happy you like the overlapping curved walls for the bases. They have been working well for us. Originally I was planning to rebuild the bases like in Halo 3 Stonehenge with staggered columns. Unfortunately I used up all of the blocks already. The curved walls gave me a similar effect and I was so happy get the final effect. Multiple directions of access yet almost 180 degrees of opaque cover.
As part of Deep's testing team, I can assure you all that this map is well polished and extremely well balanced. this map pal ys very well with all game types that we have tried. The more open environment that deep has used, compared to stonehendge, makes the game types run faster and smoother. deep has worked this map over so many times to get it where it is today and has the feel of a DLC type map. the weapons distribution and vehicle layout are almost mathematically perfect approached from either ocean or cliff side. And to add in the armor abilities found in reach, deep has compensated very nicely, territories, CTF and slayer are where this map really begins to shine. Go grab his latest version of the map from his file share and I promise you won't be dissapointed.
i downloaded the map and did a solo walk through in a few different game types. first...the map is gorgeous! i feel the bases are a big improvement fromt he h3 version. i feel that there is little to no chance of being spawn camped. the flythrough i did in forge showed a well thought out placement of team spawns. movement across the map seems to have lots of shooting lanes combined with well placed retreats. the man cannons are spot on for landing on the tallest structures. the driving lanes allow for good use of the vehichles, but are restricted in certain areas keeping the hogs from being completely dominant. i like the placement of the weapons. i particularly like the new placement of the rockets compared to Stonehenge. i'm very pleased with this creation, and can't wait to get into the line up for my next clan night. i'll return with another review once i've gotten some decent gameplay on it. so far...big thumbs up on this map.
This map interests me. I'm a sucker for maps with clear asthetic center pieces. That map is a bit open though outside of the center structure though. I don't really see too much cover to defend one's self if they are walking into it. Besides that though, I like it. Oh and if you were trying to recreate stone henge, why didn't you use the natural ground as your floor and build the structure out of natural forge pieces? Just curious.
I'm loving your curiosity. First I'll address the cover outside the structure. My concept for battle was to influence players such that they will travel on or through the central structure and not around it. I provide a mancannon and a teleporter to get across the short distance from base to outer ring wall. There are tons of cover inside it. I also placed weapons increasing in strength as you continue inwards. I think it works but who knows what the majority will think of it. There wasn't one place on Forge World flat enough to get the result I wanted. I desperately wanted to build on grass but the differences in elevation would have buried too much of the structure. I wanted it to be seen. It wasn't impossible to do, I just didn't like what the result would be. Since the Forge objects don't look like stones at all, I gave up on the idea of building a stone-like structure. Instead I chose to build it using the original Neolithic design principles with a result that looks more like some kind of technological marvel. Forge World's set of natural objects don't look anything like Stonehenge's orthostats and lintels. I just couldn't build it using them.
finally got a chance to play this. 8 v 8 slayer was a great battle. the hogs were strong, but not overpowered. i thought the hogs were just a little to strong in on Stonehenge, but that is not the case here. there is enough room to navigate them around the map, but it's tight enough that it can't continually circle the map tearing the other team apart. the power weapons are located in a fashion that a coordinated push can secure them, but not without a cost. this made for some great battle in the middle of the map. i managed to find myself a nice little pocket just ahead of our base, where i had several nice shooting lanes and plenty of retreats. using just a pistol was enough to rack up some kills from a distance. carrying the hammer as a secondary kept the area around our base clear of campers. everyone loved the map, and quite a few recognized it from it's predecessor. i strongly recommend this map for anyone using parties larger than 8.
This is a heads up that I have updated my MEGALITH map variant. It is now at version 0.7. Changes made: 1. Speedpile objective objects added. 2. Bro Slayer objective objects added. 3. CTF flag away anti-respawn areas removed. 4. All included respawn areas are now game specific. 5. Team respawn areas only in effect for: Territories Stockpile CTF Assault Slayer 6. Soft kill Zone added for Oddball to prevent camping by the teleporter in each base. “No geometry, spawn/respawn or weapon changes.”