Forge Tips and Tricks

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by pyro, Jan 20, 2011.

  1. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    [aname=title][/aname]Forge Tips and Tricks

    Links are static so you can link directly to specific sections.[table][tr][td][jumpto=Shield Doors]Shield Doors[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=Simple Lift]Simple Lift[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=Advanced Lift]Advanced Lift[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=Simple Brake]Simple Brake[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=Speed Gates]Speed Gates[/jumpto][/td][td][jumpto=Jumping and Falling]Jumping and Falling[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=Jump Pad]Jump Pad[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=Simple Drop Pod]Simple Drop Pod[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=Closing Drop Pod]Closing Drop Pod[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=Stacking Mancannons]Stacking Mancannons[/jumpto][/td][td][jumpto=Switches]Switches[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=Min-Max Switch]Min-Max Switch[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=Proximity Switch]Proximity Switch[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=Release Switch]Release Switch[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=Drop Elevator]Drop Elevator[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=Opening Door]Opening Door[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=Weapon Vendor]Weapon Vendor[/jumpto][/td][/tr][tr][td][jumpto=Aesthetics]Aesthetics[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=Fake Walls]Fake Walls[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=Green Objects]Green Objects[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=Invisible Walls]Invisible Walls[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=Killball Shield]Killball Shield[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=Weapon Stands]Weapon Stands[/jumpto][/td][td][jumpto=Miscellaneous]Miscellaneous[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=Water Depth]Water Depth[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=Extra Toys]Extra Toys[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=Forced Weapons and Vehicles]Forced Weapons and Vehicles[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=Gauss Proofing]Gauss Proofing[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=Merged Explosives]Merged Explosives[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=Weaponless Glitch]Weaponless Glitch[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=Walking Armor Lock]Walking Armor Lock[/jumpto][/td][td][jumpto=End]End[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=Submission Template]Submission Template[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=Update History]Update History[/jumpto]
    Old Thread[/td][/tr][/table]​

    [aname=Shield Doors][/aname]Shield Doors
    [jumpto=Simple Lift]Simple Lift[/jumpto] | [jumpto=Advanced Lift]Advanced Lift[/jumpto] | [jumpto=Trampoline]Trampoline[/jumpto] | [jumpto=Traps]Traps[/jumpto] | [jumpto=Simple Brake]Simple Brake[/jumpto] | [jumpto=Speed Gates]Speed Gates[/jumpto]​

    [aname=Simple Lift][/aname]Simple Lift
    [l-col]Rather than simply preventing players from going the wrong way through a one way shield door, the shield door actually accelerates the player in the direction they are supposed to go. By placing flat shield doors with the orange side up, this force can be directed upwards to act as an elevator. These work for both players and manned vehicles, although vehicles rarely come out of the elevator upright. Placing multiple one way shield doors the correct distance apart can create a long elevator. Such an elevator using four one way shield doors is depicted on the right. The lift can also be augmented with a grav lift placed underneath it, or the bottom shield door can be raised in larger lifts so players must jump to be affected by the shield doors.[/l-col][r-col][​IMG][/r-col]

    [jumpto=title]— Return to Top —[/jumpto]

    [aname=Advanced Lift][/aname]Advanced Lift
    [l-col]A more complex variant of the shield door lift involves placing the shield door at a slight angle against a wall, or even placing two angled shield doors against eachother. In the first instance the player will be held against the wall by most of the shield door's force, but also be forced upwards by the angled force of the shield door. Since the force of the shield door extends out from the blue side, the shield door can actually be entirely embedded in the wall and still affect players. The optimal angle for the shield door is 5° which is just small enough for a large shield door to be entirely embedded behind a wall. If two shield doors are used in the open variant, the forces of the shield doors are combined, so angles of as little as 1° for each shield door is enough to lift a player. Modifying angles will change the force of the lift and can create quite powerful lifts in the open variant. Either one can be turned on their sides to force players in a direction along the ground like a conveyor belt. Using the wall variant with an angle less than 5° will not have enough force to lift a player, but can break falls from great heights. The greatest advantages of the advanced lift besides requiring fewer shield doors for a given heights, are that it can be used on any wall in an open area and leaves space for players to jump back down, and that the top of the shield door will push players over the top of the wall, rather than leaving them bouncing on the top shield door.[/l-col][r-col][​IMG][/r-col]

    [jumpto=title]— Return to Top —[/jumpto]

    [l-col]One-Way Shield Doors will bounce players who land on top of them (orange side up), but players who hit them with too much speed will actually go through the shield door (partially) in the wrong direction, then be force back out the same side. This effect can be used to build trampolines for surviving high falls or stopping players at the end of long mancannon jumps. If the shield door is slanted as shown in the image, the velocity of a player coming off the trampoline will be to the side rather than up which helps keep players from getting stuck bounceing on top of the shield door at the end of the jump. Always be sure to give enough space behind the blue side of the shield door so players do not hit the ground and die since they will go some distance through the shield door before bounching back out. If players hit the trampoline with too much velocity they can go through but will still be slowed down significantly.[/l-col][r-col][​IMG][/r-col]

    [jumpto=title]— Return to Top —[/jumpto]

    [l-col]Making use of the property of the advanced lift, holding players against a wall, brings a whole new set of possibilities. By embedding a shield door in the floor of a map, rather than a wall, it keeps players from jumping. Add in a short railing and anyone who dares to enter will be trapped. The force of shield doors can be so powerul that even a small incline of a few degrees—recall the advanced lift will lift a player when only 5 degrees from vertical—is enough to stop a player at normal speed. Increased speed, or use of evade which temporarily increases a players speed to over 300%, however can easily break pond style traps with sloped border, leading to some interesting infection gameplay. By simply turning the advance lift on its side as in the third picture, it's easy to make one way doors without a shield blocking fire, or to just push unwary players off the edge of a map.[/l-col][r-col][​IMG][/r-col]

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    [aname=Simple Brake][/aname]Simple Brake
    [l-col]While one way shield doors will accelerate stationary and slow moving players moving through them, they have the unexpected effect of decellerating players moving too quickly. Using this simple property, shield doors can be used to break long falls with the orange side down. The same can be used to slow down fast moving vehicles or even players with a high speed setting. For longer falls a number of shield doors may be neceessary to sufficiently slow the player down. We will go into more detail of how to modify such brakes for complex purposes in the next section, but for most purposes this simple version is enough.[/l-col][r-col][​IMG][/r-col]

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    [aname=Speed Gates][/aname]Speed Gates
    [l-col]As shown in the simple brake, one way shield doors will slow down players traveling through too fast, including those in vehicles. This deceleration, however, occurs only to the player's velocity perpendicular to the shield door, and their velocity parallel to it is unaffected. More complicated speed gates can make use of this property to slow down flying players of vehicles in one direction while they retain their speed in another. In race maps this is particularly effective because properly angled shield doors can slow down a mongoose's fall for a soft landing while maintaing forward velocity, or throw a mongoose down onto the track while bring it to a near complete stop. Based on properties of refraction, such speed gates can even be used to return vehicles from an angled position to the desired landing angle. The top figure shows a gate built to soften the landing of a mongoose falling from above while maintaining forward velocity, and the second shows a gate to pull a mongoose shot up from below back onto the track.[/l-col][r-col][​IMG][/r-col]

    [jumpto=title]— Return to Top —[/jumpto]

    [aname=Jumping and Falling][/aname]Jumping and Falling
    [jumpto=Antigravity]Antigravity[/jumpto] | [jumpto=Jump Pad]Jump Pad[/jumpto] | [jumpto=Ladders]Ladders[/jumpto] | [jumpto=Simple Drop Pod]Simple Drop Pod[/jumpto] | [jumpto=Closing Drop Pod]Closing Drop Pod[/jumpto] | [jumpto=Stacking Mancannons]Stacking Mancannons[/jumpto]​

    [l-col]As long as an object is close to a mancannon, the object is attracted towards the center of the mancannon's pushing force. When two mancannons push on a nearby object, and are not pointing the same direction, the object will be suspended as neither mancannon can push the object out of the other's field of force.[/l-col][r-col]Forge Tricks: Anti-Gravity - YouTube[/r-col]

    [jumpto=title]— Return to Top —[/jumpto]

    [aname=Jump Pad][/aname]Jump Pad
    [l-col]A jump pad is similar to a man cannon, but only activated when jumping in the correct location. These work by combining a one way shield door and a vehicle man cannon. The shield door when merged into the floor, will prevent a player from being lifted by the man cannon, unless he jumps and escapes its influence. To do this the shield door should be placed 0.25 coordinates below the floor, easily done by using coordinates and depressing the left joystick to make fine adjustments. The jump pad may need to be tested until the optimal position for the shield door is achieved. A shield door too low will have no effect and one too high can prevent the player from jumping. Lag in game may require minor adjustments to the height of the shield door. The simpler part is to place a vehicle man cannon no more than 1.6 coordinates beneath the floor. The power of the jump pad can be adjusted by raising the man cannon, but any lower will not work. Only the vehicle mancannon will work because of it's different properties (see [jumpto=Stacking Mancannons]Stacking Mancannons[/jumpto]) and only shield doors 2 and 3 will work although shield door 1 would be undesireable because of its large area anyway. For more information on jump pads see the original turorial by iTs_NeXn.[/l-col][r-col]Reach Forge Tutorials Ep 4: Jump Pads - YouTube
    Video by Rifte

    [jumpto=title]— Return to Top —[/jumpto]

    [l-col]Ladders work based on the principle of traction, players slowing down when they are sliding down a wall of any sort. By placing two vertical walls with just enough space for a player to pass between them, the player bouncing between the walls, although soo small to notice, will create enough 'friction' to keep the player from falling quickly. When the player jumps he will still move up allowing anyone standing between the plates to use them as a ladder by jumping repeatedly. Not moving will cause the player to slowly fall down the ladder. Most objects including all blocks can be used for the ladder, although 5x1 and 5x5 flat pieces are ideal. Coliseum walls may have trouble due to the rotation glitch. The correct distance for the walls can be measured with the textures on a 1x1 block as shown below. For more information on ladders, see the original thread by Sqorck and Teh Map.
    [/l-col][r-col]Reach Forge Tutorials Ep 5: Ladders - YouTube
    Video by Rifte

    [jumpto=title]— Return to Top —[/jumpto]

    [aname=Simple Drop Pod][/aname]Simple Drop Pod
    [l-col]The objective of a drop pod is to give players protection from enemy fire as they drop from a ship during a game and to prevent them from sustaining fatal fall damage. Drop pods also add a nice touch to start of invasion, infection, and other more casual games. This drop pod design is composed of a pair of barricades held in a slot with an open bottom and with something to hold them in until a player enters or hits a switch. The only big option with this sort of drop pod is what to use for the release mechanism. The drop pod displayed in the video uses a fixed weapon to hold the drop pod which works if that is the starting weapon because the player will automatically pick it up as ammo. A fixed weapon, however, has a glitch that if picked up it will return to a fixed state when a player drops it. Armor abilities will work the same way as a fixed weapon but without the fixed state glitch. Use of armor abilities is not recommended because players will not be able to choose their armor ability then. Another option is to use a powerup, typically a custom powerup to grant invulnerability and gurantee players survive the drop, or a overshield which can have the same benefit. The final option is a shielded trip mine placed under the top or bottoms of the barricades, however these look bad when placed on top and can be detonated by players on the ground if placed below the barricades. This drop pod design was pioneered by Rifte back in Halo 3 and works just as well adapted for Halo Reach.[/l-col][r-col]Reach Forge Tutorials Ep1: Drop Pods - YouTube[/r-col]

    [jumpto=title]— Return to Top —[/jumpto]

    [aname=Closing Drop Pod][/aname]Closing Drop Pod
    [l-col]The closing drop pod design shown in the video at right is similar in effect to the previous one but offers more protection for players in the pod and has a closing door that makes it more interesting ot use. The drop pod consistes of a large barricade resting on a crate with a small barricade supported above that drops down when the player activates it. The activator uses a shielded trip mine switch, but could also be modified to use the other switches mentioned for the first drop pod. Although this drop pod is more expensive and complicated to build, the disadvantages are outweighted in many cases by the closing door function and the improved way the drop pod breaks open upon landing. For more information on this drop pod design, see the original thread by Marinealver[/l-col][r-col]Closing Drop Pod - YouTube[/r-col]

    [jumpto=title]— Return to Top —[/jumpto]

    [aname=Stacking Mancannons][/aname]Stacking Mancannons
    [l-col]When working with vehicle mancannons, stacking them together will also stack their acceleration influences effectively adding the distances they will push a player. This effect works only with vehicle mancannons and stacking any other type of mancannon has no effect. When working with such high velocities and the inherently hard falls, it is important to fine tune the mancannons to fire a player more accurately than simply stacking mancannons and using degree coordinates. To angle combined mancannons to something like 30.5 degrees, place one mancannon at 30 degrees and another at 31 degrees. To fine tune the power of such mancannons, either bury them under the floor of a structure to slightly decrease the influence they have on a player, or even place one mancannon slightly below another until the perfect firing velocity is achieved. Stacking mancannons will not work with other types of mancannons because those have a maximum velocity--the velocity at which a player is always fired--and in addition to not firing players faster than this velocity, they will actually slow down players going faster than this maximum velocity unless using evade or sprint. Stacking a large number of mancannons together can cause extreme lag and is inadvisable. For more information on stacking mancannons, see the original thread by Decadence Night.[/l-col][r-col]Stacking Mancannons - YouTube[/r-col]

    [jumpto=title]— Return to Top —[/jumpto]

    [jumpto=Min-Max Switch]Min-Max Switch[/jumpto] | [jumpto=Proximity Switch]Proximity Switch[/jumpto] | [jumpto=Release Switch]Release Switch[/jumpto] | [jumpto=Drop Elevator]Drop Elevator[/jumpto] | [jumpto=Opening Door]Opening Door[/jumpto] | [jumpto=Weapon Vendor]Weapon Vendor[/jumpto]​

    [aname=Min-Max Switch][/aname]Min-Max Switch
    This switch works by spawning a certain item when one of the same item is destroyed, to set off a chain reaction or some function. First place the object(s) to be destroyed that will activate the switch (note that this MUST be a destructible object, duh), no special settings are necessary on this object. Now place the item(s) you want to spawn when you destroy the first one. Set these object so spawn at start: NO and spawn time: NEVER. Now place the run time min to however many of the switches you want to have to be activated before the resulting chain reaction is set off, usually this will be one. Trip mines work best for this tech because when merged with only the red light sticking out they will not damage players, or they can be hidden to be used as a trap. The number of objects that spawn when the first is destroyed can vary, but it is possible to make mine fields that appear when another mine is destroyed.

    [jumpto=title]— Return to Top —[/jumpto]

    [aname=Proximity Switch][/aname]Proximity Switch
    [l-col]To reduce lag, objects in Reach are considered "at rest" by the physics engine if left untouched after about 5 seconds, and deleting something under them or spawning a mancannon near them will have no effect. Anything moving near the object or touching it will make it active in the physics engine and any nearby mancannons will suddenly effect the object or it will fall if nothing is supporting it. Movable objects near eachother can extend this switch because the signal will travel down the line. The image at left displays the distance from a player at which the switch can be activated by proximity, however shooting the crate would also activaate the switch from range.[/l-col][r-col]

    [jumpto=title]— Return to Top —[/jumpto]

    [aname=Release Switch][/aname]Release Switch
    [l-col]Release switches are ont of the most common switches because they are so simple and versatile. The theory behind a release switch is to use a dynamic object to hold something else back. The dynamic object is one that can either diappear or be moved by a player, the most common being powerups, fixed weapons and equipment, vehicles, and explosives. The object held back is usually a crate, pushed against the switch by gravity or a mancannon, but can also be a vehicle, explosive, or any other movable object. The benefit of weapons, equipment, or custom powerups is that they can only be activated at that exact place which is good for traps, and depending on the gametype can be automated so a player picks up the armor ability, ammo, grenade, or powerup automatically by walking past. Explosives have the benefit of being activate from range and always give the player a choice. Armor abilities have the special property that they will not work for players who already have the armor ability, will work on command for players with a different armor ability, and will work automatically for players with no armor ability. This allows infection and invasion maps to use switches that can be activated only by one team or a single person in the case of alpha zombies.[/l-col][r-col]

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    [aname=Drop Elevator][/aname]Drop Elevator
    [l-col]This elevator tech is based on using a crate to soften the fall of a player dropping down a shaft. It is built with a crate at the top of the shaft resting on a fusion coil. A shielded trip mine embeded in a wall will set off a chain reaction when a player approaches it, detonating the fusion coil holding the crate which will drop to the lower level with the player unharmed. For more information see the original thread by Flo Rida25.[/l-col][r-col]Drop Elevator - YouTube[/r-col]

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    [aname=Opening Door][/aname]Opening Door
    [l-col]This is a door that uses a trip mine switch to be opened by a player and close again after a set amount of time. The trip mine is detonated by a player walking up to it which transmits an explosion to the fusion coils holding up a crate that acts as the door. The explosion lifts the crate enough to be influenced by another mancannon in a hole in the ceiling which holds it up until it despawns. The door will automatically close when the crate respawns in the doorway. Another version of this works by using explosives beneath the crate to let it drop down once detonated. In this case if the explosives do not respawn the crate can stay in the floor and the door will remain open. For mor information on the opening door, see the original thread or download the example by DustinDD[/l-col][r-col]Opening Door - YouTube[/r-col]

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    [aname=Weapon Vendor][/aname]Weapon Vendor
    [l-col]Weapon vendors are based on a simple mechanic of keeping a weapon where players cannor reach it, then with some input moving the weapon to where a player can reach it. Generally weapon vendors use grenades as a sort of money to activate weapon vendors and buy weapons. This type of weapon vendor consists of a box with an opening at the bottom through which the weapon will fall so a player can pick it up, and an optional hole at the top to throw a grenade in. If set up correctly a grenade thrown in the bottom can also activate the weapon vendor, eliminating the need for a top hole. Simpler weapon vendors can consist of only fixed fusion coil supporting one or more weapons out of reach that will drop when shot. Weapon vendors can also work for armor abilities, but grenades will sometimes detonate with the fusion coil or other grenades thrown in. If the fusion coil is set to never respawn, the weapon in the weapon vendor will be available every time it respawns for the rest of the game. Some weapon vendors use a glass front so players know when the weapon has respawned, and what weapons it contains. For more information on weapon vendors see the original post by General LiWar[/l-col][r-col]

    [jumpto=title]— Return to Top —[/jumpto]

    [jumpto=Fake Walls]Fake Walls[/jumpto] | [jumpto=Green Objects]Green Objects[/jumpto] | [jumpto=Invisible Walls]Invisible Walls[/jumpto] | [jumpto=Killball Shield]Killball Shield[/jumpto] | [jumpto=Mirrors]Mirrors[/jumpto] | [jumpto=Smoke]Smoke[/jumpto] | [jumpto=Wallpaper]Wallpaper[/jumpto] | [jumpto=Weapon Stands]Weapon Stands[/jumpto]​

    [aname=Fake Walls][/aname]Fake Walls
    [l-col]To avoid bumps, objective objects including capture plates and flag stands are permeable, meaning players can pass through them, while still blocking most objects. A wall composed entirely of capture plates can be used to block bullets while allowing players through like a shield door but also blocks objects and sight. The ability to block objects but not players makes these structures useful in puzzles, minigames, and switches, in addition to competitive maps. The video at right demonstrates the properties of these fake walls. For more information on fake walls, see the original by Em0srawk.
    [table][td]Do pass through
    Manned Vehicles
    Explosions[/td][td]Do not pass through
    Plasma bolts
    Unmanned vehicles
    [/l-col][r-col]Fake Walls - YouTube[/r-col]

    [jumpto=title]— Return to Top —[/jumpto]

    [aname=Green Objects][/aname]Green Objects
    [l-col]For simplicity purposes, halo uses a static lighting system which means the shading of each object will be based on the light value for its reference point. In most cases this simply creates light and dark discontinuities between objects which is one of the reasons many people choose to build outside of Forge World where the light level is constant. Trees have a special light map that instead of just changing the darkness of objects also tints them green. This works on most structural objects, and by moving the object around in and near a tree, it can have many different shades of green. An example of the contrast between a green tinted bunker and a regular bunker is shown at right. Discovered by Waylander.[/l-col][r-col]

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    [aname=Invisible Walls][/aname]Invisible Walls
    For unknown reasons, when certain objects are placed in specific areas of forge world they will become invisible, and although players and objects can still interact with them, bullets and plasma bolts will pass through. The objects cannot be picked up or edited in forge, and can only be deleted using the delete all option. To delete one of these without deleting all other objects of the same type, give all other objects of the same type a different label before using the delete all option. The most reliable place this glitch can be performed is in the area of alaska directly above the cave with a coliseum wall. It has also been found in the caves on Hemmorhage, in the coliseum, and in the caves on the island, however these were in limited situations where it is difficult if at all possible to replicate the glitch. It is difficult to find areas where this glitch works so post any cases where the glitch has been observed in this thread. including the object, location and orientation in coordinates, and general area of Forge World so the location can be tested and hopefully lead to a better understanding of the glitch. For more information and discussion on invisible walls, see the original post by noklu, another thread by McTats, or another thread by Reign. Discovered and tested by noklu, Jonzorz124, and vesicles.

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    [aname=Killball Shield][/aname]Killball Shield
    When a section of a kill ball is entirely blocked off from the center by either merging the center into a block or walling of a section of the outer area, players can walk into the outer area without taking damage as they would from a normal killball. This is most commonly used for aesthetics, most commonly lava, but can also be used as a barrier. The surface of a kill ball acts similarly to the surface of structural objects by blocking projectiles and explosions but only in one direction. This allows a player inside a shielded killball to shoot out without being shot by other players because the outer layer of the killball acts as a solid surface to bullets, plasma bolts, and grenades. Plasma launcher shots will stick to the outside of the killball like they would any other object. Discovered by Duckyz.

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    [l-col]Creating a mirrored room in a map, and doing so well, is easily one of the most difficult, and expensive, feats in forging. The principle is simple and consists of building a closed room with a grid as the floor then replicating the entire room above the grid below it in a mirror image. While some things including weapons and players cannot be mirrored effectively, the effect remains stunning. Weapons can be placed on top of a piece that is mirrored so the mirrored weapon is not visible and weapons can be fixed so the only unmirrored object is the player. Another serious limitation of mirrored rooms is that only symmetrical pieces can be used. Possibly the most difficult part once the mirror room has been repicated is to replicate the doorways and any parts of the adjacent rooms that would be visible through the grid. The same process can be used to build a room with a mirror on the wall or ceiling; however, a mirror wall will be more noticably fake because players more commonly see the lack of their own reflection. For more information on mirrors, see the original by Vladimir356[/l-col][r-col]Hall of Mirrors - YouTube[/r-col]

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    [l-col]Most destroyed vehicles create a large amount of smoke along with flames on certains parts of their chasis. Destroyed wraiths in particular produce large clouds of smoke in the turret area when destroyed. By placing a vehicle under a thin section of floor with a killball to destroy it at the start of the game and whenever it respawns, smoke and flames can be produced in a special part of a map as an aesthetics piece. Although setting up something of this sort can be costly especially if a grate is used as in the example video, the effect will make any map stand out. For more information of making smoke, see the original thread by Vladimir356.[/l-col][r-col]Fire - YouTube[/r-col]

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    [l-col]Wallpapering is the practice of lining up objects so their patterns match to make a map look clean or more interesting. In the simplest cases this involves bumping one object slightly above another to make it's texture show up. Although this is generally done with two objects already necessary for structural integrity, in some cases new objects are introduced just for their textures such as the tops of 1x1 blocks sometimes seen as stepping stones in open grass to mark a path. Wallpapering with extra objects can sometimes lead to framerate issues or disco due to the extra objects, but can also be used to reduce framerate in special cases by covering up parts of objects that are especially bad for framerate. For more information on wallpapering, see the original thread by Duo Is Pro.[/l-col][r-col]

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    [aname=Weapon Stands][/aname]Weapon Stands
    [l-col]Weapon holders are a great way to accent everything from rocket launchers to simple grenades on a map. These are especially useful when weapons are placed in an unexpected area so new players have no trouble locating weapons. Typically, as in the examples below, weapon holders are built from flag stands or capture plates so players can walk through them and they don't get in the way of gameplay. The images at right displays a cheap and simple weapon holder for a DMR made with a merged camping stool. For more information on weapon stands, see the thread by Gunnergrunt and the thread by Kittenpaste Company.[/l-col][r-col]

    [jumpto=title]— Return to Top —[/jumpto]

    [jumpto=Boats]Boats[/jumpto] | [jumpto=Water Depth]Water Depth[/jumpto] | [jumpto=Extra Toys]Extra Toys[/jumpto] | [jumpto=Forced Weapons and Vehicles]Forced Weapons and Vehicles[/jumpto] | [jumpto=Gauss Proofing]Gauss Proofing[/jumpto] | [jumpto=Merged Explosives]Merged Explosives[/jumpto] | [jumpto=Weaponless Glitch]Weaponless Glitch[/jumpto] | [jumpto=Walking Armor Lock]Walking Armor Lock[/jumpto]​

    [l-col]Kill zones act only on the player in a vehicle, rather than the vehicle itself, allowing vehicles to survive low kill zones that infantry cannot. By creating a low kill zone over a flat, submerged surface infantry will die as they normally would in water, while vehicles drive over freely like boats. All vehicles, surprisingly keep the player at the same height within the vehicle so any vehicle can cross a kill zone .3 coordinates above the surface it is on. This works best with an submerged grid because grids are invisible through the surface of water. The lowest depth waves reach is approximately 2.2 coordinates which can be used for the highest boats, and .3 subtracted from any coordinates in the previous section on water depth is the lowest possible depth for boats. Note that the kill zone is not necessary when using an object at a depth below the one listed in the guide on water depths. For more information on boats, see the original thread by Cazmoldy.[/l-col][r-col]Halo Reach Tutorial: Usable Boats - YouTube[/r-col]

    [jumpto=title]— Return to Top —[/jumpto]

    [aname=Water Depth][/aname]Water Depth
    This is a list of the minimum z-coordinate (height) before people drown. Elites can survive watter 0.1 coordinates deeper than spartans, and vehicles can survive in a kill zone 0.3 coordinates higher than spartans on foot which can make vehicle only areas without teleporters as seen in the next section. Kill zones in the cove and outside of the invisible barriers around Forge World have deeper kill zones at varying depths and should be tested on a case by case basis. Once the baseline is established the difference can just be subtracted from all values. The maximum depth of the grid at 1.7 is the base height since it is the thinnest object. For objects with two numbers, the lower one will be for its top, and the higher one for the lowest point. In most cases while forging it should be obvious which height is correct. Compiled by rolfero.
    [table][td]Building Blocks
    Normal: 1.1
    Flat: 1.5
    Tall: 0.1
    Short 1x1: 1.1
    Short 2x2: 1.3
    Short 3x3: 1.3
    Short 4x4: 1.4[/td][td]Bridges and Platforms
    Bridges: 1.6
    Dishes: 2.0
    Corner 45: 1.4
    Corner 2x2: 1.4
    Corner 4x4: 1.7
    Landing Pad: 1.6
    Platform, Ramped: 1.0/2.6
    Platform, L: 0.6
    Platform, XL: 0.6
    Platform, XXL: -0.4
    Platform, Y: 1.5
    Platform, Y, Large: 1.7/2.1
    Sniper Nest: -0.5/1.6
    Staircase: 0.2/2.5
    Walkway, Large: -4.4[/td][td]Doors, Windows, and Walls
    Window, Double: 1.5
    Wall, Corner: 2.1
    All Walls including curved: 1.5
    Wall, Coliseum: 1.4
    Window, Coliseum: 1.1[/td][td]Buildings
    Bunker, Small: 2.0/1.6
    Bunker, Box: 2.4/0.6
    Bunker, Round: 1.8/0.0
    Bunker, Ramp: 2.1/1.4/-0.4
    Pyramid: 3.4/1.6/0.1
    Tower, 2 Story: 1.3/-0.9/-3.1
    Tower, 3 Story: 2.3/0.3/-2.2
    Tower, Tall: 0.1/-1.4/-2.9/-4.4
    Room, Double: 1.3
    Room, Triple: 2.6[/td][/table]

    [jumpto=title]— Return to Top —[/jumpto]

    [aname=Extra Toys][/aname]Extra Toys
    [l-col]The extra toys exploit takes advantage of a glitch in the programming for grouped objects that can have the physics set to normal. It requires that the objects be able to move so those that still act fixed when set to normal will not work. On Forge World this means it is limited to Barricades, Crates, Explosives, and Toys. The glitch will allow the full maximum count of each object in the group instead of the limit working for all the objects combined. To do this, set the run-time minimum to the maximum possible value for each of the object types. This means there will be one of each object but the run-time minimum will be set to the maximum number. When the one object is moved either by a player or falling if placed floating, it will immediately spawn another until the run-time minimum is satisfied for each object. The video displays this glitch used on Highlands which has a particularly high number of dynamic objects. For more information on Extra Toys, see the original thread by Darth Human.[/l-col][r-col]Extra Toys - YouTube[/r-col]

    [jumpto=title]— Return to Top —[/jumpto]

    [aname=Forced Weapons and Vehicles][/aname]Forced Weapons and Vehicles
    [l-col]To allow gametypes like Elite Slayer, Team Snipers, and SWAT to use the same map variants as other gametypes bungie created a system of setting to force only certain weapons or vehicles to spawn with certain gametypes. In addition to the obvious applications of Covenant or UNSC themed gametypes this allows creation of extra of certain weapons and vehicles when using a special gametype. The image at right displays 48 mongooses spawned by creating every possible vehicle and changing the vehicle settings to "Mongooses" which converts everything except the shade turret into a mongoose. The following tables give the changes caused by each of the different options with X refering to a weapon or vehicle deleted by the setting. For more information on forced weapons and vehicles, see the original thread by Indie Anthias.

    Human Weapons
    Concussion Rifle = Grenade Launcher
    Sword = X
    Fuel Rod Gun = Laser
    Hammer = Shotgun
    Focus Rifle = Sniper
    Needle Rifle = DMR
    Needler = Assault Rifle
    Plasma Launcher = Rockets
    Plasma Pistol = Magnum
    Plasma Repeater = Assault Rifle
    Plasma Rifle = Assault Rifle
    Spiker = Assault Rifle
    Covenant Weapons
    Assault Rifle = Plasma Repeater
    DMR = Needle Rifle
    Grenade Launcher = Concussion Rifle
    Magnum = Plasma Pistol
    Rockets = Plasma Launcher
    Shotgun = Plasma Repeater
    Sniper = Focus Rifle
    Laser = Plasma Launcher
    No Snipers
    Sniper = AR
    Focus Rifle = Plasma Repeater
    No Power
    Grenade Launcher = X
    Rockets = X
    Shotgun = X
    Sniper = X
    Laser = X
    Concussion Rifle = X
    Sword = X
    Fuel Rod Gun = X
    Hammer = X
    Focus Rifle = X
    Plasma Launcher = X
    Assault Rifle = DMR
    Laser = DMR
    Concussion Rifle = Needle Rifle
    Sword = Plasma Pistol
    Hammer = Magnum
    Focus Rifle = Sniper
    Needler = Magnum
    Plasma Launcher = Rockets
    Plasma Repeater = Needle Rifle
    All Weapons = Rockets
    AR = Sword
    DMR = Sword
    Grenade Launcher = Sword
    Magnum = Sword
    Concussion Rifle = Sword
    Needler = Sword
    Needle Rifle = Sword
    Plasma Pistol = Sword
    Plasma Repeater = Sword
    Plasma Rifle = Sword
    Spiker = Sword
    Plasma Launcher = Hammer
    FRG = Hammer
    Focus Rifle = Hammer
    Sniper = Hammer
    Laser = Hammer
    Rockets = Hammer
    Shotgun = Hammer
    AR = DMR
    Grenade Launcher = DMR
    Magnum = DMR
    Rockets = Sniper
    Shotgun = Sniper
    Laser = Sniper
    Concussion Rifle = Needle Rifle
    Needler = Needle Rifle
    Plasma Pistol = Needle Rifle
    Plasma Repeater = Needle Rifle
    Plasma Rifle = Needle Rifle
    Spiker = Needle Rifle
    Sword = Focus Rifle
    FRG = Focus Rifle
    Hammer = Focus Rifle
    Plasma Launcher = Focus Rifle
    Mid Range
    All Human = DMR
    All Covenant = Needle Rifle
    Long Range
    All Human = Sniper
    All Covenant = Focus Rifle
    Human Sniper
    All Weapons = Sniper
    All Weapons = Sword
    All Weapons = Hammer
    Mass Destruction
    AR = Rockets
    DMR = Rockets
    Magnum = Rockets
    Shotgun = Rockets
    Sniper = Laser
    Sword = FRG
    Hammer = FRG
    Focus Rifle = FRG
    Needle Rifle = Plasma Launcher
    Needler = Plasma Launcher
    Plasma Pistol = Plasma Launcher
    Plasma Repeater = Plasma Launcher
    Plasma Rifle = Plasma Launcher
    Grenade Launcher = Grenade Launcher

    Everything = Mongoose
    Shade = Shade
    Mongoose = Warthog
    Ghost = Warthog
    Warthog = Warthog
    Revenant = Warthog
    Wraith = Warthog
    Scorpion = Warthog
    Banshee = Warthog
    Falcon = Warthog
    Light Ground
    Revenant = X
    Wraith = X
    Scorpion = X
    Falcon = X
    Banshee = X
    All Human
    Wraith = Scorpion
    Banshee = X
    Ghost = Mongoose
    Revenant = Warthog
    All Covenant
    Falcon = Banshee
    Scorpion = Wraith
    Mongoose = Ghost
    Warthog = Ghost
    Mongoose = X
    Ghost = X
    Warthog = X
    Banshee = X
    Falcon = X
    Mongoose = X
    Ghost = X
    Warthog = X
    Revenant = X
    Wraith = X
    Scorpion = X
    No Human
    Mongoose = X
    Warthog = X
    Falcon = X
    Scorpion = X
    No Covenant
    Revenant = X
    Ghost = X
    Banshee = X
    Wraith = X
    No Light Ground
    Mongoose = X
    Ghost = X
    Warthog = X
    No Tanks
    Revenant = X
    Scorpion = X
    Wraith = X
    No Aircraft
    Banshee = X
    Falcon = X
    No Vehicles
    All Vehicles = X
    Shade = X
    Machine Gun Turret = X
    Plasma Turret = X

    [jumpto=title]— Return to Top —[/jumpto]

    [aname=Gauss Proofing][/aname]Gauss Proofing
    [l-col]A little known glitch, and the primary reason for the scarcity of gauss hogs on maps is their annoying ability to shoot through many forge objects. This glitch is unique to objects in the structures category in which there are still a few exceptions. Natural objects, Grids, and glass will block gauss shots, although glass on objects and coliseum windows will make no difference. The simplest and often cheapest way to block gauss shots is by merging objects so the shot would need to travel through two surfaces. This is most easily done by placing two of the same object in the same place or slightly offset to avoid z-fighting. With some different types of objects, especially those of different thicknesses, it is possible for the gauss warthog to still shoot through both. Shield doors can also be used to block gauss shots, but are much more expensive. For this reason it is important to extensively test all areas for blocking the gauss shots and work by trial and error to proof a map cheaply and efficiently. When designing a map to support gauss warthogs it is also important, in the interest of budget, to build designs where few walls will need to be proofed. This is expecially important because the large amounts of glass and merged objects on a map can create serious framerate problems, making these maps even more difficult to build. The video at right displays use of the glitch in a map by NexogeN and Spawn of Saltine. For more information on gauss proofing, see the original thread by FlyingshoeILR.[/l-col][r-col]Gauss Proofing - YouTube[/r-col]

    [jumpto=title]— Return to Top —[/jumpto]

    [aname=Merged Explosives][/aname]Merged Explosives
    [l-col]The surfaces of objects, including the ground, act as a one way barriers for explosive damage. Explosives detonating inside an object can damage things outside of the object, but explosions outside are blocked by the surface, sheltering anything inside or on the other side of the object. This allows explosives to be merged into solid objects so they can be detonated only by another explosion in the object but still damage things outside. Since the explosion is carried to a normal radius in the entire area contained in the object, large chain reactions of explosives can be set up in side a wall. Trip mines function normally, detonating when a person steps over them even if completely merged. When linked to a large grid of fusion coils this allows one hidden mine to activate a large explosion. The other common ways to activate merged explosives are either by a fusion coil half merged into the object so it can be detonated normally but carries the explosion inside the object, or by merging a bomb plant point into the object but leaving the territory outside where it can be planted. This allows large chain reactions to be activated from only one point, and expanding the explosive power of bombs in Assault and Invasion. The top portion shows a set of fusion coils that can be detonated semi-safely from one room to kill anyone in the other room. The bottom portion displays a setup of fusion coils and trip mines that will kill anyone in both rooms should someone in either room hit the trip mine. Discovered by Mista Skittles.[/l-col][r-col]

    [jumpto=title]— Return to Top —[/jumpto]

    [aname=Weaponless Glitch][/aname]Weaponless Glitch
    [l-col]The weaponless glitch is accomplished by deleting a weapon while a player is using it and does not have a secondary weapon. Deleting a weapon when the player has a secondary weapon will cause him to switch to that weapon. Players will retain the position of their arms as if still holding the weapon which can give a variety of positions. The easiest way to test deleting a weapon is using the delete all function in forge. During a game this can be accomplished by either despawning the weapon in invasion, or using haloball to despawn the weapon mid game. Combined with weapon lowering this can put spartans in relatively natural looking positions for machinima. To lower your weapon, hold the switch grenande button, reload button, push in on the right thumb stick and down on the D-Pad for 2 seconds. It will change depending on your controler settings. The image at right shows a player with a sword deleted and weapon lowered. For more information on the weaponless glitch, see the original thread by Em0srawk[/l-col][r-col]

    [jumpto=title]— Return to Top —[/jumpto]

    [aname=Walking Armor Lock][/aname]Walking Armor Lock
    [l-col]Like the weaponless glitch, caused by deleting a weapon while in use, the Armor Lock glitch is caused by deleting the Armor Lock armor ability while it is being used—the player must be in armor lock when it is deleted. When the armor ability is deleted, the player is forced out of armor lock but keeps the shielding, making him invincible and able to act normally as a player. Players in this state also retain the effect of causing vehicle to bounce off instead of pushing the player around. Deleting the armor ability can be achieved the same way as the weaponless glitch, by using a gated object in invasion, using the delete all option in forge, or using Haloball. The video at right displays the use of walking armor lock in the Armor Walkers gametype.[/l-col][r-col]Armor Walkers - YouTube[/r-col]

    [jumpto=title]— Return to Top —[/jumpto]

    [jumpto=Endnote]Endnote[/jumpto] | [jumpto=Submission Template]Submission Template[/jumpto] | [jumpto=Update History]Update History[/jumpto] | [jumpto=Credits]Credits[/jumpto] | Original Thread

    Thanks to all the people who have contributed to this thread and the general knowledge of Forge Hub, and especially Rolfero for all the work he put into the original thread. If you have your own tips and tricks or any other contributions to this, feel free to post them here. I speak on behalf of many people here when I ask that you give credit for some of the more notable discoveries that people have put great effort into. Before you thank me for this, keep in mind that the Forge Hub journalists do this every day.

    [jumpto=title]— Return to Top —[/jumpto]

    [aname=Submission Template][/aname]Submission Template
    [l-col]Recently I've been really busy and don't have time to update this as often as I or other people would like. The biggest problem is that I have to test and write up every new thing to add. If you would like to expedite the addition of something to this thread, just copy relevant information into the following template and either post in this thread or sent to It makes my life easier and will help keep this thread up to date on all glitches. Remember to keep it short, mature, and professional (see Tedium's Formal Writing Guidelines) to minimize my editing and bring it into the thread faster. Try to follow the format as closely as possible.[/l-col][r-col]
    [center][size=1][jumpto=title]— Return to Top —[/jumpto][/size][/center][hr][/hr]
    By [url=htt://<YOUR NAME>.html]<YOUR NAME>[/url][/l-col][r-col]<IMAGE or VIDEO>[/r-col][/noparse][/noparse]

    [jumpto=title]— Return to Top —[/jumpto]

    [aname=Update History]Update History[/aname]
    [table][td]2011.01.20 – Original Post
    2011.01.22 – Added Drop Elevator and Opening Door
    2011.01.29 – Added Antigravity and Wallpaper
    2011.03.04 – Added Forced Weapons and Vehicles
    2011.03.15 – Major formatting update with column formatting
    2011.03.24 – Added Extra Toys and Sports Scoring System
    2011.04.01 – Removed Sports Scoring System due to downloadable gametype
    2011.11.16 – Removed One Life Infection due to downloadable gametype
    2011.12.14 – Added Gauss Proofing
    2011.12.25 – Christmas Update[/td][/table]

    [jumpto=title]— Return to Top —[/jumpto]

    [table][td]Darth Human – Extra Toys concept and video, Walking Armor Lock Video
    Decadence Night – Stacking Mancannons concept and video
    Duckyz – Killball Shield concept
    Duo Is Pro – Wallpaper concept and images
    DustinDD – Opening Door concept and video
    Em0srawk – Fake Walls concept and video, Weaponless Glitch concept
    Flo Rida25 – Drop Elevator concept and video
    FlyingshoeILR – Gauss Proofing concept
    General LiWar – Weapon Vendor concept and images
    Gunnergrunt – Weapon Stands concepts and images
    Indie Anthias – Forced Weapons and Vehicles compilation and image
    iTs_NeXn – Jump Pad concept
    Jonzorz124 – Invisible Walls concept
    Kittenpaste Company – Weapon Stands concepts and images
    Marinealver – Closing Drop Pod concept and video
    Mista Skittles – Merged Explosives concept
    NexogeN – Gauss Proofing video
    noklu – Invisible Walls concept
    Rifte – Simple Drop Pod concept and video, Jump pad video, Ladders video
    Rolfero – Original Thread, Water Depth compilation, Proximity Switch concept and image
    SirPalesAlot – Speed Gates concept
    Sqorck – Ladders concept
    Teh Map – Ladders concept
    Vesicles – Invisible Walls concept
    Vladimir356 – Mirrors concept and video, Smoke concept and video
    Waylander – Green Objects concept and images[/td][/table]

    [jumpto=title]— Return to Top —[/jumpto]

    #1 pyro, Jan 20, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2012
  2. seredhras

    seredhras Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    wow, nice job formatting and compiling this
  3. Kittenpaste Company

    Kittenpaste Company Forerunner
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Much thanks for fixing this up. It was bugging me that my quoted section wasn't displaying images in the other thread.
  4. Spitfire288

    Spitfire288 Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Very nice compilation, thanks very much
  5. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    I know there are alot of things that have been posted in this forum that I need to add, and not all of which I can remember or find; therefore I send you all out on a mission to find every switch, tech, glitch, etc. in existence and post them in this thread.
    DO IT NOW!
    #5 pyro, Jan 22, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2011
  6. CjayS42

    CjayS42 Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Thank you for making this, it's very much appreciated.
  7. TCD

    TCD Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Woah too much!!!

    Maybe use the spoiler thing to make it so a post doesnt take up an entire page???

    This compilation however is nice and will be in better shape as it is updated by an active user.
  8. seredhras

    seredhras Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    just click "endnote" at the beginning and it links you to the endnote
  9. Patsteirer

    Patsteirer Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    why hasn't this been stickied?
  10. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
  11. Patsteirer

    Patsteirer Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Yeah, but this is something that is truly useful.

    To think that the "Forge The Studio" Thing is still stickied, and it hasn't been posted in since January 1st! And it's not like anyone cares about it either.

    And the "Forgemates, are you looking for someone...with" Thread hasnt been active in a week either. I mean, a guide like this should not disappear.
  12. soupoo

    soupoo Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    I liked the numbered list of the old thread because i could easily check back to see if something new had been added, could you do something like that?
  13. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    I'll post here announcing any updates. There are some people who know who they are, who I'm waiting on to get some tutorials back online for me to add. I went with this system because it's easier for people to find things with the categories and Index, and the jumps allow people to link it as a reference.
    #13 pyro, Feb 9, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2011
  14. Patsteirer

    Patsteirer Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Bump so this doesn't disappear again.

    Also, I don't know if these are true forge tricks or not, but they are a couple of glitches that I've found, and haven't seen posted. In forgeworld, if you die as a human, when you switch to oracle after respawning, you won't have any sort of...well... this ->

    However, when you die as an oracle, you do have that, and when you zoom in, there is a further element on your screen.
  15. gamerslap

    gamerslap Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    does outside tempest work to the side to go underwater? I have done that is forgeworld
  16. seredhras

    seredhras Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    who unstuck this? it is an excellent source of kniwledge for people who want to implement interactive features in their map or who are building puzzle maps
  17. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Did you even look at what's in the stickied threads before posting?
  18. FFM

    FFM Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Hey members, I actually have a submission, I know how to make transport Hogs and Falcons, it also works with Wraiths and Revenants, also Scorpion Tanks, but they just don't have the same effect, The transport hog and falcon would be great for Machinima, anyway, I will tell you how to do it now, I have no screenshots, sorry, but if you want to you could test this and post some screenshots of your own, anyway heres the method.

    First, you spawn a Kill ball, and place it where you want it to be. Then, due to the fact that objects cannot be destroyed while the monitor is holding it, you simply put the vehicle into the Kill ball and it disables all Turrets on the vehicle. thanks guys, it felt nice to suggest something.
  19. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    There's actually a way to set this up in forge to spawn turretless vehicles in a custom game instead of just doing it in forge. I'm bugging the guy who did it to get the video back up on youtube so I can post it here. It involves having the tank fall on a mine directly under the turret and surprisingly the tank still has quite high health.
  20. FFM

    FFM Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Yes but does it only work with the tank?

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