stay back until the sword elite comes out, he'll come after jorge, while that's happening assassinate him. then pepper the concussion rifle elite with a plasma pistol until his shields burst, then finish him. They wont come after you like the sword one. With 2 or more people (then there will be 2 concussion rifle elites), you can either do that, or have your teammates and jorge distract the concussion rifle elites then sneak behind and assassinate them.
The ELITES. Homer's not here, and im repeating the last part with the elites for the 300th time. Srsly, 3 hours now. With paulie, 3 elites.
dont go too close to the final room or the doors to that hallway behind you will shut. that's where you need to retreat to when the sword guy runs at you when you sneak behind the concussion rifle elites, go around the long way and get behind those rising and falling block thingies against the wall. if you pepper them with plasma pistols (as in, not charge them), do it from up on those pipes.
or you can run past george so that the sword guy wails on him while you take potshots the entire time, which is what I do for the legendary challenges that pop up. still havent done the weekly though.
Bare in mind that the comment below was no thought of in the best of conditions. The writer has had a long day in which he may have re-injured his foot by actively using and reversing in healing of what is believed to be a stress fracture. So keep that in mind as you read the following: Sarge, I've tried to play nice with you, I've got mad at you, and I've even tried to just ignore you. I understand that I'm somewhat of a bizar individual, and that it is fun to make fun of me, but at a certain point it all becomes to much. You may believe that I brought this on myself, so go ahead and do so. But Sarge could you sort of push off? It gets rather trying at times. Spoiler What was actually going through my head:
lol this coming from the kid obsessed with bringing me into every conversation he's had over the past 3 years. when that's all good and done for 6 months, and you aren't relentlessly vying for attention by becoming a parody of yourself, I'll lay off. til then, **** you too.
well yeah that's basically what you do, when you go back in that hallway jorge and the elite start dueling like you're invisible
There are several things I find wrong with this, first of I'm not a kid. Yes I may be a year younger then you, but I don't think that really matters. Also do I really drag you into conversations? I mean yes we have are fights now and again, I don't actively try to do that do I?
I searched for your name and didn't find too many posts related to you, although I will admit I have posted more related to you then most other users.