Emollitus Powerplant

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by DeStarfighter, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. DeStarfighter

    DeStarfighter Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This is the third and last Map of the Emollitus Serie ( for now )

    Emollitus Powerplant - is a BTB map set up for its typical gametypes as CTF and stockpile. . .

    Emollitus Powerplant - This building was the energy source to run the city of Emollitus Defence system
    During an invasion of an unknown race the plant was shut down never to be used again

    weapon list:

    2 DMR:s
    2 Plasma Rifles
    2 Plasma Pistols
    2 Sniper Rifles
    2 Focus Rifles
    2 Concussion Rifles
    2 Needlers
    1 Rocket Launcher
    1 Plasma Launcher
    2 Plasma Turrets

    Vehicle list:

    2 wraiths
    4 Revenants

    anyway, I hope you enjoy this map as well as its siblings: Emollitus and Tower of Emollitus.

    ( I want to test this map more properly so anyone who wants to try this BTB map but cant get enough ppl for it. add me, GT: DeStarfighter and we'll have some good test runs)
























    A BIG thanks to Crypto nv for helping me do the finishing touches on the map! you are great man ;P
    #1 DeStarfighter, Jan 26, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2011
  2. Natetendo83

    Natetendo83 Forerunner

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    Looks awesome. I'd be interesting in helping you test this more if you need it. The only thing I worry about is the water. Not that it's bad or anything, I just don't know if it's necessary. But either way I love the layout and I wouldn't be surprised if I barely notice the water after a while.
  3. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Wow! This looks really good! I like the pipes and how they are dressed, nice walkways on the sides. Got some nice pictures too.
    I wouldn't like to get cought in the water though, but it is a nice touch to the map! Also I can't see many weapons around. A weapons & vehical list would help in description. Nice forging, dl.
    #3 timmypanic, Jan 26, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2011
  4. DeStarfighter

    DeStarfighter Forerunner
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    sure, I will probably try to get a game going tomorrow. So if youre online I'll send you an invite :)

    thanks ^^ well the main rason why I'm using water in this is map is to make it fit in the Emollitus Serie I've been making. but a good sideeffect of the water is that it prevents the vehicles to get to powerfull, when you use the cannon with the wraiths or Revenants it seems that the blast is less powerfull in the water.

    and as I said to Blody fetus I'm going to try to set up a test run tomorrow and you are welcome to join in :)

    thanks man ^^ happy you liked it because your maps is awesome! make me feel like the maps I make is awesome to. . . lol.
    I fixed a weapon and a vehicle list now. gues the picture didnt show them to well. probably because the pictures is taken in a game and most of the weapons been picked up :p

    and the same as for the other to, you are welvome to join in for a testrun tomorrow if you want to.

    thanks guys for the comments!

    // DeStarfighter
    #4 DeStarfighter, Jan 26, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2011
  5. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    The vehicle area looks a little cramped...I'm not sure how this performed in play tests but it would seem like getting into the wraith is a very short lived thing with the limited space to move around in.

    Aesthetically it looks very cool. Also for future reference you might want to include extra action shots in spoiler tags, it isn't fun scrolling half way down the page everytime.
  6. DeStarfighter

    DeStarfighter Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I agree that the wraiths may be a little clumsy but I like them :p In the playtests they worked pretty good tough but I get what you mean. The Revenants in the other hand moves around the map extremely smooth.

    About the picture and making spoiler tags I have to read in a little about those. I'm still kind of new at forgehub :)

    thanks for the comment.

    // DeStarfighter
  7. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Cool man Thank you! It is nice to know you know my work :D.
    Yeah the map is awesome, better now that I know what weapons and vehicals are on the map. Thanks for adding to the description.
  8. anime halo

    anime halo Forerunner
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    Very impressive aesthetics on the map which oddly includes the fxs and the killballs which you some how made them work on this map...the tall structures look very nice and the water seems to play into the map very nicely...however from the way the map is built I think there might be some spawn killing on the map...
  9. firedrone8

    firedrone8 Forerunner

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    very nice map. but other than the pillars, there isnt much to the map......
    for the bases, try to make the base be on the other side of the wall, and not a pre made building peice. the bases are kinda sad. and really the only thing other than the bases are the towers and the middle hill ( and the small walkways).

    Try to make large tunnels( with maybe computers checking the power levels, or backup generatore in the tunnel) around the place, going through the outside of the map. make more areas so this map isnt so lacking...
    but I like what you have here, very nice
    #9 firedrone8, Jan 26, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2011
  10. DeStarfighter

    DeStarfighter Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    thanks :) I really like these fx:s and how they make the water look.

    well the spawning have not been a problem yet. I still need some more testing tough. but I think I can manage to place the spawns so I avoid spawn killing :)

    Edited by merge:

    I know, I would make more Areas if I could but but I dont have the budget or the parts to do it.
    and the same thing with the bases, I didnt have the parts I needed or the budget to build them "properly" from scratch. still I think they go pretty well with the map and it have been pretty good during playtests even tough the lack of diferent areas or more tunnels and paths.
    I had to compromise alot of ideas like backup generators or computers. but thats what we all have to deal with when we are using forge :p

    thanks for the comment.

    // DeStarfighter
    #10 DeStarfighter, Jan 26, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2011
  11. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    How does this stand up to the framerate and normal lag problems of Reach? Every map I've played that involved water central to the map lagged terribly.

    As for the survival of wraiths, their shots explode when they hit the surface of the water. Combining this with the copious pillars, the wraiths should be almost indestructible. Even without these benefits, wraiths are surprisingly effective in confined spaces.

    The only things here I have a gripe with are the depth of water which messes with just plain shooting enemies, the wraith spawns which make them like sitting ducks until they get out, and the difficulty for wraiths to cross the middle.
  12. DeStarfighter

    DeStarfighter Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    the framerate has been much better on this map than other maps I played and done so thats something im very pleased with.
    the wraiths are surtenly not indestructible on this map. and their shots actually gets weaker in the water + the range of the exploision gets smaller. and the middle part is not that hard to cross. unless theres traffic coming from the other direction, in that case you have to shoot your way thru. :p

    I think the mix of water and regular walkways gives the map a cooler dynamic. because its not the same everywhere :)
    sure in the water theres harder to shoot each other but that can both be an advantage or disadvantage.
  13. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    :O I didn't get mentioned... HATE!!!

    Jokes, this map is awesome. I had a forge through with DeStarFighter yesterday and I was impressed. It was quite original, especially the idea of having a wraith and revenants in an enclosed map. I don't how it plays as getting 16 people together is difficult, but I imagine it could actually be quite fun.
    Also did you add in those glass covers which I showed you?

    Great work, great forging, great series. Looking forward to seeing what's next!

    p.s: Get a mic :p
  14. DeStarfighter

    DeStarfighter Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    you should look at the bottom at the post ;P allways thank ppl involved at the very end ^^. . . sorry I forgot :p
    getting 16 ppl is not easy but today Im going to try and get as many ppl as possible for a game.
    I loved the glass cover Idea, but I have to do some changes to afford them. This time instead of using the glass covers I made 8 of those pillars you came up with, Those were brilliant

    thanks man ^^
  15. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
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    This map makes really good use of the palette of blocks and other objects to bring a theme alive. Just looking at the pics, the use of the prefab triple room is the first I have seen where they look like they belong there. I downloaded and will try it out later. This looks like a keeper. I will update later after I have played on it.


    I forged through it last night. I did not see any spawn zones. The spawn points were few, which made me wonder if the right conditions existed if a player could spawn outside the play area. If enough points were obstructed, and enough players needing to spawn, it might be possible. I am not certain if there are spawn points in the water where I did not see them, though.

    The wraith seemed out of place, breaking the cohesion of the theme, to me at least.

    The frame rate was really bad with just two players on one screen.

    I like it, but I don't know if it is playable. Will try it later this weekend.
    #15 MrGreenWithAGun, Jan 27, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2011
  16. DeStarfighter

    DeStarfighter Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thanks man ^^ I'm very pleased with the bases two so its a relief that someone likes them.

    Thanks for the comment.

    and please update after you tested it.
  17. Crummy

    Crummy Forerunner

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    As allways a new original, skillfully made, mindblowing map by DeStarfighter!
    This map is freaking awesome, and just like the other guy said, I'll never seen the pre made tripple room fit so well into a map before. . . that goes for the kill ball and the Fx:s to.

    the gameplay on this map is also extremely smooth. works perfectly with the gametypes its set up with ^^ altough u have to change the hillzone for the original KIng of the hill gametype. the last hill u place should be the main hill of the map.

    other then that. Good job! I love it, I love you. . . lol

    keep it up
  18. DeStarfighter

    DeStarfighter Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    thanks man. makes it worth forging ^^

    and about the hill. I was just on it. . . noticed it when I played yesterday.

    thanks for the comment.

    Edited by merge:

    I didnt see the update erlier.

    well the Fx:s make the spawnzones in forgemode almost impossible to see. there is spawnpoints all over the map :) and I'm doing some updates and there will be even more spawnzones.

    I know that the wraiths might be a little off here but I still like them ^^ and in the update of this map I've made a one way shield to them so you have to spawn in the "garage" to get acces to them.

    and about the framerate and stuff. I think it have worked pretty well when I played with two, even three on the same xbox.
    but what causes bad framerate and what can you do about it if its a problem?

    is it something that depends on the host or is it an individual problem due to the players internet connection?

    thanks for the comment. :)
    #18 DeStarfighter, Jan 29, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2011
  19. Vault Tec

    Vault Tec Ancient
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    Just a minor concern, I'm sure you've tested whether or not you can crouch in the water and not die already, but I was wondering if you've tested objectives in the water? Headhunter skulls, flags, bombs and such will disappear if they fall past a certain shallow depth I've discovered. I see that your map only supports Stockpile and CTF, may want to test a dropped flag in the water as it looks too deep.
  20. DeStarfighter

    DeStarfighter Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    that was actually a relly good observation. I set it up so that you will be far higher then minimum depth while crouching in the water but I didnt give the flags or odbbals that much thought.

    I will test it shortly and update the map if it doesnt work probably.

    thank you! also I'm doing an update right now where I'm setting the map up for headhunter and assault :)

    actually I remember now that during a playtest I dropped the flag in the water and it didnt reset so that means that its not a problem ^^ Havent tested odbbal yet but I guess its the same for that. so you dont have to worry

    thanks anyway
    #20 DeStarfighter, Jan 29, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2011

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