sniping tips?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Lf jvjason, Jan 25, 2011.

  1. Lf jvjason

    Lf jvjason Forerunner

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    does anyone have there own personal sniping tips to help improve overall game play with the sniper?
  2. Lolmeister

    Lolmeister Forerunner

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    You need to find a good spot first but you probably know that. NEVER stay in the same position for 2 long as someone will eventually find you and they will hunt u down. Also try to learn to snipe without zooming in as you are an easy target to assasinations when zoomed in. Thats all I've got. Hope it helps
  3. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Ancient

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    if your look movement is high, turn it down a tad. don't stay in scope all the time, you can pull out even for a second or two to check your radar. I usually don't shoot unless i'm sure i can get them (meaning they can't get to cover if i miss the headshot and have to 2 shot them).

    having a friend covering your ass helps a lot. Good practice is solo legendary on nightfall, that first area with all the elites/jackals/grunts. practice headshotting
    #3 IH8YourGamerTag, Jan 25, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2011
  4. Hogframe

    Hogframe Ancient
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    Aim for their head.

    Just kidding. If it's a map with one Sniper on it (i.e. Reflection, The Cage, etc.) try and coordinate a rush with at least one other teammate to nab it. The enemy really never sends more than one or two people for the Sniper, so you should be able to take them out fairly easily. If you're still fighting over the Sniper, do not grab it. Even if you think you can run away, or if you think your sniping skills are l33t b3astly. Idiots who use a weapon outside of its intended range, when they have a weapon better suited for that range, tend to die a lot. They also tend to complain about those deaths, but that's besides the point.
    #4 Hogframe, Jan 25, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2011
  5. Patsteirer

    Patsteirer Forerunner

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    It's really important to trust your gut. It seems kinda corny, but sometimes we worry too much about the shot, instead of just taking it. If we don't make it, oh well. Instead of viewing it with a game by game basis, view your experience as a whole. Sure, you lost pretty bad in your first sniping match, or you missed a few shots, but if you keep playing, you will eventually become much more proficient. Another thing is, and it does seem corny, because it's what they tell you when you take a real shot, but take a deep breath and let out about 1/3 of it. It will definitely help you focus. Most importantly, to become good at sniping, snipe often. play BTB snipers alot.
  6. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    If it's worth using, it's worth abusing. Go into big team where almost every game is on the gulch then take the sniper rifle and a jetpack and go find one of the ledges to camp on. Bungie did a terrible job with the safe/kill zones on the gulch so you should have no problem finding some places out of range of everything but the DMR. I'd say the best thing is to just practice in a situation where the other people aren't about to shoot you which is easy if you use the above method. Also shoot the enemy vehicles, a full health scorpion goes down in 6-8 shots and a banshee in four (idiotic I know on bungie's part).
  7. vesicles

    vesicles Forerunner

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    Play more Snipers. It's the super obvious decision, play the Sniper playlists/firefights, get the practise and watch the other players firsthand. Trying to take these tips into games where you may or may not have a sniper rifle %30 of the time is no comparison to full game practise. Go do this and then take into consideration all the tips from the pro's above, you'll have yer hog's tooth soon.
    Aim for the head. That's funny right there.
  8. Erupt

    Erupt Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I always do. :) And I never miss. lol

    That depends on whether their sniping IS "l33t b3astly" or not.

    Anyways, I don't think playing snipers helps. You have learn how to fend for yourself, with a sniper, while under fire from DMRs, ARs, Shotguns, and even Rockets. I play FFA quite a bit which improves your no-scoping/quick-scoping skills, ultimately improving your sniping skills overall. Scoped and not scoped.

    Unless of course, you are one of those people who have serious problems with the sniper (not trying to be mean) then I'd follow what the people above are saying.

    Anyways, once you get confident that you are up there with the good players, play MLG. Then you'll be DMR'd like CRAZY, and it's really quite the test to see if you can pull of those kind of clutch shots. Then once you can, your good.

    *Disclaimer: I play on different TVs and if I'm on an HDTV, I suck. On normal definition, however, it's a different story :)
    #8 Erupt, Jan 25, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2011
  9. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I agree with this tbh. Snipers is useful for getting you comfortable with aiming, but honestly I often find I snipe worse in Snipers than other playlists. You play in a different way from just using a Sniper in standard games, not just because of the fact that your opponents all have Snipers too and so your movement/strategy is more restrained, but also you're playing with infinite ammo as opposed to having to make your shots count.

    I'm not saying it isn't good practice, it totally is, but don't be surprised if you find yourself becoming a little more comfortable in Snipers and still not using the actual gun that well in regular playlists. As Haris pointed out, Sniper control is a whole different story, something that the playlist can't teach you. I'd recommend mixing Snipers with healthy amounts of FFA to get comfortable with using it under pressure, against other weapons, having limited ammo, and having to control it. FFA is good for this because people rarely go for Sniper in it, especially in objective games, and if you're smart you can hang back and take things somewhat at your own pace. You should also mix in some Team Slayer where possible to help you become more familiar with the role of a Sniper within a team setup in regular gametypes, when to push, how to work around other team mates/their pushes, good positioning on maps etc.

    MLG should probably be your last port of call, not least because Sniper tends to be crucial in many games and you'll find yourself more pressured when using it than any other playlists, not only making it harder to get effective practice but also potentially hurting your own team. Once you feel more confident in your shot and strategic approach to using it, get in to MLG (with a team of friends if possible) and see how you do.
  10. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Pretty much;

    Team snipers will improve your ability to hit long range and running targets, basicly people not shooting at you.

    FFA will teach you how to be calm under pressure, basicly just through experience. You'll gradually get more comfortable in tense environments after you start to accept that you've been through it a hundred times before.

    Team Slayer will finally make you a better team player with a sniper. You should try to learn who you should be shooting at, and become efficient with your team mates by putting the right shots on certain people, targeting people with 60-70% health (you could tell my spark colour) for a one-hit kill, or going for the full shield players often.

    You need all three to be badass.
  11. schleb

    schleb Ancient
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    well as far as no scoping can always try the old H3 "cheap" way and do a sweep snipe!

    itll give you better odds of hitting the person...and for some reason in H3 it tracks your head better when no scope and scoped sweep sniping.

    they defiantly cleaned up the accuracy level/rate in HR a bit, but it does still work. if your shields are low and you freaking out about getting that last shot in! but i dont recommend constantly SS'n because its kind of a dirty snipe technique. And if you ever try making a youtube montage and all you do is SS....i pretty sure people will laugh at you

    but i guess a true tip would be - take your time - that extra half of second you actually take to calm your self, make a decision, and pull the trigger. usually will result in a more accurate placement of your shot! i can tell when im bout to get a head shot before i even pull the trigger cause i swear to you its like the movie "Wanted". everything feels in slow motion and i can make a clear logical decision of where point A) his head, and point B) my snipe bullet will meet for the first, and last time....well until next time i smoke his dome as well.
  12. RoboArtist

    RoboArtist Forerunner
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    Stay calm

    When sniping, remember to remain calm and focused. If your gonna play snipers, it's best earlier in the day. Partly because you've just got on and your in a good mood, and also you're less tense and stressed. When stressed or angered, you tend to take alot of random crackshots and panic and call other members on your team words that escaped the fiery pits of hell. If you can stay calm the rest of the day, then that's fine.

    Plus... If you accidentally reload when in combat and have a couple bullets left, hurry up and switch weapons 2 times as quick as possible so you can shoot without still reloading.
    That's also useful for getting the double kill if you find another enemy when you start to reload
    #12 RoboArtist, Jan 25, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2011
  13. Lf jvjason

    Lf jvjason Forerunner

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    I appreciate all the tips i will take them into consideration... I'm not a bad sniper at all i just wanted to see what the community had to say because i am trying to improve my sniping game as it is the weakest part of me.
  14. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Ok, based on the little bits I saw in your montage thread I have a couple more things to say:

    I don't think you should worry too much about your accuracy. You seem to have a decent shot for at least one of the key ranges for competitive play, which equates to about midrange sniping on Asylum/Sanc. I didn't see too much longer range sniping, and by that I mean something like cross map on Asylum, where a cool head and finetuned thumb come in to play more (honestly this is a big weakness of mine as well, my main strength is what you showed off in your 'tage, ie. the medium range stuff where there's plenty of aim assist to help us out ;P), so I'd be interested to see some full gameplay where you try this some more. In this sense the Snipers playlist may actually be a better option than I'd previously thought since it focuses a lot on longer ranged shots where taking your time and lining up well is key.

    On the subject of general accuracy and making quick, tight shots etc., I'm not saying it's something you should stop trying to work on. Obviously you can always get better in this regard, but it's something that comes with comfort, confidence and lots of practice. In terms of specific areas to actively work on and address, I'd say that your basic mid range quick shots are decent.

    On that note, out of the advice shown above and based on the small amount of gameplay I've seen from you (again, more and full games would be very helpful, ones where you feel you were weak as well as ones where you played well), I think the point about taking your time to line up shots is something you should take note of most. That's not to say that you didn't, but again coming back to the long range point, it's key here and if you're trying to make yourself an all around better sniper then it's a very important thing to work on, I know I'm constantly trying to address this point since I often revert to mid-range habits and take a quick shot, missing when I could have taken a little extra time and hit it.
    #14 Pegasi, Jan 26, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2011
  15. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    My advice, aim for the head.

    Or, aim small miss small.
  16. Lf jvjason

    Lf jvjason Forerunner

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    i appreciate you looking at my tage thank you and thank you for the tips like i said im not that bad of a sniper i just want to improve more and yes my weakness leans more to distance but its not terrible
  17. Dart3rocks

    Dart3rocks Forerunner
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    another great sniping tip CAMP I know it's noobish; but on maps like hemorrhage it is the best strategy. for instance the best places on hemorrhage to do this are...

    There are 2 spots to the right of blue base facing away from beach; one high one low.
    There is another to the left of base as well.

    The 'rock' climb area; leaves you very exposed and the rocks next to the cliffside do this as well; but are still good;

    THE CAVE IS A DEATHTRAP!<---for anyone who wants to try camping here i don't recommend it, tho the little spot on the side of the cave is good because most people will watch the cave then when you see them shoot; oh look there he is boom headshot.

    there are a few tress to the sides of red base; the rocks are always better.
    There are also the sides of cliffside rocks; but if there is someone on beach rocks they will almost always see you.

    The last one three are ones where you need to watch front side and back....the circle rocks next to blue base, "The" Rocks next to teleporter(blue), and the entrance to red cave.

    There are much more areas on other maps that map is just the one I know how to camp well with team snipers.
  18. Kilr0n

    Kilr0n Ancient
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    I would say if you think of having a chance of hitting them go for it. You know what people say "you can't win the lottery if you don't buy a ticket." Especially know in Reach sniping seems easier.

    Another kind of weird on is shooting at vehicles. I don't know if its just me but it seems like snipers do a retarded amount of damage to vehicles so you might me able to blow up a smoking warthog.

    And some people might disagree with me on this, but when playing team snipers never jump when your in a firefight. You can't really move when your in the air and it lets the other person line up a headshot.
  19. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    Not just you, snipers are highly effective even against heavy vehicles in Reach. If you don't mind wasting a few rounds you can take down almost any vehicle. If you prefer to be more selective, wait until it gets chewed up by other means and then usually one or two shots will finish it off.

    By the way, the reason behind that (if you need a logical one) is that the sniper is a HUGE gun. Those rounds would punch right through a vehicle and tear it up good.

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