Weird Spawning: Simple Solution?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by same3chords, Jan 21, 2011.

  1. same3chords

    same3chords Ancient
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    Kinda new to Forging, just bought the game a couple weeks back and have been seeing what kinds of maps I can make. I've put down a few ideas in Forge World, but I can never get the spawns to work correctly, meaning that I can never properly playtest my maps with other players. I'll lay down some Initial Spawn points as well as some Respawn Points, but when I commit suicide to see where I'll respawn I'll end up respawning off in some random corner of the map. I've tried laying down negative spawn influencers on top of the points that I seem to respawn at, but that doesn't seem to work.

    Am I missing something?
  2. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    Spawn areas do nothing in forge. Also you spawning else where on the map seems highly unlikely if you've placed down respawn points (unless they are covered by something).
  3. same3chords

    same3chords Ancient
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    I'm bumping this thread, I hope that's not looked down upon. I tried putting down a 'safe zone' around the area of Forge World that I want people spawning, but now when I die I just repeatedly respawn, die, respawn, die. Do I need to put down 'spawn areas' as well as 'spawn points' or something? People initially spawn in the correct locations so I know I'm doing something right, but as soon as they get killed they never respawn where I want them.
  4. Pablodius

    Pablodius Forerunner

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    Any chance you could upload the map in question to your fileshare? I could try and take a look.

    From experience, there shouldn't be anything special you need to do in order to specify respawn points, especially when you're just messing around in Forge Mode. As Crypto said, place a respawn point somewhere and ensure it isn't blocked by anything and that should work just fine.

    Respawn zones and not required in order to make this work, and neither are kill zones or safe zones, as these are totally different tools.

    Hope that helps dude - try firing up a blank Forge World map, putting down one Respawn Point, blowing yourself up and see what happens.
  5. same3chords

    same3chords Ancient
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    okay, it's in my fileshare. My Xbox Live name is Frazooz, and the map is called "Holograms vs. Sniper"
  6. Pablodius

    Pablodius Forerunner

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    Downloaded, will take a look later on!

    Edited by merge:

    Hey Farzooz - I took a look at the map. The reason you aren't REspawning where you want to is because you haven't placed any respawn points on the map. You have a bunch of initial spawns, but these only control where players start the game.

    As Crypto said in an earlier reply, respawn zones do not have any effect within Forge itself; they only come into play once you play your map in a Custom Game.

    Respawn points can be found in the same menu as the initial spawns; you can tell if there are any placed on the map by looking at the number of them that you have left. If it says 250, there aren't any placed on the map!

    I've re-uploaded your map to my fileshare (GT = Pablodius) with a respawn point placed if you want to take a look.

    Hope that helps.
    #6 Pablodius, Jan 24, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2011
  7. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
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    Initial spawn points are where you spawn the first time in a round.

    Respawn points are where you respawn after you die in a round.

    If you have no respawn points, or if they are obstructed, or have an incompatible team assignment where you cannot use them, then you will randomly spawn else where on Forge World.

    Safe zones are not necessary unless you want to limit the playing area. I suggest you remove them until you fix your respawn problem.

    Respawn zones influence which respawn points you will use for respawning.

    For more information on points and zones, see my blog articles at:

    Spawn Points

    Respawn Zones

    The one on zones is being rewritten, but it will help you understand when and how to use them.

    edit: oops, i see the problem was found already...
    #7 MrGreenWithAGun, Jan 24, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2011
  8. seredhras

    seredhras Forerunner

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    you could also look at the Halo Reach Spawn Theories thread (no link Im on my ipod), Stevo has an alternative spawning method
  9. same3chords

    same3chords Ancient
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    Cool, adding respawn points worked. Thanks a lot!
  10. Hogframe

    Hogframe Ancient
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    You do realise a Safe Zone is just an inverse Kill Zone, right?

    Anyone not in the Safe Zone will die.
  11. DavidJCobb

    DavidJCobb Forerunner
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    Few things that should be noted:

    1. Initial Spawn Points aren't where you first spawn. They're where you spawn at the start of the round. A player joining mid-game will spawn for the first time at a Respawn Point, since they joined after the start of the round.
    2. Spawn Points require "extra" space above them. If there's 0.7 units of empty space above a Point, you can stand on it; however, the game won't spawn you there unless there's more space. (Is this done to accommodate Elites?)
  12. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
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    Actually, I am correct. I am sitting in front of my XBOX observing how I spawned the first time in a round in progress at a location that only has initial spawn points.

    I am curious, however. Where did you get your information?
  13. DavidJCobb

    DavidJCobb Forerunner
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    From countless occasions where I joined mid-game on Infection maps and ended up in the Zombie spawns as a Human. Only explanation I could think of is that the mapmaker made the (reasonable but incorrect) assumption that Humans didn't need Respawn Points (since they are infected upon death), and hence only gave them Initials.

    EDIT: These were always mid-round, but not directly at the end of the round, so no, it wasn't an Invasion-style end-of-the-round spawning bug. :p
  14. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
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    Interesting. Did you forge the map to conclude that there were initial spawn points for humans? Can you tell me what map you are talking about?

    If there were no initial spawn points, then you would use respawn points based upon weights from the game play itself. That is, if the zombies were over by the human spawn area, there would be reason to expect to spawn away in another area of the map. Usually infection games would allow anyone to spawn anywhere, as the game play flows all over the map.

    And humans do need respawn points, because they can be betrayed, and suicide is game type setting specific as to whether they turn into zombies or remain human.

    Interestingly, the game I was observing in my last post was an infection game.
    #14 MrGreenWithAGun, Jan 27, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2011
  15. DavidJCobb

    DavidJCobb Forerunner
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    I never did bother to open the map up in Forge, alas. It was one of those get-to-a-destination games, though -- possibly involving a boat at the end, if I recall correctly. Humans could take multiple sword hits but had no health regen. Map used the Purple filter.

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