Ok so Mattkestrel and myself are working on a super-duper-mega-awesome-cool map (which we may do a preview of soon, who knows?) and the map is intended for all gametypes except for Race. This means it is an Invasion map, as well as a Team Slayer, One-flag, ETC. map. My question is how do you get the weapons from regular gamemodes to not show up in Invasion. Bungie did this on all of their invasion maps. There is no option in the Invasion gametype to change this (that I saw, at least). Invasion specific weapons are set to Inv_weapon and do not show up in other gamemodes, but how do I make the map's regular weapon set not appear in Invasion?
I think you're going to have to place all of the weapons for each game mode, making sure to set Gametype Specific to True for every weapon. Tedious, but if there's a better way to do this, someone here ought to know.
The only two options I know of are TitanC005's ^ and make 2 maps, one invasion, one not. Also, add race. .. .....
Well... ****. Thanks guys. And the map isn't well suited for Race, there is only one vehicle, and only in Invasion. I think I might have to post a preview tomorrow. I've got my fingers crossed that there's still a better way to do this.
You dont set vehicles in race, you spawn with them, so all you need is the checkpoints and the race only spawn points
Make the gametype label "none" if you don't want it to spawn in invasion. You might need gametype specific true too.
I realize that, but like I said, the map is not well-suited for race. I'm not sure that works, they already are set to "none"'. And gametype specific would be a pain in the ass because Id have to do it for every gametype except for invasion.
What he meant was set it to Gametype Specific for the gametype "None". Not the other method that was posted.
Aha! I have discovered the secret. Set the weapons that you don't want to appear in Invasion to Inv_Weapon anyway, but don't set them to gametype only. Than, set their spawn sequence to 4. This tells the game to spawn them in phase 4 of Invasion, which doesn't exist. They will still spawn in all other modes however.
Psychoduck, you are a genius in disguise. Also, the super duper map he was talking about has a preview thread further down the page. Go comment on it!
This might not be right, but I've done it before so I'm sure it works somehow. Link if you don't believe me.