
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Lf jvjason, Jan 24, 2011.

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  1. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    I don't think you understand what constraints are.
    They're very different from restraints. It just means what kind of map you want to build and if you want to specify where.

    Also thanks nemi but I don't think he's going to understand however we say it.
  2. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Pyro, don't attack his map please.

    But yes, your post itself was lacking.

    It's not simply a matter of how your map post looks (but yes, yours could be better. For some guidance, you could look at how more popular maps are posted and follow suit.). You need to network to make your map a success. I'll give an example. My friend was working on his map for a really long time. What he did was constantly show off his map to other forgers (you'd be surprised at how willing people will be to check out your map and give you help). He also held dozens of test sessions. Not just to find the flaws in the map, but also in order to build hype for it - without having to post a map preview (you can still do that though). The end result was that the map not only looked spectacular, but he already had a wide range of people who had already seen the map, knew what it looked like and how it played, and suggested it to other people.

    That's what you call popularizing. It's not as evil as it sounds.
  3. Lf jvjason

    Lf jvjason Forerunner

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    no what yall need to understand is there is bumping going on within the site like i stated originally. and you cant complain because more than likely your the ones participating..and you still wont understand no matter how much emphasis i put on it
  4. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    The last time I made a map was in 2009. I don't think you have to worry about me.
  5. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    Yeah I totally agree. Staff is crazy corrupt. They only care about their maps and it's SUPER unfair.

    Stop your retarded bickering and actually take the time to look at a lot of the maps featured back in Halo 3 and even some of the early features in Reach. They are by new members.

    PRO TIP: Making threads regarding things like this while being completely biased makes you come off as an arrogant prick. You want your maps to be noticed more? Contribute to the community instead of filling it with useless spam like this.

    If that wasn't enough to get through the obviously thick skull of yours, then send a mod/admin a PM about this topic and you'll get a very similar answer.
  6. Lf jvjason

    Lf jvjason Forerunner

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    well by your standards of popularizing i have done all that but with randoms who came from my recent played with list and i play tested it several times with the 3 objectives i have on the map and i got oustanding results i spent nearly 3 weeks on this map going back and forth making sure the spawns were in the original places minor details such as that....now this is the problem i have come with that i am complaining about....advertising....thats what this site is for....get my point? yet no feedback nor views=no popularity am i right??
  7. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    NIBS, cool your jets. Stoking the flames isn't going to help anyone. We need to come to a mutual understanding with all parties. Otherwise, we're all just going to end out leaving, fuming, and thinking that we're right and the other person is wrong.

    I'm not saying that I think he's right, of course, but I'm saying that he has legitimate reasons for feeling that way.
  8. Lf jvjason

    Lf jvjason Forerunner

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    you hit that on the money i am arrogant but i dont know about the prick part
  9. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
    Senior Member

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    last time i checked, there are WAY more of us grey members than higher ranking members.

    can we close this thread now?
  10. Lf jvjason

    Lf jvjason Forerunner

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    you bring this up....do you not see that majority of the higher ranking members are the ones who give good feedback and the grey members dont really give much to take into consideration....so now everyone has to rely back on the higher ranking members...as it seems...
  11. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Generally the bumping is among members newer to the site who are friends off forgehub. The moderators have had to loosen up on spam because of all the new members who don't really understand it. The once a conversation starts among older members trying to work on a map it mitt stay on the front page a while, but what's wrong with people trying to improve their forging.

    Sorry to hate on foundry nemihara. I just wanted to stress that forge is for us to make our own maps, not copy old ones, and I never really thought foundry lived up to the standard of many of bungie's other maps.
  12. RPAL

    RPAL Ancient
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    Bumping shouldn't be an issue. If someone is bumping their own map, obviously they cannot double post to bump it again. That would cause the thread to be locked. If the map is decent or below, it will die because nobody would care to respond after the bump.

    If I purposely wait a few days to respond to comments in order to keep the thread up top, that should be fair game. It will eventually die off and I would leave it there. This goes back to your popularity thing. Obviously if the map creator is well known, their map should be damn good anyway. The only time I would ever say popularity is a big deal is when a popular forum member likes a map and recommends it to people. The point being that the high member's post encourages other people to comment on the map. That seems a bit unfair, but its just how it works.

    Overall, if the map is good, it shouldn't really matter.
    #32 RPAL, Jan 24, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2011
  13. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Yeah, that might be a problem. Random people aren't going to be nearly as effective in making your map known as bringing in people from FH. Just ask. Seriously, we're all cool here. GT: Nemihara, next time we're both on, we can check out anything your'e working on. It's not like we're some elite stooping in our ivory towers, looking down on the plebeians that roam FH. We're all people here.

    Do you think that the popular mapmakers don't do the same things that you do? Of course they spend weeks and months working on their maps, and of course they make sure that every minor detail is in place. The key difference is the advertising. As you can see, that means the difference from having a handful of downloads to being recognized for your work. Just play ball with this system. It's not immoral or anything, and it's really the only way you can get ahead in any forge community. Claiming that popularizing your map is evil (and abstaining from it) is about as effective as being a stoner hippie and expecting change.
  14. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    The internet is not a meritocracy.

    Learn some basic marketing techniques and don't be too timid to send out friend requests, and you'll have all the same benefits of popularity and praise before too long. Assuming you built a quality product that is, and that is a rather large assumption.
  15. Lf jvjason

    Lf jvjason Forerunner

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    that seems a little hypocritical Pyro as you were one to probably download a remake of pit at some point in time during your reach game....maybe not just the pit but another remake your not making a valid statement
  16. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    You wanna know why veterans give feedback to other veterans? It's because people who are active in the community should get attention from other members. Why should we waste our time on someone that comes here just to post maps? We have thousands of 1 hit wonders joining and posting a map a day.

    Halo 3 made it easier for us because not everyone knew the tricks to forging great looking maps, so we'd often go a few days before maps were posted.. Reach's Forge 2.0 dumbed everything down. All you need to do is watch the Reach map section for a day and you'll see how many new threads there are each and every day. I am not going to go through all of them and give feedback on every map there is out there.

    Aesthetics are not just about "pretty" maps. It's also seeing that people took the time to merge pieces together to make walking and running as smooth as possible. It's seeing people take the time to place pieces with care and not just slap maps together. In Halo 3, if you placed two blocks next to each other, you were guaranteed to hop or lose grenades in cracks if the pieces were not merged together.

    It's not always just about popularity, it's also about receiving back what you put into a community. Someone that posts frequently will probably have his name recognized by more people and thus most likely receive more views, downloads, and feedback. As the saying goes, God helps those who help themselves.

    Most new members make the common mistake of just slapping together a map and posting it immediately. Yay! There's there one post and that's it. Instead, they should create the map... then perhaps posts a preview of the map. Then take it to the Tester's Guild. And finally post the map. By doing that, you're getting time to do numerous things...
    1.) You're showing that you're taking time to perfect your map.
    2.) You're getting your name out there in the forum.
    3.) You're getting your map noticed by veteran members by having veterans test your map from the Tester's Guild.

    All you're doing by making this thread is acting like the spoiled kid who's parents don't pay enough attention to him. Why don't you just wave your arms, jump up and down, and start crying now, because that's basically what you're doing.

    If people like your map, they'll download it. If you don't have many downloads, then most everyone is telling you your map sucks, isn't interesting, or isn't original at all.
  17. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    I haven't downloaded any remakes, but if I did it would not be the eighth picture perfect remake when seven others were already just as good. You're not the first one to remake foundry so you can't expect downloads like it's a new map.
  18. Lf jvjason

    Lf jvjason Forerunner

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    i will add you nemi tommorrow maybe we can discuss this then and i can show you that i am holding up to my word in making quality maps

    i wouldnt try so hard if i didnt know i was good and i could be better
  19. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
    Senior Member

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    well i see FH is promoting the right people...

    A lot of higher ranking members are good friends, they support each other. Make friends: get support. It's not a hard concept. If you've been friends with somebody for years, they'll give their time to what you do. Get your own review group together, organize something, i dont know what you expect the site to do about the natural working of things.
    #39 CHUCK, Jan 24, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2011
  20. Lf jvjason

    Lf jvjason Forerunner

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    i have looked at the remakes on here and there terrible.....so therefore i can say mine is the best ....i looked at the others before i posted my own and it was a pitiful job by them but it doesnt seem to matter how many remakes there are for pit it still comes up with top views generally....and the number is irrelevent at the moment
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