I don't mean his/her face, i mean the armor. We all know the default armor is just default and that you're noble 6. But, what armor would he have? He's a pilot, so i'm guessing the pilot or air assault helmet. He was a lone wolf so he would have had tactical tacpad for communications. Any other toughts?
Uhm, whatever you choose for him? Noble six is the call-tag for the guy chosen to replace the old member of noble team... aka YOU!
He's asking what would Noble 6 look like, based on his backstory, not your Spartan model. He wouldn't have tacpad for communications, I'd think. You said it yourself, he's a lone wolf. Why would he need to communicate?
He'd probably have the GPS. FJ/Para knee guards seem like a standard for Noble (with the exception of Kat and Jorge). I think he'd have the same helmet. The Mark V seems like it's already customized for him. Otherwise he'd just have the standard Mark V.
I think its supposed to be all default, steel color. evidence is the first trailer for reach when six rides up in a transport warthog, we first see emile, etc. he's wearing all default armor, steel
-.-" He wouldn't have tacpad for communications, I'd think. You said it yourself, he's a lone wolf. Why would he need to communicate?[/QUOTE] To recieve his orders and communicate with command ofcourse! still think a pilot helmet or air assault would be better since he is the pilot of the sabre project before he was on Noble, probably with para knees and chest piece.
Sixes armor is whatever armor you are currently wearing, because Noble Six is you. Duh. Its called player involvement. The only armors I think cant be Noble Six are Emiles EVA Helmet, I find it unlikely for two people to scratch identical skulls on thier visors independently, the Haunted Helmet variant, for obvious reasons, and any Armor Effect, also for obvious reasons. Everything else is pretty much fair game
Believe it or not, I've been studying this issue for quite some time now. I've always tried to picture what Bungie's rendition of a silent, lethal main protagonist would be. As a result, I've come to expect a white, blue-haired character with some facial hair, who's skin would likely appear bleached as a result of staying in the Mk.5 Moginer suit for such a long time (mind you, Noble 6 has spent a lot more time fighting off Covenent than the rest of Noble Team). I doubt that Bungie would stray too far from their worded descriptions of the General Chief, simply because of their almost subconcious level of respect for that character (or rather, the essence of that character, along with the fame it has brought Bungie over the years). Now, by combining that knowledge with what I've been able to gleam from Bungie's BWUs since the days of Halo 3 (yeah, I've gone through about three years of BWUs for this), along with their podcasts, tweets and the odd telepathic message, I've been able to deduce a modestly accurate picture of Noble 6. Now, the following might not be exactly what Noble 6 looks like, but it's really as close as you can get with absolutely no hard evidence on his appearance. Don't worry about the male. Seriously, don't make me explain all the obvious reasons it can't be a woman. Well, the finished product of this intensive study and search for Noble Six's true face has led me to one final source. What you are about to see is the most accurate known picture of what Noble Six most likely looks like. Again, this is not certain. With Bungie making constant goof-ups since the begining of Reach (Banning people simply because their sun AFK'd while they were at work, not showing us the Legendary Ending, etc.) they could very well get the wrong impression about their character and end up choosing a profile that isn't the correct one I found. Noble Six's face.
i lold hard. but i think he would have that grass hood thing jun has and spare armor holders like jun. i think he would look alot like jun but with a pilot head beacuse hes a pilot and a hunter like guy
u do relieze he is YOU, he actually isnt a pilot hence the "i didn't train to be a pilot" acheivement and also he is a lone wolf and since hornets haven't been invented yet he needs some buddies to gun on his falcon, so yah, but then again he drove the saber and some falcons have guns... im pretty sure he isn't a pilot tho
Have you ever played a halo game in your life? Kat literally says that he was the pilot in the sabre project before he joined with noble team. And the "i didnt train to be a pilot" achievement is a reference to ODST game where dutch says it after flying a warthog off a cliff. Just like all the achievements were references.
Uhh, Reach takes place literally hours away from the start of Halo CE, and about a few weeks before Halo 3, from what I know
Actually it's a little under a month before Halo CE. Three weeks give or take a few days. Love the PaSwG avatar by the way. Edit: Also, even though he did participate in a few test flights and training for orbital defense crafts like the Sabers, I don't think his skill-set is modeled around only a pilot's. Carter and Colonel Holland also comment on Noble Six's tendency to go "lone-wolf". I don't think many pilots find themselves going lone-wolf like Noble Six apparently does. They also comment on how he's a skilled assassin; probably the reason for the black armor.